
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Top 10 Favorite Characters in X Genre

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Favorite Characters in X Genre.

Ok guys, I'm doing a little twist to this topic. I'm doing Top 10 Secondary Characters. Secondary characters never get as much attention as they should, and since I'm limited to 10, I'm sure I'm going to end up leaving some great characters off this list. Also, there were a few I wanted to add to the list that aren't the most prominent character in a specific book, but they're too prominent for me to label them as secondary--I'm not sure there's a real rule about what's primary and what's secondary, but I'm going with my gut on this one. This is going to be fun, here goes....

1) The Weasley twins from Harry Potter & 2) Lee Jordan from Harry Potter - I had to list these together here so that I can discuss them at the same time. The Weasley twins are quite hilarious, but when JK Rowling would throw Lee Jordan in the mix as well, I'd find myself laughing out loud. Lee Jordan's narration of the games and the radio program from The Deathly Hallows, well just cracks me up.

3) Helen from Jane Eyre - Having recently read Jane Eyre I fell in love with Helen. Not only do we not see friends like this in today's literature, we don't see characters like this in today's modern literature. I find it quite sad.

4) Jane Bennet from Pride and Prejudice - Now sure Jane's naivete can be annoying, but it's really important to know and have people in your life who only see the good in people until utterly proven otherwise, and even then try to give them the benefit of the doubt and offer more kindness than people deserve. I think I do know a Jane Bennet and I love that girl. Always a smile on her face and giggle close behind.

5) Christian Ozera from Vampire Academy - I do love some snark and Christian's got plenty of it.

6) Emmett from Twilight - I loved his relationship with Bella. The big brother who teases her. Emmett was fully of jokes and teasing and I loved it.

7) Vee from Hush, Hush - I have a friend who Vee reminds me of very much, so I really adored her character.

8) Zuzana from Daughter of Smoke and Bone - So innocent and perky. Witty as well. Zuzana would do anything for Karou. Loved their friendship and her loyal character.

9) Lula from Stephanie Plum - Okay so maybe Lula's more like a main character, but I have never laughed out loud so repetitively than when I read (or listen to) the Stephanie Plum books. Lula takes the cake as one of the funniest characters I've ever read.

10) Abe Mazur from Vampire Academy - Abe is also one of those characters that make me laugh out loud. Most of the time I'm laughing at his outlandish, pimp/mob gangster wardrobe choices, but he's also witty and I love it.

I've got a huge smile on my face just remembering the goodness that these characters add to the books I love. The main characters get so much of the glory, but these secondary characters deserve their time in the spotlight and deserve my applause.


  1. Great list!! Good idea on doing the secondary characters, I nevre even thought of doing that.
    old follower
    my TTT

  2. I love Zuzana and Lula! Great picks. I would put Lucy from The Drake Chronicles on the list too.

  3. Oh yes, Lee Jordan! Almost forgot about him. He was awesome. Also, I'd totally agree with you on Helen, Jane and Emmett. Unlikely but totally favorable. Great list =D

    Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten Tuesday post!

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  4. Aww, the Weasleys. I love them. And the make the best chocolate. The first thing I did when I went to Universal Florida was to run into their shop and buy some sweets ;)

    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Abe Mazur was number 13 on my list. He ALMOST made it, and was very sad that he didn't.

    check out my TTT:

  6. Abe, Christian, and Emmett are all GREAT choices! And oh, Fred and George. My heart. *hugs them* Fabulous list. I have a thing for secondary characters, as well - I LOVE good secondary characters. Sometimes they shine brighter or mean more to me than the main characters!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. I love this list! Jane Bennett was one of my favorite characters in P&P, aside from Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, of course. ;)

    And I also love Emmett. <3

  8. "My dear Jane!" she is such a wonderful character! Great list :)

  9. Great, great choice for the topic! I loved the Weasley twins... it makes me sad to think about though :( I also loved Christian, Vee & Abe! A lot of secondary characters are my favorites... they add so much depth to the story.

  10. I love love love the Weasley twins. Easily, some of my favorite Harry Potter characters. Great list! Thanks for stopping by my TTT

    Halee @ Confessions of a Book Addict

  11. Great idea for this week's TTT! I love your Harry Potter picks -- especially Gred and Forge *chuckle* I think I would have had to add Luna and Neville, as well. I love them both!

    I had a few HP characters on my own list -- please come on by The Bookwyrm's Hoard and check out my TTT list!

  12. Great list, especially Zuzana - one of my favourite characters for ages! Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

  13. What a great idea for the list! Secondary characters do tend to get forgotten. Agree so much with the Weasley twins + Lee, and Jane Bennet! Great choices! :-D

  14. Hmm... I would have never thought to put Helen from Jane Eyre on the list. It was nice reading your selections. Good choices! Thanks for stopping by and tell me about your post. I absolute love Jane Eyre...

  15. I like Weasely twins too! I am yet to read many of the books you have mentioned here.

  16. How could I not list the Weasley twins in my list? I really like yours. :)
