
Friday, January 11, 2013

Feature & Follow - 1

Feature & Follow is a weekly meme that is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

This week's question: Q: If you could choose one supernatural being/creature to really exists what would it be and why?

My SNL, Holly @ Words Fueled by Love has been trying to get me to participate in this meme for a while now, so here I am giving it a shot.

Tough question. I do love my supernatural creatures in fiction. Let's list our supernatural options...witches, wizards, vampires, zombies, werewolves, faeries, shape shifters, aliens, incubus (what's the plural for that???), succubus, nephilim, shadowhunters, psychics, gracelings, monsters, dragons, trolls, mermaids...I'm sure I'm missing some.

As cool as some of these supernatural beings are, I think I'd have to go with the water horses from The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. I've never seen a take on this type of being before...never seen any other story featured around supernatural water horses, and Maggie Stiefvater made these creatures extremely beautiful, intriguing, and dangerous. And I would totally be into taking a trip to Thisby to check them out. Plus it'd just be a bonus to meet Sean Kendrick and see him work with them.

Dragons would be super cool too though.

What do you guys think? Which supernatural being/creature would you choose to be real if you had to pick? Let me know!


  1. A lot of people have been saying dragons. Water horses would be cool too!

    Here's my FF:

  2. Nice answer! Love your blog title btw :)

    New Follower!

  3. very cool! I've never actually read The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, so I will add it to my To Read list on GR. I followed you via GFC. Thanks for passing by my blog! will follow you via twitter also :)

  4. The water horses sound fantastic.

    Old GFC Follower
    Thanks for stopping at

  5. Thanks for following.... New follower of yours. I might join you on the March TBR Reading Challenge. Good to know it's going on. Thanks!

  6. Thanks for visiting my site. Following back :)

  7. Thanks for following, New follower via GFC.

  8. Thanks for following Imagine a World!
    Great answer, by the way. Water horses is a new one but they sound awesome :)
    I follow via GFC

    Farrah @ Imagine a World

  9. I've been reading to read the Scorpio Races! I keep getting distracted with other books. Water horses, though... the very name sounds interesting. I'll have to put that book on my TBR pile immediately!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog -- I followed you back. :D

  10. Hi :) Following you back. I have only read Daughter of Smoke and Bone. How was the second one? I heard it was a lot more about the war and less a love story/magical story. I'm cautious because I loved the first one so much and don't want the second one to spoil it, lol :) Happy reading!

  11. I like your answer.

    Thanks for following, I followed back :)

  12. I have not read that one.

    New Follower
    My FF

  13. Interesting choice!I have to finish this book.:) Thanks for stopping by!New follower!

  14. Too funny! I made a list, too. There are so many, and if we are to co-exist, we need to think it out, right? I haven't read The Scorpio Races though I have wanted to. I read her Wolves series and just finished The Raven Boys.

    Here's mine: FFF

    Old follower (that doesn't sound good...)

    Audrey @ Ink and Page
