
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top 10 Books I Resolve to Read in 2013

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books I Resolve to Read in 2013.

Well guys, as always this is hard for me. I don't like to narrow down my reading to much to a formula because I need to read as I'm in the mood. But...that being said, there are several books I plan to read this year.

1) The Power of a Praying Church by Stormie Omartian - I started this one sometime in 2012 and I'm determined to finish it this year.

2) Vanish by Sophie Jordan - Because I'm currently reading this one and see no reason why I won't be able to finish it.

3) Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - Because I've started this one and intend to finish it this year to count toward my goal of 6 classics read in 2013.

4) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - Because everyone raves about this book and I didn't get around to it in 2013. Plus it's going to be one of the ones I read for my Wish List Challenge.

5) The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage by Stormie Omartian - Also started this one in 2012 and just want/need to finish it.

6) EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey - Because my sister either gave this to me for Christmas 2011 or my birthday 2012, and either way I really need to get it read. Love me some Dave Ramsey.

7) Ten by Gretchen McNeil - Because this got a lot of hype last year and I want to see for myself. Plus I don't typically read a lot of thriller and want to branch out a bit.

8) The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead - Not that I really have to resolve to read anything by Richelle Mead. But I'll definitely get this one read this year.

9) A Feast for Crows by George R R Martin - Gotta stay on top of my A Song of Ice and Fire series! Can't read too many of these at a time because it takes a lot out of me, but one a year, maybe two...

10) Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl - Even though I was unimpressed with book 2, I'm not read to give up on this series just yet. Plus I need to read this one for my Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge for this year.

So that's my wide variety of reads I'm resolving to read in 2013. What about you guys? Which books do you resolve to read for 2013?


  1. Jane Eyre is an amazing book. Hopefully I get to read more Bronte in 2013.

  2. I love Game of Thrones and bought the books last year. I didn't put them on the list but they are on the mental one. From what I've seen from HBO, Martin is a fearless writer.

    Thanks for stopping by. Happy New Year! (My 2013 Must Reads.

  3. TFIOS and Ten were great.

    Good luck getting to all these books!

  4. I am so excited to read The Fault in Our Stars, too! Jane Eyre is sooo good, I really think that you will enjoy it, it is one of my favorites! Happy New Year, and Happy Reading!

  5. It seems like The Fault in our Stars is a popular choice. Oh, The Indigo Spell is on my list too!

    My Top Ten

  6. Oh, TFiOS is so good! I hope you like it! Happy New Year and happy reading! :)

  7. A Feast for Crows was such a struggle for me. The first 3 were so addicting.
    Happy New Year!

  8. Great list! I'm so eager to pick up The Indigo Spell too! Hope you enjoy TFiOS - there is a lot of hype but I really loved it. Ten is another book I hope to sneak in this year. Good luck with all your reading goals and happy new year!

  9. Nearly all of these are on my TBR list as well. Great picks.

    Happy New Years and happy reading!

    Here are the books I resolve to read

    ~Danica Page
    Taking it One Page at a Time

  10. John Green didn't quite make it on to my Top Ten, but The Fault On Our Stars is one I hope to read in 2013 too. I have heard so many great things about the book, as I'm sure everyone has, I just hope it lives up to the hype surrounding it.

    Happy New Year!

  11. You've got quite the variety here. I hope you love TFiOS and that the hype doesn't ruin it for you!

  12. Love Jane Eyre! I had to read it in 9th grade and then again in college, but I've been meaning to revisit it again soon.

  13. I am fascinated by the world the world that Stohl & Garcia have created in their Castor Chronicles! I can't wait to read Beautiful Redemption! I agree with Fault in Our Stars, EVERYONE who has read it RAVES about it! I have the Bloodlines series on my TBR list, but haven't read the 1st on yet. Thanks for stopping by Libby Blog! Happy reading.

    Top 10 @Libby Blog

  14. I love Beautiful Chaos!! And I really want to read TFiOS and Ten too!

  15. I can't wait to read The Indigo Spell. I want it soooo bad!

  16. I have been debating whether or not to read The Fault in Our Stars- it sounds so wonderful but so sad! I have been dancing around it, and just read Looking for Alaska, which I loved.The rest of your list sounds really good too. I need to catch up on my GOT reading!

  17. Tha fault in our stars is amazing! Look forward to reading it :-D
    I also can't wait to read The Indigo Spell, om February 12, so close yet so faaaaar away!

  18. I found it hard to come up with a list too. I want to read The Fault in Our Stars. It seems to be everyone's favorite. I need to get back into the George R.R. Martin's series. I've only read the first book. Enjoy your reading this year!

  19. Jane Eyre is amazing and one of my all time favorite books! The Fault in Our Stars was my favorite read of last year! Great list, hope you enjoy! :)
