
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Top 10 Books that Make You Think

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books that Make You Think (About Life, People, the World, etc).

1 – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson– Because it reminds me that there are really some screwed up people out there.

2 – Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes– Because we’ve all been touched by someone we know that has cancer, and though I’m not yet a mother, this woman’s story of deciding who to leave her daughter with after she’s gone breaks my heart.

3 – Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend– Because it changed the way I see interactions with other people.

4 – Crazy Love by Francis Chan– Because what inspires deep thinking like pondering how much the Creator God loves me.

5 – 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher– Because our actions matter. Because even though not everyone is a doctor, it should be the oath of all to do no harm. Yet I was also extremely frustrated with Hannah because she had people reaching out to her, but she’d already made her choice. And because those left behind have to find a way to heal.

6 – Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire– Because it makes me think about unhealthy relationships. When is enough enough? When is it better to cut ties and move on?

7 – The Shack by William Paul Young– Because it asks the question “why do bad things, horrible things, happen to innocent people?” And “if God can let these things happen, is He truly a good God?”

8 – A Song of Fire & Ice by George R R Martin– Because even though I love the time period of castles, knights, kings, and queens, balls, and feasts, this book reminds me that there’s no way I’d trade anything to live my life during that period. And because no character is truly all good or all evil in this series, it makes me thinks about people and behavior and motivations.

9 – Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers– Because this book is a retelling of the story of Hosea and shows the beauty of forgiveness, repeated forgiveness.

10 – Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer– Confession, I’ve only seen the movie, but since it’s based off a book….this one deals with the question of whether the journey of life and adventure is worth it if you’re alone.


  1. Great list. I agree with you regarding Beautiful Disaster. I've seen Jay Asher in many lists today. I must check out his/her books.

  2. I've actually never read any of these! I'll have to check them out :)

  3. Awesome books. Sadly, I have to disagree with you on Beautiful Disaster, but the rest are wonderful. Jay Asher's book has been seen on a lot of lists, and yours is the first that has Game of Thrones, which I find interesting.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    -Marybeth P.

    1. Just curious, which part of Beautiful Disaster do you disagree with? You didn't like the book in general? Or you disagree with me listing it because it makes me think of unhealthy relationships? Just curious! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  4. sweet great list! ive seen into the wild movie, but haven't read the book! thanks for checking out my blog too!

  5. I haven't read Game of Thrones yet but I love the show and eventually want to read it when I can get over the size of it!

  6. Great list!
    I liked Crazy Love too, though it didn't make my list. My husband read Boundaries and he talks about it to this day, even though he read it years ago.

  7. Thanks for stopping by to check out my TTT on Exploring All Genres. I've read Game of Thrones, but all other books on your list I either haven't gotten to or haven't heard of yet.

  8. Can't believe I forgot 13 Reasons Why! You definitely make a valid point about Hannah. And I think that kind of resentment towards Hannah is a big factor in the protagonist's devastation. It's such an intricate novel. I definitely have to reread it.

    Great list!

  9. I've only seen the movie version of Into The Wild too, but that is a great addition!

    Thanks for stopping by, and I'm following back! :)

  10. Great List! I've only read The girl with the Dragon Tattoo but I loved it, and you're right-it certainly reminds you how messed up some people are! I can't wait to read Beautiful Disaster-it's on my (huge) TBR :)

    Thanks for stopping over to my blog!

  11. I've only read Dragon Tattoo & Game of Thrones - and agree both were fascinating.

  12. The book Into the Wild was so good! The only other one I have read on your list is Game of Thrones; I will have to correct this and add the rest to my TBR. :) Have a great week!

  13. I love your list! I enjoyed Crazy Love and the Shack and Redeeming Love, and now I want to read more books on your list!

  14. Love your list! I enjoyed reading Crazy Love, The Shack, and Redeeming Love. I want to read the other books on your list now!

  15. great choice in books i have written some of the they down so i can read them and see what i think. I love a good book that has a mind twisting story and keeps you thinking x
