
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Top 10 Non-Book Related Sites/Blogs

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is: Top 10 Sites/Blogs that Aren't Book Related.

I honestly don't spend a ton of time on the internet. If there's anything I'm interested in, I usually sign up to receive updates via email and check those throughout the day as they come in, but here's my list. As always, the sites are in no particular order...

1) Chasing a Lion - This site was started by my brother. His goals for starting the site are to: 1. Promote the full gospel of Jesus online and through the exploding channel of social media. 2. Stimulate people’s thinking by examining many of our beliefs, traditions, attitudes and behaviors against what Scripture says, with a goal of increasing our individual Bible study. 3. Create an online, organized Spiritual Library of content, compiled from a community of trusted contributors. I've written an article for this site called Prayer, the Perfect Communication and I also post my reviews of spiritual books on this site along with my normal posting on Amazon and Goodreads.

2) The Handmade Home - Ashley and her husband are friends of a friend of mine. My husband and I purchased a dresser refinished by Ashley and we love it! I believe it's probably featured on her site at some point, but that's beside the point. Our mutual friend, Kay, has also done some features on her site. Kay's Kitchen: YumYum Rolls and Kay's Kitchen: Sweet Potato Dumplings.

3) Hyperbole and a Half - I dont think there have been any new posts on this blog this year, but it was still an awesome find for me. In particular, The Four Levels of Social Entrapment was hilarious.

4) A Wordy Woman - A good site to help me spend time thinking about whether or not I'm the woman I'm meant to be.

5) Raising Homemakers - I'm honestly not 100% how I stumbled across this blog. I think it came from my sister-in-law somehow, but I truthfully can't remember how. Either way, I'm not a mom yet, but this blog has given me some ideas about motherhood and if nothing else given me some things to think about.

6) Merriam-Webster: Word of the Day - I hope this link works. This isn't so much a blog or a site, but I subscribe to the word of the day emails in an attempt to expand my vocubulary. Plenty of times the words are ones I already know, but I've found that I still enjoy getting these and educating myself as much as possible.

7) Team Beachbody - Because another passion of mine is working out, and the Team Beachbody website helps keep me accountable and motivated.

8) Twitter - Enough said on this one I suppose.

9) Facebook - I don't have a Facebook page created for my blog yet. I do have intentions to do that, but I'm not quite ready for that yet. One step at a time.

10) Pinterest - Again, enough said on this one too.

What do you guys think? What are your top 10 non-book related site?


  1. Really interesting collection of links - all of them are new to me, and The Handmade Home looks like one that I need to subscribe to being in the middle of some DIY rennovations.

    1. Thanks for checking them out! I'm sure Ashley at The Handmade Home would be thrilled that you checked out her page. And thanks for your comment!
