
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Review

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, # 7)

By: JK Rowling

Expected Publication: July 2007 by Arthur A. Levine Books

759 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Magic

Source: Personal Library

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

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Goodreads description--Harry Potter is leaving Privet Drive for the last time. But as he climbs into the sidecar of Hagrid’s motorbike and they take to the skies, he knows Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters will not be far behind.

The protective charm that has kept him safe until now is broken. But the Dark Lord is breathing fear into everything he loves. And he knows he can’t keep hiding.

To stop Voldemort, Harry knows he must find the remaining Horcruxes and destroy them. He will have to face his enemy in one final battle.

So yes, as you can tell, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows has received the coveted 5 star rating (coveted by...? I don’t know). This book is packed with information and one thing happening after the other from cover to cover. The second half was the most enjoyable for me because it was the only part of this entire series that I’ve not seen in movie version before hand and I really think that makes a world of difference. Seeing the movies first gave me enough information to remember the big twists and turns but left me without the crucial information to fully understand and appreciate the big twists. I’m glad I finally went through the actual books, but I have to say, finishing this series, as is the way when I finish most series, has left me feeling lost. I don't know what to do with my life. :) Also, in case this helps you, I’ve added the paperback books and the audiobooks to my Amazon Wish List.

JK Rowling does an excellent job keeping the reader in suspense. Even when you think you know what’s going to happen, or in some cases what you think has already happened, and even a specific character’s motivation, she keeps you unsure that what you’ve predicted is really as it appears. This is good. You all know I have a hang up when it comes to books being predictable. It just bugs me to the point of wanting the book to do the exact opposite of what I predict despite how crazy it might be just to catch me off guard. However, even when my predictions were true in this book, I was still happy they were true because she brought them about in such an artful way that it really could have gone one way or the other.

I really like the whole conclusion of the story and I feel quite sure that I need to go through all the books again because I’m sure there is crucial information that I might have missed out on the first time—typical for me when reading such complex series. She does tie it all together quite nicely bringing in things that have been building and building for several books now to where it all makes sense and it all fits together in such harmony. It’s quite like a symphony.

I enjoyed the character development throughout the whole series. Though, I would have liked to have seen Jenny more in this book, I suppose I understand. Oh and I think I might have mentioned this in the review of the last book, but Snape is quite possibly one of my favorite fictional characters. He’s very complex and I just love the development of his character throughout the series. I felt one way while watching the movies. Changed my opinion when reading the books. Then got to a certain part in book 6 where I felt at peace and then immediately changed my opinion. And then was unsure until the very end of this book, though I still leaned more toward one way than the other. This is exactly what I’m talking about with how you can predict something but still be unsure and even if you’re right or wrong, whatever the conclusion, you’re okay with the way she handled it all. Brilliant.

Very good read and a well deserved 5 Star rating. Looking forward to seeing Part 2 of the Deathly Hallows when it comes out in July.

Oh and I actually laughed out loud in one part, which is a much added bonus and another reason why this book deserves the 5 star rating. I don’t usually do that so anytime a book can make me laugh out loud and make a fool out of myself to others around me, gold star.

Updated: July 7, 2018

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