
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Top 10 Fictional Crushes

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten 2013 Debuts,mbut I'm not so good at that kind of thing. I do good enough to pick a Waiting on Wednesday choice each week and even that can be rather difficult for me.

So instead of Top 10 2013 Debuts, I'm choosing an old topic, but one I've been looking forward to doing. Top 10 Fictional Crushes. (In no particular order...) ....Though none of these fictional characters measure up to the very real person that is my husband.

1) Dimitri Belikov from Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead - Obviously I have a thing for older, more mature man. Dimitri fits the bill and then some.

2) Adrian Ivashkov from Bloodlines by Richelle Mead - Adrian wasn't right for Rose, but I am rooting for him with Sydney. No matter what, I still find him extremely attractive.

3) Edward Cullen from Twilight by Stephenie Meyer - YEAH! I went there. Perhaps without the sparkles, and despite being a RP fan, I prefer book version of Edward better than movie version of Edward.

4) Will Herondale from Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare - Will and Jace are very similar, but I am just a huge Will fan. Plus I tend to prefer dark hair to blonde. IJS.

5) Peter from My Blood Approves by Amanda Hocking - I dunno...there's just something about him that does it for me. Perhaps it's his willingness to let Alice have what she needed despite what he might have wanted.

6) Sam from The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater - Loved Sam's romantic, poetry filled self. Plus he plays an instrument which is hugely attractive.

7) Ed from Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowly - Again...the tortured artist definitely stands out from the crowd for me. Love a guy with talent (just so happens that Husband is an artist too).

8) Will Cooper from Slammed by Colleen Hoover - Um yeah...again with the poetry. HOT! Plus Will's had to grow up extremely fast and I do so love maturity in the opposite sex.

9) Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - I mean DUH!!! Darcy's efforts to become a better person in order to be worthy of Elizabeth....yeah, it doesn't get much better than that.

10) Captain Wentworth from Persuasion by Jane Austen - Had his heart broken, and though he tried, just couldn't move on from the one that stole his heart so many years ago. 11) Yes....I'm cheating...who could possibly stop at 10?

11) Sean Kendrick from The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater - Love his love for the horses. Seeing that vulnerability in another human being is heart melting.

12) Michael Hosea from Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers - Um yeah, a man with values and who knows the work of his hands, that's hot too. Plus the way he brings Angel around and the multiple times he chased after her....*sigh* So I guess that's all for now. There were plenty others that I find hot that just didn't make the list. What are your Top 10(ish) Fictional Character Crushes? Let me know!


  1. I too love most of these guys, but in a real life setting, Michael Hosea has it all!

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  2. Wow, I'm loving your top ten list! I'm madly in love with Dimitri! Actually I love all of the guys that you've mentioned. Slammed is one of my top favorite books all time. Have you read Hopeless by Colleen Hoover yet? You will fall madly in love with Holder!

    1. Yeah...I've read hopeless, and i loved it, but holder didn't make my top 12 list though he is hot! Thanks for commenting.

  3. I really want to read Slammed & Graffiti Moon! :) My TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  4. I agree I much prefer the book Edward to the movie. I love Sam too he is so sweet and I always loved artists!

    I made a list of my fav crushes in a post as a response to this(:

    Love the list!!

  5. Great choices. New follower via GFC :)

  6. Shiver is on my to-read shelf! If you like the male lead then it's probably good... I need to get this fast I guess :))

    Kezia @ Pansycake Reader

  7. Those are definitly some swoon crushes there!!!

  8. I can't believe the only book I've read on that list is Twilight D: Though I've definitely seen Dimitri on many people's list, I feel like I'm missing out haha. Here was my Top ten Boyfriend list which is basically crushes ;)

  9. Ooh - so many good choices. Happy you included Mr. Darcy, Sam, Edward and Will...I would also put Jace from TMI on my list. Ms. Clare does write a good bad boy.

    Audrey @ Ink and Page
