
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Top 10 All-Time Favorite Books

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten All-Time Favorite Books.

Apparently I have issues with absolutes. That being said, I change my mind a lot too. So just because these are my top 10 all-time favorite books today doesn't mean they will be tomorrow. goes.

1) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - This is probably my all-time favorite book ever. It's a classic. Great love story. Passionate. Character growth. I love it.

2) Persuasion by Jane Austen - I love this one for all of the same reasons as Pride and Prejudice but just not quite as much.

3) Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan - I do like The Forest of Hands and Teeth series, but The Dead Tossed Waves stands out from the three to me and is one of my favorite books ever. I connected with Gabry a lot more than Mary or Annah. And I love Carrie Ryan's writing style. Plus ZOMBIES!!! I read this one 3 times in a row when I first read it.

4) Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry - I think this one caught me by surprise and that's one of the reasons why I loved it so much. I really connected and I can't wait to read Dare You To when it comes out.

5) Harry Potter (the entire series) by JK Rowling - JK Rowling is the master of tying all of the pieces together. To have the last chapter of The Deathly Hallows written before she finished The Sorcerer's Stone is just AMAZING to me. I really respect that and these books did not disappoint.

6) Vampire Academy (the entire series) by Richelle Mead - I LOVE Richelle Mead's writing. Rose is her! And Dimitri is HOT! He's one of my top character crushes for sure! And like JK Rowling, Richelle Mead knows exactly how her series is going to end before she even begins and all things tie together. It's great! I love it.

7) Slammed by Colleen Hoover - Ok this one kind of stinks because I'm not posting my review on this until Thursday. I guess everyone knows now that I LOVED it! I really appreciated these characters. I can't tell you how often I was told that I always acted older than my age...well these characters definitely are forced to grow up quickly and I love their story.

8) A Song of Fire & Ice (the entire series) by George R R Martin - I've only read the first 3 books, but this series like I mentioned before is connected in every aspect. It's also not one that I'm typically able to predict what's going to happen, and that pushes it to the top of my list. It's super annoying to guess every plot twist, and well I don't have to worry about that with A Song of Fire & Ice.

9) Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian - This book blew me away. I'd read Power of a Praying Wife before this one so I knew it would be good, but I can't reiterate enough how much this book helped and inspired me.

10) Bible by God - HA! This one shouldn't be last, but I just couldn't leave it off the list of my all-time favorite books since genre wasn't specified. I never cease to learn something new each time I open the pages.

That's it for my Top 10 All-Time Favorite Books. What do you guys think? Are any of these your favorites too? Which ones did I leave off the list? Let me know!


  1. YAY for Pushing the Limits making this list. It's making my Top 10 for the year for sure. I don't know if I could do one for all time...yikes!
    I'm going to start Carrie Ryan's series this month hopefully!
    Here's my list for this week

    1. I hope you love Carrie Ryan's writing. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. So many great books! HP, VA and ASoIaF are my all time faves as well!

    My TTT

  3. My top favorite books changes a lot too! And it always ends with publishing the list and thinking of ten other books you should have included... I thought Pushing the Limits was amazing too! And of course Harry Potter!

    My TTT

  4. Good List!! I LOVED Pushing the Limits... I think I would put it on my all-time list as well :) HP of course is amazing and I really want to read Slammed! Here's My TTT

  5. Pride and Prejudice is definitely on my list of favorites too! I am still working on the Game of Thrones series, but I love it so far! I have been reading a book from this series every December.

    I still need to read Vampire Academy, it sounds exactly like something I would enjoy. :)

  6. I bought Pushing the Limits but haven't read it yet. I'll definitely have to move it up on my list!

    And I LOVE that you have Persuasion on your list! It was on my to-remember list. It's one of my favorite Austens!

    Wonderful list!

  7. Great list! Loving the Jane Austen picks! Can't wait to read George R.R. Martin's books.

  8. Great picks Sandy! Harry Potter & Pushing the Limits would def be on mine as well :) Thanks for stopping by my blog as well !!

  9. Yay! Another fellow Potterhead!
    I've just started reading ASOIAF (after a long period of avoiding series) and I'm loving it already :) And a lot of my friends love Pushing the Limits, so I'm looking forward to reading it.
    I'm a new follower!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. And thanks super much for the follow! Made my day!

  10. Thanks for stopping by :)
    Harry Potter would be on my list as well (OBVIOUSLY) but I have yet to read most books on your list! (Especially Game of Thrones!) I have an e-book version of Slammed but haven't read it yet... :)

    1. Read Slammed soon! :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  11. OKay okay, since Vampire Academy is apparently AMAZING I will start reading it very very soon! ;-)

  12. I agree with you on 1,2,4,5, and 10! I haven't read all of these though.

    Thanks for stopping by, I'm a new follower!

    1. I love when I find people who I agree with. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. And super thanks for the follow! I really appreciate it!

  13. based on this list, I know I'm going to love this blog! I felt the same way about Dead Tossed Waves and am a HP and ASOIAF fan. I'm adding some of these to my to-read pile!

    1. Aw thanks so much, that's such a sweet comment! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  14. Mmm, Persuasion. That letter at the end gets me every time.

    My TTT:

    1. I know right....such a great scene! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  15. This is a great list of new and all of your picks..I've read all but two and they are in my tbr pile or on my wishlist!

  16. I like Harry Potter, P &P, and Persuasion. I'm a little startled by your pick of the Dead Tossed Waves, lol. I didn't hate it, but I thought the first one was much stronger.

  17. Pride and Prejudice is such a great book! Lots of people say that it is overrated, but there's a reason it's a classic. The depth and the character growth are amazing, and it has such a realistic, timeless portrayal of human nature.
