
Thursday, February 7, 2013

The One that Got Away - Review

The One that Got Away

By: Kelly Hunter

Published: January 22nd 2013 by Harlequin KISS

224 pages

Source: Publisher via NetGalley

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--Good job? Tick. Newly purchased apartment? Tick. Evie's life is on a pretty even keel at the moment. The only thing missing? A man with an edge to keep things interesting. Enter Logan Black. Tortured, distant and sexy, Logan has edge written all over him. He's also the man who tipped Evie over the edge a few years back - she gave him everything, but he didn't know when to stop taking. Leaving Logan was the hardest thing Evie's ever done. Until now. Because Logan's back, the chemistry is as blistering as ever, and this time he's not going anywhere...

If you read my review of Waking Up Married, then you know that I didn't pay too much attention to the information for these two books when I requested them for review. Read the description, thought they had cute covers, sounded good, went for it. When I started reading Waking Up Married, I was really surprised to find out that it was labeled as a contemporary romance/new adult. Meaning, I wasn't expecting the descriptions that I stumbled upon.

Since I did read Waking Up Married first, I did expect the same level of descriptions for The One That Got Away, but I was still surprised as the struggle for control was a major theme for the book--if you know what I mean.

These super cute covers for the new Harlequin Kiss books are misleading I think. While our main character did mention going to the beach once in the book, this wasn't a beachy kind of ocean book which the cover bestows.

All of that being said, I did like to see a leading female who put forth an effort not to succumb to the every whim of the interested male and who made her stand from time to time as needed. And I enjoyed seeing both Evie and Logan work to make themselves better people.

All in all, I give The One That Got Away 3.5 stars. Have you read this one? What did you think? Let me know!


  1. I totally request books based on romancey/cute covers and have also been surprised

    thanks for the honest review!!

  2. Oh also commenting as part of the Romance Is In the Air hop :)

  3. Whoa...I'm glad you cleared that up because I was thinking it was a cute little read based on the cover too. I think I will skip reading this one!! I'm entering the giveaway hop, btw.

  4. I am putting this book on my to read list, it sounds cute and romantic; thanks for the review. and I am also commenting as part of the romance is in the air hop.
    -Cali W.

  5. Yeah, I knew these were New Adult. I do have Waking Up Married in my tbr pile and read your review of it. I am glad the female in this doesn't give in to every wish of the male.

  6. It sounds like an interesting book but not sure if I'd like it or not. I agree that the cover seems deceiving to the storyline. It is good to see a stronger female character. Thanks for your thoughts! I entered the Romance Its in the Air hop.
