
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Things that Make My Life as a Reader/Blogger Easier

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Things that Make Your Life as a Reader/Blogger Easier.


    1) Kindle - My goodness where would I be without my kindles? I love phyiscal books, but it's just so stinkin' easy to take all of my ebooks with me in one device. AWESOME!
    2) Kindle App on my phone - And what's better than that is if I've left my kindle at home I can always just bust out the cell phone.
    3) Kindle cover with book light - I've got a kindle fire that I usually use to read if it's dark, but I also have this handy book cover that has a book light attached to it for my regular kindle. This is the one I have. (not an affiliate link)


    4) Google Calendar - Keeps me organized.
    5) Blogger Planning Kit from Clean Mama's printable shop at Etsy (not an affiliate link) - Also keeps me organized.
    6) Highlighting/notes making feature on Kindle - I don't know how I used to write reviews without taking notes.
    7) Planning ahead/scheduling - I'm currently scheduled until mid-November, with the exception of a couple of October dates that I'm holding for something specific. It takes so much pressure off of me to be scheduled ahead of time.
    8) Book Depository's Free International Shipping - Makes hosting international giveaways so easy. However, my latest giveaways have actually been coming out of some birthday giftcards to Amazon and thus have not been international.
    9) Other bloggers who do a tips and tricks post periodically - This is a huge help to me. I wish I knew enough to do these kinds of posts, but I just don't feel like I do.


    10) Goodreads - Anyone who reads ever should have a Goodreads account.
    11) Audiobooks - There's a lot of debate for and against audiobooks. They have their cons for sure, but they definitely help me keep up with my reading goals since I can multitask with listening to audiobooks.

What are the top things that make your reading/blogging life easier? Let me know!


  1. GOODREADS! I don't know how I'd live without it! And yes, anything to do with my Nook has changed my reading habits tenfold :)

  2. I really enjoyed reading your list. The Blogger Planning Kit looks like it would be really helpful especially as it is physical. I may have to invest in one.

  3. I've tried audiobooks and I have failed both times. It was so easy to finish these books as I listened to them while running/biking, cleaning, cooking, and any other time I didn't have to really pay attention, but I couldn't get into the stories. I'd blow it off as a fluke with the books, but they were both highly rated, so I don't know. Maybe I'm just not meant to love audiobooks.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    ​~​​Andrea @ ​Beauty but a Funny Girl

  4. Candice @ The Grown-Up YAAugust 20, 2013 at 9:05 AM

    Look at you getting all scheduled way in advance! That's one of my favorite parts of blogging. I love sitting with my calendar and scheduling things! Audiobooks are a wonderful asset with reading goals and blogging... they're great for car trips, housework, laundry, relaxing in the tub... :)

  5. Top things that make reviewing easier: Contact info easy to find for the author (which means they need a website or they answer their emails over on GR). Good books are the easiest to review...just sayin'!!!

  6. So many tips for making blogging easier. Your scheduling is great, thanks for sharing the book light and blogger kit links. But most important to me is the blogging community, Goodreads and my kindle. Thanks.

  7. I love that Blogger's Kit- definitely looks helpful!
    I also love tips and tricks posts- I've learnt so much from other bloggers :)
    Great list!

  8. I've never seen that Blogger's Kit before, but it looks really cool!! Also I'm super jealous at how far ahead you are on your blog! I don't think I could ever get to that point! I think I need a weekend of solid blogging and speed reading!

    My TTT

  9. I have never listened to an audiobook yet. I saw them on Book Depository but they're very expensive! I totally agree on most of these. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  10. Goodreads is the best! I also like the highlighting feature on e-readers! Great list.

    My TTT:

  11. I only started listening to audiobooks this year. I too find them a great way to multitask. They are also great for long car trips and there have been a lot of those too this year.


    LisaILJ @
    I’ll Tumble for YA

  12. Sarah @ Girl!ReporterAugust 20, 2013 at 2:20 PM

    Lots of people are saying Google Calendar. I use it for work, and it's invaluable, so maybe I should bring it into my blogging life?

    Here's my TTT.

  13. Nice list - I forgot about a calendar for all that scheduling!

  14. I have been wanting to try audiobooks. I would only do that through the library as it seems super spendy. I just don't know if I would pay attention as well. Also, I love that you are scheduled so far ahead! I only schedule a month in advance, whew!

    Sunrise Avenue

  15. Great list! I never thought of adding my Kindle to my list, how silly of me! I've seen a lot of people have mentioned using Google Calender, but I've never used it before. It's a cool idea, but I don't know whether it'd work for me because i'm useless with those types of things. :P I totally agree with Audiobooks, it's great to be able to listen to them and do something else, I usually do a Jigsaw whilst listening to books I like to re-read! :D
    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my TTT post. ^.^

    Happy Reading! :D
    Tiffa @ The British Book Nerd

  16. Tell me about it. I'd be totally blind without Goodreads. I agree...e-readers are AWESOME! Such nifty devices! Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Oh yes, I've enjoyed it. I like using Google Calendar because I do tend to plan ahead way ahead of time and that means that sometimes I have to rearrange my posts according to release date. The physical kit is great, but I end up scratching stuff out a lot. :) It's all good though. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Audiobooks are definitely not for everyone and 9 times out of 10 the narrator makes or breaks it for me. It might be that audiobooks just aren't for you, but it might have been the narrators as well. Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Haha...thanks. Most of that is because I'm trying to do something specific soon so that's required a lot of planning. I initially got ahead on accident and have loved staying ahead so much that I've tried my best to keep it up. Definitely love adding new tasks and events to my calendar with all of my scheduling. :) And I completely agree, audiobooks for car trips are great! That's how I've forced Husband to listen to Twilight, Vampire Academy, and Harry Potter. Thanks for stopping by!

  20. I've enjoyed the kit for sure! I've definitely learned so much for the bloggers that do those kinds of posts. So helpful. Thanks for stopping by!

  21. Ah, yes...publishers contact information as well. Geez that can be hard to find sometimes. Definitely agree that good books are the easiest to review. Thanks for stopping by!

  22. Yes, this was a great topic because I got a lot of good tips from everyone! I completely agree about the community! Thanks for stopping by!

  23. I follow a lot of home organization bloggers too and that's where I found the kit. I've really enjoyed it (along with a lot of her other kits). I totally got ahead on accident, but I'm loving being scheduled ahead. Who would complain about a weekend of solid blogging and speed reading? Unfortunately that won't be this weekend or next for me. Maybe you'll get one soon. Thanks for stopping by!

  24. You can get access to free audiobooks via LibriVox (app or website), OverDrive Media Console (if you have a sign on from your local library). And occasionally iTunes will have free audiobooks. They're definitely expensive if you just buy them outright. Thanks for stopping by!

  25. Goodreads definitely is! I don't know where I'd be without it! Thanks for stopping by!

  26. Yes, I love the multitasking I'm able to do with audiobooks. Definitely great for long car trips. I've made Husband listen to Twilight, Vampire Academy, and Harry Potter via audio on car trips. Thanks for stopping by!

  27. Oh yeah. And the thing is, you can link your work calendar with your personal calendar using Google Calendar. I color coordinate to make it easy for me to see which item is for which calendar. It's great! Thanks for stopping by!

  28. Oh yes, I'd be lost without my calendar! Thanks for stopping by!

  29. You can get free audiobooks from LibriVox (app and website), OverDrive Media Console if you have a sign on from your local library (assuming your local library participates in this). Sync Audiobooks (website) does free audio downloads during the summer (this past week was the last week this summer though). They're out there. It's definitely helpful if you can pay attention and multitask. I have found that if I'm multitasking it needs to be something mindless so I can focus on the book. As for scheduling so far ahead...that was an accident and then I realized how much more relaxing it was doing it that way! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  30. Oh I forgot plenty of tools too (Bloglovin, NetGalley...)! I highly recommend giving Google Calendar a try. I was scared of it at first too, but it's pretty easy to use. Puzzle and audiobook...that's a great combo! Thanks for stopping by!

  31. Oh Book Depository, the book blogging world secret! I just love it! =)
