
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Top 10 Book Romances That Would Make it in the Real World

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Book Romances That Would Make it in the Real World.

Ok guys, I'm looking at more of personalities matching. What would we be without our experiences? We could argue this 10 ways to Sunday about what qualifies and what doesn't. I'm not going to be that strict about it. Take these characters our of their supernatrual worlds (if applicable) and these are the ones I think would make it.

1) Katniss & Peeta from The Hunger Games – Because after everything they’ve been through together and seen and experienced…after saving each others’ lives multiple times…after hurting each other and forgiving…no one but Katniss and Peeta could understand the other to the same extent. When you find someone who understands everything you’ve been through so completely, you don’t throw that away easily.

2) Tris & Four from Divergent – Similar to Katniss and Peeta…Tris and Four have been through so much together. They’ve shared their deepest fears with each other. They’ve sacrificed themselves for each other. Once Tris got over her pointless self-sacrificing stage, they’re good to go to survive the real world.

3) Puck & Sean from The Scorpio Races – Puck and Sean come from different worlds, but they’re not so different. They both have an unlimited love for their horses. And after overcoming the odds against them in such a deadly race, surely they could survive in the real world. They’re both extremely resourceful and extremely determined to do what’s necessary to achieve their goals. This determination and dedication would ensure their survival as a couple.

4) Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride & Prejudice – Because Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy have both offended each other in the worst ways they can possibly imagine and both redeemed themselves and showed that they have the courage and the will to change. Especially if it means improving the good opinion of themselves to the other. Being willing to change for someone else…to be a better person…well…it doesn’t get much more real and true than that. You don’t often come by people willing to change at all. And in today’s culture a lot of times what we see more often is people who say “you must love me for who I am and screw you if you don’t like any particular character trait that I have because I am who I am.” True love wants what’s best for the other. True love changes when needed.

5) Fire & Brigand from Fire – Because sometimes we have a preconceived idea of who someone is, but once we allow them to prove themselves for who they really are, then who they are is so much better than we hoped. When expectations are blown out of the water, the joys of being surprised are so much better. Sometimes the slow build up makes for the best relationships.

6) Sam & Grace from Shiver – Because sometimes age is just a number. Sam and Grace are one of my favorite couples. They feel so deeply and passionately. They’re both adults in the bodies of adolescents—mature way ahead of their time and years. And in the world they live in, they’ve both worked so incredibly hard to make it work, to stay together, to get back to each other when they would lose themselves. If that won’t work in the real world, I don’t know what will.

7) Anne Eliot & Captain Wentworth from Persuasion – Because time heals all wounds. And to err is human. To forgive is divine. After almost 10 years from having their hearts broken, these two have grown to a place where they are just now finally ready to love each other as they should. True love waits.

8) Echo & Noah from Pushing the Limits – Because sometimes when you give someone a chance they’ll surprise you. They find out a secret about you, but they don’t blab it to everyone. Trust…once you know you can trust your darkest days (days you don’t even remember) with someone, you’re pretty much ready to go from there. Trust is such a hugely fragile but important component to relationships that work and stand the test of time.

9) Lucy & Ed from Graffiti Moon – Because sometimes you can see into another person’s soul in ways that aren’t traditional. Because when you can read someone through their art and see them for who they are—even when you have no idea who they are—and then fall for them as a completely separate being…well yeah, I’m pretty sure you’ve got a well rounded love for them. Reminds me of Lois and Clark. Lois loves Superman, but she also loves Clark. Does it matter that they’re the same person yet two separate beings? No. And yes.

10) Rose & Dimitri from Vampire Academy – Because when you put someone wise (Dimitri) and someone fiercely determined to overcome all odds (Rose) together, you’ve got romantic bliss in the making. Rose went above and beyond to save Dimitri. She wanted him with her, sure, but she grew into a place where she wanted what was best for him no matter what it meant in relation to her. She saved him from a fate worse than death, and she did all of it because she loved him and in return he does the same (in less dramatic more zen-like ways of course).

What couples do you think would make it in the real world? Let me know!


  1. Some of these I haven't read, but I love all the ones I have! Katniss & Peeta, Tris & Four, Puck & Sean, Lizzy and Mr. Darcy, Anne and Captain Wentworth. All fantastic. Great picks!

    Thanks for coming by my blog. :)

  2. Cool List!! I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't read Pushing the Limits yet even though it just came out! I gotta get on that!

    My TTT

    1. Apparently not, like 3 other people below said they haven't read Pushing the Limits yet either. You must add it to your TBR list though. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. I LOVE Fire and Brigan. I can't believe I didn't put them on my list! And I keep saying this, but I seriously need to read Pushing the Limits. So many books, so little time.

    Great picks!

    1. Must reading Pushing the Limits for sure! But I'm with you, so many books and so little time! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Cool list, I haven't read Pushing The Limits either! And Four and Tris were one of the BEST couples ever, I can't believe I didn't add them, urg!

    1. Must add Pushing the Limits to your TBR list! Noah and Echo are great! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Great list! I forgot about Katniss and Peeta but they definitely would have made my list too.

    1. That's okay. There were plenty of times when someone else had a couple on their list that I completely agreed with and didn't list myself.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. LUCY AND ED! ASDFGHJKKM!!!!!! Words cannot express how much I love those two and just Graffiti Moon in general. And now I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't read Pushing the Limits--but hopefully I will soon!
    Fantastic choices Sandy! :)

    1. Oh yes I was very much impressed with Graffiti Moon. One of my favorite reads this year. You should definitely read Pushing the Limits if you loved Graffiti Moon. Definitely!

      Thanks for stopping by my blog!
