
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Top 10 Books I Can't Believe I've Never Read

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. I just recently did the topic of Top 10 Books I’d Want on a Desert Island, so I’m choosing the next old topic in line for me. So, here’s my Top 10 Books I Can’t Believe I’ve Never Read.

1) Emma by Jane Austen – I own it. I just haven’t gotten around to it. I will I promise. Sometime….

2) Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte – My 6th grade teacher read this one to us, but I think I remember her saying she skipped some parts. Either way, I’ve never personally read it. I have started it and made it to chapter 3, but that’s as much progress as I’ve made.

3) Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte – This is another one I’ve started and I’ve made it to chapter 2. but I’m not actively reading it right now.

4) Cinder by Marissa Meyer – This is on my TBR list, but I’m already two books behind. Seems like everyone else in the world has read it though.

5) Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake – Another one that I think everyone else in the world has read and has said this was great.

6) Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins – Another one I’ve heard great things about but just haven’t gotten my hands on a copy yet.

7) Ten by Gretchen McNeil – I’ve heard great reviews of this one, and some reviews where the reader wasn’t as impressed as they wanted to be. Either way, I’m really excited about this one. Maybe I’ll get it for Christmas or something.

8) This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers – Also heard great things about this one. I just have no idea how I haven’t read it. I’m not made of money. Geez….what do you people expect from me. J

9) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green – I’m getting a copy of this book one way or the other. But still haven’t been able to fork out the money on this one either. Another hopeful for Christmas.

10) Dracula by Bram Stoker – With as many vampire books as I’ve read and I’ve never read the original….*hangs my head in shame*.

So yeah, that’s my Top 10 Books I Can’t Believe I’ve Never Read. There’s only so much time. And only so much money. I’ll get to them…*sigh* one day. What's your top 10 this week?


  1. You should read Cinder! And Anna and the French Kiss! And THE FAULT IN OUR STARS! I looooved those <3 Looks like you have some great books ahead of you :)

  2. Jane Eyre is a must read, so is Anna and TFIOS. Although TFIOS made me a sobbing mess, it was still good.

  3. Good choice with Dracula. It's (obviously) very different from the modern vampire books but it's good to see where the stories started.

  4. Weeeeeeeeeeeell, missie...I can say that I have read SEVEN of those! Emma I hsve read more than once. If you like the movie "Clueless" you'll love Emma. Next to P&P, it's my next fav. Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights are much darker and dramatic than Emma. Jane Eyre is the good girl while Katherine is self-centered.

    Read Cinder recently and I really enjoyed it - obs a re-telling of the Cinderella fairytale, but with some great twists. Absolutely loved Anna and the French Kiss (and also read the companion, Lola and the Boy Next Door). Many people prefer LaTBND, but I like AaTFK best.

    I usually don't like illness books, but TFiOS is WONDERFUL. It is a book about living. I would say that book made my cry more than any other in 2012.

    Lastly, Dracula. Read this many years ago when in a book club. It is AWESOME. Not a Bela Lugosi or sparkly vampire in sight (and I do so like sparkly vampires).

    I wrote reviews of Cinder & Anna and the French Kiss on my blog. I read TFiOS during a writing shut-down (when I allowed myself to read for the pleasure of it) so I did not write a review. Plus, it's so popular that you can find zillions of reviews that would be way better written than anything I could come up with.

    Here's my Desert Island link: TTT

    The end.

  5. I second Cinder and The Fault in Our Stars. Two really great picks for being stranded on an island ;) I like that you're choosing from books you've been wanting to read! Nothing like being stranded to catch up on all those TBR books, lol.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
    I haven't read that many of the books, either. Actually, I've only read Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, but I loved them both.
    I'd like to read Anna and the french kiss as well, since it's seems like everybody else has read it. Might want to get a copy soon.

  7. Jane Eyre starts out pretty slowly, but it is one of my favorite books of all time. I hope you can power through it one of these days!

    I also haven't been able to finish Wuthering Heights, though I've started it two or three times and made halfway the last time I tried. I need to attempt it again, just so I can say I made it through! I've also been meaning to read Anna and the French Kiss, but have been putting it off forever.

  8. Jane Eyre starts out pretty slow, but I hope you'll persevere. It's one of my favorite books of all time!

    I've also not been able to finish Wuthering Heights despite several attempts. I've also been meaning to get to Anna and the French Kiss for a long time now, but keep putting it off!

  9. I love Jane Austen and have read all of her books, except Emma. Seems kind of silly, but I'm 'saving' it so I never run out of Austen novels... can't hold out much longer though! You have some great reading ahead. Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  10. Some great choices here! Anna and the French Kiss is my favorite!!!

  11. I loved Emma. In fact, I've only read one Austen book that I didn't like and that's mostly because I don't know enough about Gothic fiction to appreciate Northanger Abbey.

  12. I haven't read Cinder either but I hear it's amazing! Also on my TBR list :)

    I'm a new follower :D Here is my TTT

  13. Awesome list several would be on mine and I haven't read a Greene book yet *facepalm*

  14. I have read everything on your list but the Bronte books, I tried several times and could not get through them and trust me I have read plenty of the classical those two were just dreadfully boring for me. Some great books on that

  15. I loved Anna and the French Kiss! I think it's one of the only contemporaries that I actually LOVE. The Fault in Our Stars was really good as well. I hope you get a copy of it for Christmas because it was un-put-down-able. :)

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  16. I've read the first 5, but not the reast - The Fault in Our Stars I'm reading now, and Ten, I hope to read in the future. I hope you get to read a few of these - they are pretty fantastic :-)
