
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Top 10 Authors on My Auto-Buy List

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Authors on My Auto-Buy List.

1) Richelle Mead - Granted I haven't read all of her published work--I plan to, but everything I have read by her has been enough to convince me that I'll definitely buy anything I can get my hands on by her. (# of Richelle Mead books I've read: 10)

2) Colleen Hoover - Um yeah, Slammed, Point of Retreat, and Hopeless have all been extremely good and emotional reads. Colleen Hoover is a given for me. (# of Colleen Hoover books I've read: 3)

3) Katie McGarry - Having only read Pushing the Limits, Katie McGarry still makes my auto-buy list because Pushing the Limits was just that good. (# of Katie McGarry books I've read: 1)

4) Priscilla Glenn - Yep. Another author that I've only read one book by, but it doesn't matter. Back to You was good enough for me to need to check out any and everything Priscilla Glenn writes. (# of Priscilla Glenn books I've read: 1)

5) Maggie Stiefvater - I think I've read everything that Maggie S has published. While I wasn't blown away by The Raven Boys, I still love her writing style. (# of Maggie Stiefvater books I've read: 7)

6) Cassandra Clare - While at this point I've only read her Shadowhunter world, she's still written 7 in this world that I've read and thoroughly enjoyed. Cassandra Clare is definitely worth checking out. (# of Cassandra Clare books I've read: 7)

7) Stephenie Meyer - I LOVED Twilight and I was pleasantly surprised by The Host. So yeah, I think I've seen enough to check out her other work--if she ever gets back to writing. (# of Stephenie Meyer books I've read: 6 1/2)

8) John Green - I've only read The Fault in Our Stars, but he's got quite the fan base out there and now I understand why. So I plan to check out his other published work and whatever comes out in the future. (# of John Green books I've read: 1)

9) Carrie Ryan - I loved the writing style she used in The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Specifically, The Dead Tossed Waves is one of my favorite books ever, but I have to say that I was disappointed with The Dark and Hollow Places. I'd like to read something that redeems it all for me. But I have to say I'm not completely interested in her latest published (# of Carrie Ryan books I've read: 4)

This last one is kind of iffy. I thought about listing JK Rowling because Harry Potter was the epitome of epic, and while I do plan to read The Casual Vacancy at some point, I can't say I'm looking forward to it.

10) Dan Wells - I've only read Partials so far by Mr. Wells, but that was enough to hook me into the series. And enough to have me interested in checking out his other stuff. (# of Dan Wells books I've read: 1)

I've learned that while I've got series that are on auto-buy, apparently, I'm less trusting of the authors themselves when it comes to moving on to something new. Which authors are on your auto-buy list? Let me know!


  1. Great list! I love a couple of the authors on your list, but they didn't quite make my auto buy list! I loved Twilight, but just couldn't find the love for The Host. Probably one of the few.

  2. Nice! Cassandra Clare's on my list, too. I also really like Dan Wells, although some of his books (the Cleaver series) are super disturbing. I've read everything he's written except for FRAGMENTS ('cause, dang, that thing is thick!) and I'm definitely a fan.

    Glad to have found you via TTT!

  3. Wow great list. Dan Wells is a great pick, I've only read Partials too but his writing drew me into Sci Fi and that was a feat in itself :P

  4. I've read 9 Richelle Mead books so you win ;) Haha but seriously, she would have been on my list too had it not been for the fact that she HAS so many adult books that I've never even really considered reading. Maybe someday!

    I've seen Maggie Stiefvater all over the place which is great! :) I've only read Lament and The Scorpio Races (<3) but I loved them both. I'll definitely have to check out her others! Shame that The Raven Boys wasn't your favourite... Hopefully the next book will be way better? :/

    I get your point with JKR... I haven't read The Casual Vacancy yet either... but not putting it would just be WEIRD for me.

    Great list! <3

  5. Nice list. There are some on there that I am trying to find the time to read.

    My T&TTT Teaser and Top Ten Tuesday (1)
    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I like your list too! And although I don't agree with Stephanie Meyers (wasn't a fan of her work), I did like the John Green book I read, Looking for Alaska. I've read Cassandra Clare's Clockwork series but not the Mortal Instruments. I really need to check those out at the library! I hadn't heard of any of the other authors on your list, so I will definitely have to go check them out!

  7. I'm with you on John and Maggie for sure. Katie McGarry was a great pick too, even after only one book. Pushing the Limits was so good, and I am beyond excited for Dare You To! :)

  8. Great list! I thought about Carrie Ryan, I liked The Forest of Hands and Teeth series, and would love to read more of her writing! Also, one of my goals this year is to read something by John Green - most readers seem to love him!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Bree :)
    Coffee Bean Bookshelf

  9. Nice list! I wasn't a fan of The Raven Boys, but I've liked a lot of Maggie Stiefvater's other books. I put J. K. Rowling on mine, even though I didn't really enjoy The Casual Vacancy, just because I still want to see whatever she writes next! Thanks for stopping by.


  10. I thought I just commented, but it looks like it disappeared... Nice list!

  11. I loved The Forest of Hands and Teeth and the rest of the series, so Carrie Ryan almost made my list. And I also thought about J.K. Rowling, but left her off of mine for the reasons you mentioned.

  12. Nice list! I've only read one or two of these authors so far (Stiefvater and Meyer.) I'm looking forward to trying Richelle Mead and Cassandra Clare someday.
