
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Top 10 Settings to See More Of

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Settings to See More Of.

1) Forks/La Push - I'd love to read about Jacob. I'd even love to find out what's going on with Leah these days. And of course, I'd LOVE for Midnight Sun to finally be finished and released.

2) Hogwarts - Even without the Dark Lord to contend with, there's still endless possibilities with this world.

3) Vampire Academy/Bloodlines - Yeah, okay. So Bloodlines isn't finished. Doesn't mean I'm satisfied. Perhaps if I had my hands on The Indigo Spell I might be.

4) The Forest of Hands and Teeth - Love zombies and I really enjoy Carrie Ryan's writing. There's almost an endless amount of possibilities that Carrie Ryan could go in as well.

5) The Seven Kingdoms - Okay, again I'm not finished with A Song of Ice and Fire series, and George R R Martin isn't finished writing them either, but I need more.

6) Panem - Even though we know that other Games won't have the happy ending that The Hunger Games had, I think I could totally stand to read some stories of the other annual hunger games.

7) Graceling Realm - Again with the endless possibilities. And I loved this world that Kristin Cashore created. Monsters and Gracelings. Let's have more of both.

8) Shadowhunters - Despite having multiple series, The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, and upcoming The Dark Artifices.

And for once I've got less than 10 picks. What settings do you want to see more of? Let me know!


  1. i think hogwarts is on everyones list! (big surprise):)) and i agree with number 1, the released part of midnight sun was amazing and id love to return to that world!

    this is my TTT

  2. Great list! I think it would be cool if Stephanie Meyer shared more stories from her world. I would like to learn more about the werewolves.

  3. Great list. I loved these worlds (the ones I read).

    Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten post

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books

  4. All about the Hogwarts and the 7 Kingdoms! Haven't read Graceling yet but it sounds like my kind of book so I'm sure I'll love that world/setting too! :D Great list. Thanks for visiting mine! Happy Tuesday!

  5. Great list! I'd love to see more stories set in Panem and the Shadowhunters world too. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Hogwarts has sure made a lot of appearances this week. Maybe JK Rowling will someday revisit this?

  7. This is an awesome list! I fully agree!
    New follower via GFC
