
Sunday, November 18, 2012

In My Mailbox - 29 & Sunday Post - 20

In My Mailbox is a weekly post hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where bloggers can discuss the books we got in the mail this week.

Back to You

By: Priscilla Glenn

Published: October 20th 2012 by CreateSpace

328 pages

Source: Paperback copy via Priscilla Glenn (THANK YOU!!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--When Lauren Monroe first laid eyes on Michael Delaney back in high school, she had every reason to stay away from him; within minutes of their first encounter, his volatile actions confirmed his notorious reputation. But Lauren saw something in him that caused her to question his bad-boy persona, and against her better judgment, she took a chance. She had no way of knowing that the unlikely friendship they formed would become so important to her.

Or that it would end so painfully.

Eight years later, when Lauren begins her new job at Learn and Grow Day Care, Michael is the last person she expects to see. Refusing to revisit the hurt and confusion of their past, Lauren vows to keep her distance from him. But staying away from Michael proves to be more difficult than she thought, despite her lingering grief and her instincts for self-preservation.

As Lauren and Michael recall the friendship that changed them forever and the events that tore them apart, will they finally be able to heal? Or will the ghosts of Michael’s past prove to be too much to overcome?

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Because I already participate in the In My Mailbox meme (above), I'm just going to use this one as way to recap my week.

So the reason I was MIA last week was because I was on vacation with my husband, sister, and nephew to Disney World for my nephew's birthday! We had a blast! Sorry if I still haven't gotten back to you on comments.


Monday: Review of Making the Cut by Jillian Michaels (3 Stars)

Tuesday: Top 10 Books I Can't Believe I've Never Read

Wednesday: Waiting on Touched

Thursday: Review of Invincible by Sherrilyn Kenyon (4 Stars)

Friday: Mini-Review of Breaking Dawn Part 2


Monday: Review of Covet (The Clann, # 2) by Melissa Darnell

Tuesday: Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Books/Authors That I Am Thankful For

Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday

Thursday: Review of Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst

Friday: The Black Friday Giveaway Hop kicks off. Come back to enter!

That's it for my mailbox and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you get in your mailbox this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. Glad you had fun on vacation. We used to live about an hour away from Disney. I certainly miss it. Have a wonderful week..

    Thank you for stopping by
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

    1. Oh wow...I bet living so close to Disney was awesome! Probably had it's pros and cons. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Disney is awesome! Glad you had fun and enjoy your new read!
    Thanks for stopping by my Added to the Bookshelf post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  3. Happy reading this week :)
    10 authors I am thankful for looks to be a good post

    1. Yes I'm really looking forward to that post! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. I love the weekly recap -- have been enjoying that idea myself!

  5. Back to You sounds lovely. So glad you had a blast at Disney World!! You have some awesome posts planned, off to see what I missed last week! The Sunday Post

    1. Thanks for checking everything out and stopping by and commenting!

  6. There are definitely some good books on your Top Ten List! I am on the Black Friday Giveaway Hop as well! Enjoy your week!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I definitely need to make more of an effort to mark some of those books off the list! Thanks again!

  7. I hope you had fun at Disney! Great book!

  8. How fun to go to Disney! You get a special reward for being a good blog mom and scheduling posts while you were gone. :)

    Hmm. I think I'm going to look into Top Ten Tuesday. This is the only meme I'm doing anymore but that sounds really fun. I loved yours!

    1. We had a blast! I thought about taking that week off, but I just couldn't do it! :) It wasn't so hard to do both! I definitely enjoy Top Ten Tuesday as a meme. Their lists are usually really fun and I've met a lot of people through it! You should try it out. This would be a great week to start! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  9. Never heard of this one but hope you enjoy.
    I LOVE Disney-enjoy.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  10. Thanks for stopping by my IMM! Back to You sounds very romantic, enjoy!

    1. Thanks for stoppiny by as well! I'm definitely hoping for some romance out of Back to You. We'll see! Thanks again!

  11. Love Disney! Hope you had fun.
    Back to You looks good. Hope you enjoy!

    Thanks for stopping by Book Sojourner!

  12. I would say Disney World completely trumps bloggy stuff, so no need to apologize. :D And yeah, you definitely need to read This Is Not A Test from your Top 10.

    1. HAHA! Thanks! I thought about taking the week off, but doing both turned out to not be completely unrealistic. I've heard wonderful things about This Is Not A Test...I excuses! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  13. Back to You sounds very romantic.
    Hope you had a wonderful time at Disney World (I mean really, who doesn't haha)

    Thanks for visiting Bookmunchies (:

    1. It's the happiest place on Earth, right? We had a blast! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  14. Lucky you going to Disney World! (: I love the cover for Back to You.

    Happy Reading! (:

  15. Great books! Thanks for sharing and happy reading!

  16. Hey. Thanks for the comment on my IMM! Yeah, my haul looks impressive but it's only because it's from over a couple of weeks since I missed some of the IMM's. I haven't seen Back to You before but it looks quite good. Happy reading to you too!

    Ayana @ The Book Memoirs

  17. Oh Disney, fun! Did your nephew enjoy it?

    I'm looking forward to your "10 authors I'm thankful for" post, and what a neat idea. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Ohh! Disney! I've never heard of Back to You... It looks great though. :D

  19. Back To You sounds like a promising contemporary romance. Hope you enjoy it!

  20. Back to You sounds pretty interesting. I'll have to check that out.

    Also, so jealous you got to go to Disney World. (:

  21. there are too many things happening around...grt...i guess im the only person around who doesn't post everyday....hope to c some grt reviews ahead..

  22. Looks like you are just as busy as me!!

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  23. Ohhhh, gonna check out your mini-review of BD2! My co-reviewer just put hers up this morning, please feel free to stop by and check it out!
    And thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post!

  24. I hadn't heard of this one before, but it looks really good. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy reading! =)

  25. Back to You sounds like a wonderful romance. Enjoy!
