
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Top 10 Tuesday - Most Intimidating Books

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books For People Who Liked X Book. But as I said two weeks ago, I'm not so good at these types of comparisons. So I chose: Top Ten Most Intimidating Books.

1) War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy - Yeah. Enough said.

2) The Conte of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas - Because before I read any of the Song of Fire and Ice series this was one of the biggest books I've ever thought about reading. 1116ish pages (depending on which publication you get).

3) A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin - Although I'm not quite intimidated by this as I might once have been since I'm actually close to reading this one, it's still massive, coming in at 1276 pages.

4) The Art of War by Sun Tzu - Again with enough said.

5) Fifty Shades of Gray by EL James - Yeah, so this book is EVERYWHERE, but not one that's actually on my TBR list.

6) Les miserables by Victor Hugo - I'm not really sure why. It's not particularly long or anything.

7) Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes - One I've wanted to read since the days of Wishbone.

8) Cyrano De Bergerac by Edmond Rostand - Another one that I've heard referenced probably a million times and haven't read personally.

9) The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri - Another enough said.

10) Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis - Because I tried to read these once and didn't get very far.

So that's my Top 10 Most Intimidating Books. What are your top 10 most intimidating books? Or...what 10 books would you recommend for someone who likes book X? Let me know! And I promise I'll try not to cheat next week, or the week after, or the week after that.


  1. Haha great list! I completely agree with Chronicles of Narnia too! I have only read the first two.

    Happy Tuesday.

    1. Thanks for commenting! I bought them for an ex-boyfriend for his birthday and started reading one of them...The Magician's Nephew I believe, but I didn't get very far. :( Thanks again for stopping by!

  2. I love this idea. I find 50 Shades of Grey intimidating too. I attempted War and Peace once... I got through about a third and called it quits. One of the few books I haven't finished. I loved Les Mis and Chronicles of Narnia, though... Give them another chance some time, if you so choose... I found them worth it!

    1. I haven't attempted Les Mis, but I plan to try at some point. And I'll try to give Chronicles of Narnia another shot sometime. Have to do it as the urge hits me. That may be a Christmas time read. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. The Lord of the Rings is my most intimidating book. I love, love, LOVE the movies, but every time I try to read the book I get stuck >.< I'm not scared of long books, it's just Tolkien's writing style.
    I love The Chronicles of Narnia though! They're so fun, I don't see how they can be intimidating lol.

    1. I actually have made it through The Lord of the Rings. All of them except The Hobbit. I only got about 50 pages into it. I might attempt a retry after the movie comes out. We'll see. Thanks for stopping by and posting.

  4. Haha love this topic! I couldn't really get through chronicles of Narnia either... and I totally agree with the intimidation of seeing Fifty Shades of Grey EVERYWHERE! It's like they're surrounding you saying "read me! read me!"

    Here’s my TTT

    1. Tell me about it!!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'll definitely check out your list too!

  5. Cutting For Stone is a book that is imtimidating me right now. I've gotten good reviews about it....but, those people also mention it's a slooow start. So it's still on the shelf......

    1. Huh, I'm not familiar with that one. You'll have to let me know how you feel about it once you tackle it. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. Ambitious list there. :) I've read several on your list, have a few scheduled for rereads, and am looking at a few you named. Thanks! I'm dancing around George R.R. Martin's series now.

    1. HAHA! Thanks. You should definitely check out A Song of Fire and Ice. I think it's worth it. Thanks for stoppiny by and commenting.

  7. The Song of Ice & Fire series is intimidating to me too because ALL the books are huge 1000+ pages.

    1. I think they're worth pushing through if you can. Just break them down in your mind into like two books each or something. I don't know about you, but I read 500 page books all the time. So it's easier to manage when you think about it that way. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
