
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Top 10 Most Anticipated Books of 2013

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top 10 11 Most Anticipated Books of 2013.

1) The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines, # 3) by Richelle Mead – After the way The Golden Lily Ended, I’m very much looking forward to exploring The Indigo Spell. Can’t wait to see where these characters go.

2) Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, # 3) by Cassandra Clare – Yep. Clockwork Prince was one of my 5 Star reads this year, so I’m about dying to know what’s going to happen between Tessa, Jem, and Will. Oh and to find out the story of Will’s sister.

3) Gameboard of the Gods (Age of X, # 1) by Richelle Mead – New series by Richelle Mead….oh yeah!!!!

4) Dare You To by Katie McGarry – With Pushing the Limits also getting a 5 Star rating from me this year, I’m more than anticipating Dare You To. After reading the first chapter, I’m already liking where Beth’s story seems to be going.

5) Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire – Oh yeah. Beautiful Disaster was a beautiful train wreck that you just couldn’t look away from. Why not come back for me?

6) Fragments by Dan Wells – Partials was a pleasant surprise for me. I have read a good bit of dystopian and post-apocalyptic over the past few years, but this was my first experience with “robots.” I really enjoyed it and can’t wait for the next installment.

7) Inferno (The Chronicles of Nick, # 4) by Sherrilyn Kenyon – Ok so I haven’t read book 3 yet, but I’m getting there.

8) Hopeless by Colleen Hooever – Slammed and Point of Retreat both got extremely high ratings from me. I loved Will and Layken, and I’m looking for some more of the same high intensity, strong emotional connections from Colleen Hoover.

9) Bloodlines # 4 by Richelle Mead - Which is currently untitled and without a cover, but that doesn’t mean I’m not anticipating it more than 90% of other books set to be released in 2013.

10) Daughter of Smoke & Bone # 3 by Laini Taylor– Also currently untitled and without a cover, and I haven’t even read Days of Blood and Starlight yet. But it doesn’t matter. This one will be read!!!!

11) Divergent # 3 by Veronica Roth – Also currently untitled and without a cover. Must have…as…soon….as….possible!

(Can we just note that perhaps my lists need to be Top 11 Tuesday from now on since I obviously can’t keep my list narrowed down to 10? My goodness, what’s wrong with me? Rebellion. It runs through my veins.)

And that ladies and gentlemen is my Top *clears throat* 11 Most Anticipated Books of 2013. What about you? Which books are you anticipating for next year? Let me know!


  1. There are so many series on your list that I've been meaning to start - Daughter of Smoke & Bone, Partials, The Infernal Devices - and I just started Divergent. Great picks!

  2. I'm loving this list because there are so many books on it that I'm looking forward to also, like Gameboard of the Gods & Daughter of Smoke & Bone #3 - although I haven't read the 2nd one yet.

  3. Ooh, some of these look really interesting! Great list!

  4. YAY for Clockwork Princess, and also Divergent #3!!

  5. I didn't even think of Walking Disaster! That cover is gorgeous and the synopsis? A book from the POV of one of my favorite bad boys ever! Yes please!

    Thanks for stopping by Take Me Away!
    New follower!

  6. I'm with you on Walking Disaster! Can't wait for that one.

  7. I've heard Partials was really good. I still need to read that one. If I like it, I'm sure I'd want to read Fragments too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! :D

  8. I need to read the Divergent series. I have heard lots of good things about it. And ditto with Clockwork Princess. :)

  9. These are some great choices. I haven't read Partials, but I really want to. I need to get it read before the new book comes out next year. Great list!!

    Thanks for stopping by Reading It All

  10. WHAT. Colleeen Hoover has another book coming out soon?! That's definitely going on my TBR list!

  11. Nice list! And haha, at least you narrowed it down better than I did.

    My TTT:

  12. Oh my goodness! Insurgent was SO good. Can't WAIT for it to come out!

    The Inky Top Ten

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  13. Thanks for stopping by! Great picks. I still can't believe I have yet to read anything by Richelle Mead! *hangs head*

    jenn | TTT

  14. Yah the Clockwork Princess is definitely much anticipated by many. it's just cassandra Clare she's so great. Can't wait to see the Mortal Instruments on screen. Thanks for stopping by yesterday!

  15. I concur with Gameboard of the Gods...yay for new books!

  16. DoS&B #3 and Divergent #3 definitely made my TTT this week as well. I need to crack open my copy of A Clockwork Angel asap as well so I can anticipate with everyone :D Gameboard of the Gods looks amazing as well! Thanks for sharing, old follower.

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  17. Oh, forgot to mention - new follower via GFC :)

  18. Great list, Hopeless looks really good, thank you for leaving the comment on my TTT! (=

  19. I love that we love the same books! It makes me happy! =)

    P.S. I am starting Vampire Academy next week. SQUEEEE!

  20. Really nice list! I'm looking forward to The Indigo Spell too. And now I know about Richelle Mead's new series...looks really interesting!

  21. Inferno and Divergent #3 are must reads when those come out!

  22. I cannot wait for Walking Disaster, Divergent three and Fragments!

  23. Ohhh! I have Beautiful Disaster but have yet to read it! Another reason to finally get that done!

    Lovely list. And I like that you do 11 instead of 10! Be a rebel! ;)

  24. Indigo Spell and Clockwork Princess are on my list too. Check out my top ten.
