
Monday, October 15, 2012

Top 10 Favorite Authors in X Genre

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Favorite Authors in X Genre.

I dont think I have 10 favorite authors in one particular genre. So...I'm choosing several genres.

Dystopian/Post Apocalyptic
1) Carrie Ryan - The Forest of Hands & Teeth series
2) Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games series
3) Veronica Roth - Divergent series

Paranormal YA
4) Richelle Mead - Vampire Academy series & Bloodlines series; also Georgina Kincaid series & Dark Swan series
5) Maggie Stiefvater - The Wolves of Mercy Falls (Shiver) series, The Scorpio Races, The Raven Cycle series, Gathering of Faerie series (Lament & Ballad)
6) Cassandra Clare - The Mortal Instrument series & The Infernal Devices series
7) JK Rowling - Harry Potter series  
Contemporary YA
8) Katie McGarry - Pushing the Limits & upcoming Dare You To
9) Jamie McGuire - Beautiful Disaster & upcoming Walking Disaster, also author of Providence series though I haven't read that one yet.
10) Colleen Hoover - Slammed & Point of Review
Yes I'm cheating...  
Historical Fictional/Classics
11) Jane Austen - Pride & Prejudice, Persuasion, Emma (not read yet), Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park (haven't finished reading), & Love & Friendship  
12) Frances Chan - Crazy Love, Forgotten God, & others that I have yet to read but plan to.
13) Stormie Omartian - Power of a Praying Woman, Power of a Praying Wife, Power of a Praying Husband, Power of a Praying Church, Power of a Praying Parent, Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage, etc.
And that's it guys, so far these are my favorite authors in these genres. As always, these are subject to change. What are your top favorite authors in any particular genre? Let me know!


  1. I was so nice picking only one genre! It was tough, there are so many great ones out there! Love your list(s) :)

    My TTT

  2. i love all the ones from the dystopian and paranormal genre! awesome picks!
    check out my TTT

    Katie @ Inkk

    1. I love those classic Jane Austen books! And I read all 4 of the Wolves of Mercy Falls books. It's kind of cool when they mix science in with the paranormal stuff. Great list!
      We are new follower #99! Yay!

      Krisha @ Inkk

  3. Yay, classics! I'm loving these lists, and especially yours with a variety of genres :-D

  4. We share many of the same faves. However there are a few that I haven't yet read on here (Jamie McGuire and Colleen Hoover - both of which are waiting in the wings).

    Check out my Top 10

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  5. I love how you did this challenge! I really struggled as well, coming up with something, and kind of cheated a bit too. ;)

    I really need to read Richelle Mead; I have seen her all over today, and she sounds like she writes books I would love. :)

  6. One of my fav list today! LOVE how you mash this up ;)

    Here's my Top 10

  7. Nice mash up! I went dystopian, and chose Veronica Roth and Suzanne Collins as well.

  8. I chose several genres for mine as well, I couldn't choose just one! Some awesome choices too, lots of authors I really like :)

  9. There are some new to me contemporary YA authors here. I don't read YA that often, but I am in a contemporary phase right now. My favorite is John Green.

  10. I love your picks for each category! I still haven't read Pushing the Limits, but I'm glad to hear it's so well-loved!
    Here’s my TTT

  11. Nice post- I loved your first picks. I MUST read the Maggie Sttfdjhgkdfs (I forget her name) books!

  12. Great list - some I've read, some I haven't, but need to check out. I really enjoyed Chan's 'Crazy Love', but I should read more of his stuff. Thanks for stopping by my post earlier.

  13. Unless you're really into one particular genre, you are so right that it's hard to come up with ten! I think it's more fun to be a well-rounded reader anyway -- then you get to read all kinds of great books.

    I loved Carrie Ryan's books, Suzanne Collins, & JK Rowling, (of course!). Also Maggie Stiefvater and Cassandra Clare are on my TBR list.

    Thanks for the follow, I'm following you now too :)

  14. Excellent List! A couple of authors I haven't read yet, but I do own some of their books :)

  15. Awesome list - including the cheats :-) Since I like fantasy & paranormal, those are the authors I'm familiar with. Love Collins & Rollins of course!

  16. Yay! I love your list. It made me smile seeing so many amazing writers!

    Thanks for the great picks and for stopping by :-)



  17. I can't say I read any of those genres exept the classic one. You are right about Austen.

  18. Carrie Ryan! Favorite zombie books :)
    Veronica Roth! Favorite dystopian books.
    J.K Rowling! One of my favorite series.

    So you can say I really like your list :D

    TTT fairytales authors @thedailyprophecy.

  19. I love Frances Chan!
    I enjoyed The Hunger Games and I want to read the Divergent series.

    Thanks for stopping by my Top 10

  20. Great list! So many great authors!

  21. I've been meaning to read The Scorpio Races, as I hear Stiefvater is a really good writer. I might have to push it up the list some!

  22. We do have a lot the same! I really need to pick up Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater , I have been meaning to, I even have the first book!

  23. Wowz! These are some of my faves as well! Most I missed, but they are awesome!

    Thank you for stopping by!!

    -Marybeth P.

  24. I've heard good things about Stormie Omartian but I haven't read any of her work, yet. I'll have to check out some of the people on your list.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT.
