
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Waiting on Inferno

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

I have actually only read book 1, Infinity, in this series, but I've got a source I trust that says this series is worth it. So I'll definitely check them all out. The newest installment to be released in this series is...

Inferno (Chronicles of Nick, # 4)

By: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Expected Publication: March 4th 2013 by St. Martin's Griffin

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--The heat is on, and a new threat to humanity has risen…

Nick has his driver’s license and he’s not afraid to use it. But turning sixteen isn’t what he thought it would be. While other boys his age are worried about prom dates and applying for college, Nick is neck deep in enemies out to stop him from living another day. No longer sure if he can trust anyone, his only ally seems to be the one person he’s been told will ultimately kill him.

But life spent serving the undead is anything except ordinary. And those out to get him have summoned an ancient force so powerful even the gods fear it. As Nick learns to command and control the elements, the one he must master in order to combat his latest foe is the one most likely to destroy him. As the old proverb goes, fire knows nothing of mercy, and if Nick is to survive this latest round, he will have to sacrifice a part of himself. However, the best sacrifice is seldom the sanest move. Sometimes it’s the one that leaves your enemies confused, and you even more so.

And sometimes, you have to trust your enemy to save your friends. But what do you do when that enemy is you?

What are you waiting on this week? Let me know!


  1. I have seen this series, but haven't read them. Great pick. I hope you enjoy it.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  2. I've seen this series, but I haven't checked them out yet. I like YA books with a male POV, they're far and few between! I think I'll have to look into this series. Great pick!
    Here's Our WoW

    -Kait @ YA Vixens

  3. I want this book too!! Great pick! Thanks so much for spotlighting it today. Please check out my WoW!

  4. Ohh I have this one on my to-read list and I really want to read it but I'm nowhere near starting The Chronicles of Nick. I'm still on the first of the Dream Hunters series so I have a while to go. Great pick! I hope you enjoy it.
    Come check out my WOW post.

  5. I've never read this series. :o Pretty cover though!
    Thanks for stopping by my WoW , btw. (:

  6. Yes!! I did a post on this one a few weeks ago! It's nice to know that someone else I know is as anxious to read it was I am! I love Nick, he's such an extraordinary and real character! It's so easy to relate to him, even though I've never experienced anything even remotely close to what he's experiencing. I loved the last book.

    Anyway, nice pick! New follower :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming my 100th followe!!

  7. I haven't started reading this series but I'm hoping to start it soon... It's on my tbr list(along with everything else published in the last 10 years it seems :P)!

    Great Pick!

  8. Cool cover - thank you for stopping by Between the Bind! :)

    I haven't heard of this series before, but I'm looking forward to check it out.
