
Saturday, October 27, 2012

100 GFC Follower Giveaway

***SO SORRY I didn't get this posted yesterday. Between going to a Pinterest party last night and being sick, my mind just wasn't on the blog yesterday. OOPS!!!!

Hey guys! So this past week I hit 100 GFC followers, and I can't tell you how absolutely stoked I was about that. Considering my very first goal for the year for my blog was to have 15 followers, I'm more than pleased with where my blog is and where I feel like it's headed.

But more than anything, I wanted to thank everyone who has supported me, everyone who has commented, followed, liked, or even just visited my page. This community is so much more than I ever expected. I'm sure bad experiences are coming because it's pretty much impossible to completely avoid bad experiences in life, but I haven't had any to date. And for that I'm also thankful.

So without further ado, please enter my giveaway below as my way of giving back to you. The prize is a $10 giftcard to either Amazon or Barnes & Noble (winner's choice).

Please don't forget to check out my updated Contest/Giveaway Rules as some changes have been made since my last giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats for reaching 100! That is a big milestone! =)

  2. Yay for 100 followers and thank you for giveaway! I just hit that milestone too, so please stop by and enter my giveaway if you want! :)
    Sarah's YA Blog

  3. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and congrats on reaching 100 followers!!

  4. Congratulations on 100 followers! :) That's awesome!!
