
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Top 10 Most Vivid World Settings

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Most Vivid World Settings.

I truly feel like these 10 series are so obvious in the reasons why they qualify for this Top 10, so reasons necessary.

1.) Vampire Academy & Bloodlines- Richelle Mead - Because I love these series and they have the same world setting.

2.) A Song of Fire & Ice - George R. R. Martin - Yeah, castles, kings, wars, dragons, wolves, prophets...this series has it all. It's one of the best world settings I've read.

3.) The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien - Um yeah...more castles, kings, wars, but add in elves, hobbits, hiddeous ugly creatures, and shiny jewelry.

4.) The Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis - Though I've not read this series, even an idiot can see that C. S. Lewis has created an extraordinary world.

5.) The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins - I just feel like these need no explaination. The poverty of District 12, the games, the desperation of Katniss and Peeta.

6.) Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling - Again, completely obvious. This series has captivated millions, and there's no wondering why.

7.) Mortal Instruments & Infernal Devices - Cassandra Clare - Again, two series with the same world settings. The Infernal Devices has the added bonus of being set in a time period that I love.

8.) Divergent - Veronica Roth - Again, no need to elaborate.

9.) Graceling series - Kristin Cashore - Again with castles, war, Graces, mind readers. (Specifically Fire.)

10.) Partials - Dan Wells - Apocalyptic, but with partial robots (hence the title).

So that's my Top 10 Most Vivid Worlds. Honorable mentions are: Quarantine: The Loners, Forest of Hands and Teeth series, Scorpio Races, and The Glimpse. What are your Top 10 Most Vivid Worlds? Let me know!


  1. LotR, Narnia, HP, and Fire made my list as well! I love that you added Vampire Academy, Divergent, Partials, TMI, and Game of Thrones though - they're some of my favorites as well! :D

    Ivy Book Bindings

  2. Wasn't Game of Thrones one of those incredibly interesting settings? A place in which I would never ever want to live!

    Here's my Top Ten Most Vivid Settings in Books.I'd love for you to stop by and see what you think!

    1. Yeah, I was looking ahead to week or two in the future's Top 10 Tuesday topic, the one about what character you might want to be for a day, and I wanted to pick a character from A Song of Fire & Ice, but these poor characters have it so rough, I couldn't really think of wanting to be any of them.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. HP has to make almost everyone's list! Thanks for stoppping by!

  4. I really need to read the Game of Thrones series. I want to read the series before I watch the show. Great top ten this week! I absolutely love your blog name by the way. :)

    1. You should definitely check it out! And definitely before you try to watch the show! Maybe read a book then watch a season. Then read the next book and watch the next season or something.

      Thanks for stopping by and for your comment!

    2. That's exactly what I'm thinking about doing! :)
      I own the second book, I just have to buy the others!

      No problem. :)

  5. The world of Divergent is so well done, so I can only imagine how great Insurgent must be. And I LOVED Graceling and I'm reading Fire now- the monsters, the politics, the castles- it's all very vivid indeed!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Around the World Giveaway

    1. Fire was my favorite in the series. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  6. Hi Sandy! Thanks for checking out my TTT. I'm glad to see Partials on your list. A lot of my students have read that one, so I'm going to have to check it out and see what I think.

    I'm a new follower...your blog is so pretty to look at! : )

    1. It is Donnelly a good one, you should check it out. Thanks so much for the comment and for following.

  7. Heehee our lists do look the same! I need to read Vampire Academy and the Graceling series very soon!

    Thanks for stoppin by! Have a good rest of your week!

    1. Yes...both of those are must read series. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  8. I need to read the Game of Thrones books!

  9. Thanks for stopping by & checking out my list! And for the follow! I love the worlds created in HP & HG! I still need to read Partials & the infernal devices, though! I will soon! :)

    1. Definitely add Partials and Infernal Devices to your TBR list! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
