
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Top 10 Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me.I’ll just be honest…I rarely spend money on myself. Sure, I like to enjoy life and books, but my husband and I have clearly defined financial goals that trump my desire to buy myself tons and tons of books. So truthfully, I depend upon Christmas and my birthday as my two main book acquisition events. That being said, I often request books for Christmas and my birthday that I just wouldn’t fork out the money for myself. Books like Clockwork Princess, The Indigo Spell…books coming out in series that I LOVE or just books coming out by authors I trust usually fall into the category of books I’ll definitely buy for myself. But I’d say only maybe 10% of books I read fall into that category—maybe less. And while the ones listed below are ones I don’t necessarily want to spend money on, doesn’t mean they’re of lesser quality. I’m just cheap. So Santa, if you’re paying attention….here’s my Top 10 14 Books I Wouldn’t Mind You Bringing Me…
1) The Maze Runner by James Dashner – I’m not sure how I haven’t read this series yet.
2) Firelight by Sophie Jordan – I’ve heard wonderful things about this series and I’m totally dying to check it out.
3) The Iron Daughter (Iron Fey, # 2) by Julia Kagawa – I just finished The Iron King (review coming soon) and of course I need to know what happens next.
4) Cinder by Marissa Meyer – Everyone raves about this book and I’m even seeing reviews start to pop up for book 2 so yeah, definitely want to check this one out.
5) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green – Apparently John Green is a phenomenal writer, and I haven’t had the pleasure of reading anything by him yet. So perfect opportunity.
6) Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor – Hoping for the audiobook version of this one since I like to have the same version of each book in a series.
7) Infamous (Chronicles of Nick, # 3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon – Need to see whether Nick can change his destiny or not.
8) Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge – Author of Wild at Heart, which I’ve heard is an outstanding book. This is the version for women.
9) The Selection by Kiera Cass – There was a lot of hype about this one over the past year and I never got around to reading it. So I’d like to check it out. Plus the sequel is coming out soon. I don’t want to get too far behind.
10) Grave Mercy by R L LaFevers – Seen a lot of hype and good reviews of this one over the last year too.
11) Love & Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo
12) Anna & the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
13) This one is a tie between Endure (Need # 4) by Carrie Jones & Darkest Mercy (Wicked Lovely, # 5) by Melissa Marr – Truthfully, Entice (Need # 3) and Fragile Eternity (Wicked Lovely # 3) both left me feeling as if I’d wasted my time reading them. But I really have a hard time not completing a series (see my post here on DNFing). As far as I know Endure is the last book in the Need series so it will be a relief to complete that one. On the other hand, I still have Radiant Shadows (Wicked Lovely # 4) to read that I’ve had in my possession for a year and a half and just haven’t felt a desire to even pick it up at all. I still really want to finish these series, but honestly don’t want to spend the money on them myself.
So that's my Top 10 for this week. Which books do you want Santa to bring you?


  1. I hope you find these books under the tree Christmas morning!

    I really need to read John Green too. And I can't wait for Clockwork Princess.

  2. Books you need to read asap: Cinder, The Fault in Our Stars and Anna and the French Kiss! They are so so good! I also need to read the others on your list, but most are on my wishlist :)

  3. I truly hope you get Cinder under the tree this year, because that book is AWESOME. It starts off slow, but it gets better as you go along!

  4. You have got to get your hands on Cinder! I loved it and cannot wait for Scarlet (which is on my list!) Great list - I want to read many of these as well!

    Hopping by, Here's my list...

  5. You have so many great ones on this list! TFIOS was amazing. And I loved Maze Runner, Cinder, and the Iron Fey series as well. I'll admit that Grave Mercy made my list too! It's been getting such great buzz ;)

  6. I loved The Fault in Our Stars; it was amazing! And Cinder and The Selection are both really good too.

    Thanks for checking out my TTT!

  7. Ooo, the Fault in Our Stars is one of my favorite books of this year. Hope you get a lot of books for Christmas!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I haven't read almost any of those (but they are all on my TBR, haha) but the Maze Runner is amazzzzzzzing :) I really hope you enjoy it and the rest of them! And I hope Santa drops them all at your door :P

    Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten!

  9. Ahhh The Maze Runner looks so good! And The Fault in our Stars! :) Grace Mercy was a DNFer for me, but that was the minority; so was The Selection, which was a hit-or-miss book for everyone, so I hear. But Cinder was good and I can't wait to read Anna and the French Kiss and Love and Other Perishable Items

    Seriously, GREAT list! :D

    Sierra @ Yearning to Read
    My TTT:

  10. I would like to read The Maze Runner too!
    Cinder and The Fault in Our Stars are great, Grave Mercy wasn't bad. Hope you do get to read them soon!

  11. If only! Read many of these and pining for many others. Great list!

  12. I see that you have the Chronicles of Nick on your list! I haven't started reading them yet, are they good. They sound good! And I also want to read Cinder it has been on my TBR pile for a while! Nice list!!

  13. Oh...Anna and the French Kiss...I envy everyone who gets to experience this super cute story for the first time! I hope you get that book and enjoy it at least as much as I did :)

  14. Wow! You have some great books listed! Hopefully you'll get a few of them for Christmas!

  15. Cinder looks great! Fingers crossed Santa brings you these :)

  16. Great list, half of these are on my to-buy list too! Lol...Yes, I agree with most that you must get TFIOS & Anna and the French Kiss first!! :)

  17. I'm not surprised you surpassed ten. I have to agree with you on a couple of those, I added one of John Green's other books to my list. He's an author I've heard lots about, but have yet to try. So I hope he lives up.

    Hope you get these! :) And thanks for stopping by my TTT.

  18. That's a great list! I see quite a few that I wouldn't mind having under the tree either.

  19. I hope you get some of those!!! Thanks for stopping by Ink Spots and Roses!
