
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Top 10 Books on My Fall TBR List

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books on My Fall TBR List.

So apparently I did a horrible job sticking to my Top 10 Summer TBR List. So I'm a bit nervous publishing my fall TBR list. However, here it Fall TBR List.

1) The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater - This book was on my Summer TBR list, but since it's not released yet I figured I'd feature it now. I've requested it on NetGalley, and while I haven't been denied, I haven't been approved yet either.

2) Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor - Reviewed Daughter of Smoke and Bone yesterday and I'm really looking forward to getting to this one.

3) Covet by Melissa Darnell - I actually have to read book 1, Crave first, but I will and didn't want to feature them both.

4) Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick - I've featured this in one of my Waiting on Wednesday posts. I'm really looking forward to finishing up this series and finding out how it all ends.

5) Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich - I haven't featured this in Waiting on Wednesday yet, but oh I will. Just you wait!

6) Wisdom by Amanda Hocking - I've read this series one after the other. I can't seem to put it down. And during somewhat of a reading slump, this has been a nice surprise.

7) Leauge of Strays by LB Schulman - I'm wondering if this is going to be similar to Killing Mr. Griffin by Lois Duncan

8) Radiant Shadows by Melissa Marr - This one was on my Summer TBR list, and I didn't get around to it. I've had this in my possession for over a year and I really need to cross it off my list.

9) Destined by PC & Kristin Cast - I've had this one in my possession since Christmas of 2011, I believe. And I already know I'm going to have to force myself to get through this one, but I do hope to finish it this fall so that I can review it and mark it off my list too.

10) Invincible by Sherrilyn Kenyon - I need to get to this one too. It's been on the arm of my couch for months.


  1. You do have a great list!!! I can't wait to read Days of Blood and Starlight!!! We do have picks that are the same. Finale will be AMAZING!!!

  2. Finale is on my list too! I am listening to Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Haven't decided how I feel about it. It's strange and I like it, but I am not sure if if goes in the AMAZING category. It's early, that could change. Here are my picks

  3. Eeep so excited for Finale!!! I requested The Raven Boys, too, and haven't heard anything yet. And League of Strays looks really good! Awesome list!!! Thanks for stopping by mine :D

    Megan @ Bookworm in Love

  4. I didn't realize Notorious Nineteen was coming out this fall! Thanks for featuring it. Janet E. is hilarious!

  5. 1 & 2 I've got to read before the end of the year. Love your list and hope you get through them all.

  6. I really want to read The Raven Boys too! I have not read anything in that Amanda Hocking series,I will have to try it! I like her books usually. The Laini Taylor book looks really good too. Have a great week!

  7. You have some good looking books on there!

  8. OOooh Days of Blood and Starlight :) I am still trying to get through my audio book of Daughter of Smoke and Bone-I really love the story but I find it hard to focus on an audio book! I'll have to get finished because I want to continue this series :)

    Great list!!!

  9. The Raven Boys is one I want to read soon too. And Days of Blood & Starlight - loved book 1 and can't wait to see what happens next.

  10. Great reading list. I was going to make one, but I can't follow planned lists. For some reason, I end up not finishing it. :(

    It's the first time I learned of #1, 5, 7 and 10. I'll check them out, especially 10, it looks really good.
