
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Top 10 Favorite Book Blogs

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is a freebie, so I'm doing Top Ten Favorite Book Blogs.

One thing’s for sure, this community is pretty awesome. It encourages visiting and commenting on others’ sites and generally is super supportive. And I’m thankful to be a part of this community. And that’s kind of why I’m doing in this Top 10. It’s not just my favorite book blogs, but book blogs that I’m thankful for as well. The blogs that make this list by no mean diminish any other blog and as always, I find it hard to narrow a list down to 10. I guarantee you that there will be blogs that aren’t mentioned that I’m thankful for and if you’re reading this post at all. I’m thankful for you.

1) Anna Reads – This was the first book blog I ever followed. I found Anna’s site when she did her stick figure drawing video of Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy. I knew then that I’d love her site. And I do.

2) The Aussie Zombie – Another one of my earliest follows. I guess more than anything it was the name that drew me in. I also really like the fact that she reviews such a variety of books—most of which actually AREN’T on my TBR list.

3) The Story Siren – Ok, I totally know that there’s TONS of controversy surrounding her site—and I really don’t want to get into any of that here. All of that went down when I was very new to blogging (publicly anyway), and I really have no idea the details about what happened, nor do I care to. I’ve learned so much from Kristi. I spent tons of time on her site under her tips and tricks section when I was first starting out, and who knows when I would have learned about NetGalley if it wasn’t for her. Plus yeah, I’ve kind of learned some what not to dos—those are good to know too. SITE SITE SITE your sources!!!! (Can I get an “amen?”)

4) The Caffeinated Book Reviewer – Kimba is great. She comments so much that I have no idea how she has time to comment on everyone’s stuff much less read. But the comments are always appreciated here. She’s always encouraging and willing to offer help. Plus I’ve learned a lot from her Blogger Tips and Tricks posts too.

5) Bunbury in the Stacks – Also one of my first blogs to follow and also another blogger that I don’t exactly have the same preferences in genre. But I like it that way. Variety is the spice of life and all of that. Plus her reviews are super great—informative and funny.

6) A Librarian’s Library – We totally have the same taste in a lot of reads and it just so happens that we both live in Alabama. As small as our state is, what are the chances? Anyway, always giving a shout out to my fellow Alabamian blogger.

7) Word’s Fueled by Love – This is my sister-in-law’s blog. I really like the unique spin she’s done on her reviews by including her favorite quotes from every book. Great idea. Of course she has to make the list being one of my favorite people in the entire world and such. Plus we super have the same reading taste which is great! Always swapping books back and forth. Not to mention that she sparked my love for reading again when she handed me Twilight for the first time.

8) The Broke & the Bookish – Because I’m completely obsessed with this meme. It’s been tons of fun for me to do these lists each week, not to mention the other bloggers that I’ve “met” via this meme/blog.

9) Breaking the Spine – Who also says she’s from Alabama and because I love the Waiting on Wednesday meme. Though I find it slightly mysterious that Waiting on Wednesday seems to be the only post she ever seems to do--I could just be missing the others.

10) You – No seriously. If you’re reading this then you deserve to be on this list. Even though I do this blog for myself and because I enjoy it, it would be pretty disheartening to know that no one was reading it. So thank you for reading. Thank you for visiting. Thank you for commenting. Love and blessings I send your way.

I promise there are many other bloggers who stand out to me and who’s blogs I know and recognize by name, you are not forgotten. And even though I didn’t create the Sunday Post meme (that’d be Kimba mentioned # 4 above), I feel like all of the blogs that participate in that meme are like my little blogging family. Thanks again to everyone!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


  1. Great list idea, I'll have to check out these blogs! :) Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday list: Top Ten Catchiest Book Titles:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  2. Your list is such a great idea! I toyed with the idea of starting a book blog for quite some time before I actually did, and one reason I finally did was because of the community and some of the blogs you mentioned. Anna Reads & The Broke and the Bookish were some of the first book blogs I stumbled across as well.

  3. Your list is such a great idea! I know a lot of the blogs you mentioned were some of the first book blogs I came across and why I decided to start a book blog in the first place.

  4. Thanks for visiting Jorie's Reads!... I like Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Broke and the Bookish, too. I'll have to check out some of the others you've listed.

    Happy 2013!

  5. Thanks for making this list. It's perfect for me since I'm just starting to read book blogs:-)

  6. The story siren is one of the first blogs I noticed too. I stumbled on some others before but her had the most catching design. Nice picks! And thanks for adding me to the list :o)

    Happy holidays!
    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams
    Special Guest Post by Marion Croslydon: Top Ten Heroes I’d Like To Kiss Under The Mistletoe

  7. Cute list, I see many blogs I follow myself :)

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. Mmm I have already followed some because they are, as you say, awesome. I'm going to check out the rest because I didn't know them and I'm sure they will be awesome too.

    Thanks for sharing! :)

  9. Great list. I'll need to check some of these out. My list this week is Christmas gift books.

  10. Aw, I love your list! And I agree with the part in 10 about how you write it for yourself because you love it but would also be sad if nobody read, so true! Great topic! :)

  11. Oh wow! We love a lot of the same blogs! I love #10, what a great choice! Awesome blog, thanks for commenting, I'm so happy to have found a new blog to follow!!
    Victoria @ Yeah, I Read It!

  12. What a fantastic list of blogger love! Hope you had a lovely Christmas :)

  13. Ha..i haven't commented all week and you talk about me commenting *blushes* It has been crazy here for the holidays and Jess's guest leave Weds and you should see more of me! thank you and i am delighted to follow your blog Sandy and be your bookish friend!

  14. This is such a cute idea! I haven't been blogging long, so I only know about a third of those book blogs, but after this list, I'm definitely checking them all out.

    Great post!

    Aimee @ Penmanship Smitten

  15. This is such a cute idea! I haven't been blogging long, so I only know about a third of those book blogs, but after this list, I'm definitely checking them all out.

    Great post!

    Aimee @ Penmanship Smitten

  16. This is such a cute idea! I actually haven't been blogging long, so I'm always looking for new, awesome book blogs to read. Considering I only know about a third of these, I can't wait to check the rest of them out.

    Great post!

    Aimee @ Penmanship Smitten
