
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Invincible - Review

Invincible (The Chronicles of Nick, # 2)

By: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Published: March 22nd 2011 by St. Martin's Griffin

420 pages

Source: Personal Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--Nick Gautier’s day just keeps getting better and better. Yeah, he survived the zombie attacks, only to wake up and find himself enslaved to a world of shapeshifters and demons out to claim his soul.

His new principal thinks he’s even more of a hoodlum than the last one, his coach is trying to recruit him to things he can’t even mention and the girl he’s not seeing, but is, has secrets that terrify him.

But more than that, he’s being groomed by the darkest of powers and if he doesn’t learn how to raise the dead by the end of the week, he will become one of them...

The very first thing I need to address in this review is that the dialect dialogue (say that 10 times fast) that I complained so much about in Infinity was totally not an issue in Invincible. (You can read my review of Infinity here.) It wasn’t completely gone, but it didn’t overwhelm the book. If anything, this was enough to bump the book and Sherrilyn Kenyon’s writing up a notch in my opinion.

Nick’s still only fourteen years old when this story takes place so there isn’t much going on in the romance department. Some…so it’s not quite non-existent, but not as much as I prefer out of this genre. The love story (at this point) definitely is nowhere near the driving force in this novel, and that’s perfectly fine this time.

I really like the play on whether or not we can change our destinies or whether or not everything we do to change our destinies really just leads us all the more close to them. Some aspects of Invincible lead me to believe that Nick has already changed his destiny, but the entire book is really about keeping you guessing on this question.

Other than that, I don’t really have much to say about Invincible. I like the direction this series appears to be headed, and I enjoyed Invincible a heap more than I did Infinity. Giving 4 Stars to Invincible.

Have you read Invincible or The Chronicles of Nick? If so, what did you think? Let me know!

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