
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top 10(ish) Series I Haven't Finished

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished. However, I find I can't stop at 10 this week. But I have to say that leaving something unfinished is literally painful for me.

1.) House of Night by PC & Kristin Cast - Oh boy! Do NOT get me started! I am forcing myself to finish at least Destined (book 9 I think), but I just don't know if I'll be able to finish this series or not. Ugh! Unless something drastic changes, I'll probably be donating my series to my local library.

2.) Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz - I've read the first six books or so, but they've really gotten increasely frustrating in the same way (but not quite as bad) as the House of Night series. I also haven't finished this series because I don't own it. I borrow these from my sister-in-law. So if I get the chance, I plan to finish this one...eventually.

3.) Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr - I've read the first three in this series. I've owned book 4 since June of 2011 and haven't brought myself to read it yet. I really enjoyed the first book, book 2 not so much, and book 3 was one I forced myself to read. Heidi @ Bunbury in the Stacks really loves this series, and I've found that I agree with her on a good bit of books, so I'm hoping they get better. I plan to keep pressing on.

4.) A Song of Fire & Ice by George R R Martin - I've read the first three books in this series too. I'll definitely finish this series, but I just need a break from these between books since they're so long.

5.) The Soulkeepers by GP Ching - I really didn't like this one so much. This was another book that I forced myself to finish. HOWEVER, the first chapter of book 2 sounded much better than book 1. I truly have no idea whether I'll read book 2 or not. Maybe I'll wait and see if anyone else I know and trust will read book 2 first. (My review.)

6.) The Airel Saga by Aaron Patterson & Chris White - I wasn't that impressed with this one either. So...same as The Soulkeepers, I'll wait and see if anyone else I know reads book 2 and likes it better. If not, then I'll probably never pick up book 2. (My review.)

7.) Angel Burn by LA Weatherly - I enjoyed this one fairly well, but it's another series that I don't own, so whether or not I finish it depends on whether Paula picks up book 2. But I'd be okay with reading book 2.

8.) Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl - I've read the first two books in this series. Beautiful Darkness was one of those that I forced myself to read. I plan on finishing this series, but I can't say I'm stoked about it. Again, I've borrowed these from Paula too. So we'll just play it by ear. (My review of Beautiful Darkness.)

9.) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson - I only had to force myself through the first 150 pages of this one. After that it picked up. I own the other two in this series, but I just haven't felt the urge to read them yet.

10.) Incarceron by Catherine Fisher - I just didn't enjoy this yeah, why put myself through book 2? (My review.)

11.) Stephanie Plum by Janet Evanovich - I totally plan on reading all of these. I'm all out of whack on this series. I've read book 1, listened to books 15-18 on audio and listened to one or two of the Between the Numbers books too. I'd love to jump on book 2, but my po-dunk (meaning "poor; small town, etc") library doesn't have it. *pouts* (My review of my favorite Stephanie Plum book that I've read to date.)

12.) Fallen by Lauren Kate - I defintely plan on finishing this series. I've only read books 1 and 2 currently, but I plan to read book 3 soon. Again, these are ones that I've borrowed from Paula. I'll get to it when I get to it.

What do you think? What series have you not finished? Are any of these on my list must reads? Let me know!


  1. Our lists are pretty similar. The House of Night books are a series that I forgot to add! I think I made it through the first book and gave up?

  2. I liked the millenium series (I agree about the first part being slow though)... I love the font on that Beautiful Redemption book!!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT... I followed you back :)

  3. The other two in the Millennium series are a lot quicker to get in to since you already know what's going on. I am currently on page 70 of Game of Thrones. I have a long way to go =)

  4. Fallen, Caster Chronicles, A Song of Fire & Ice, Millennium & Soulkeepers are ones I want to read.
