
Thursday, March 21, 2013

No Mercy - Review

No Mercy (Cambion, # 2.5)

By: Shannon Dermott

Published: July 24th 2012

76 pages

Source: Borrowed from my SNL, Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--This is a novella in the Cambions series. Even though is set before Beg for Mercy it should be read after Waiting for Mercy.

Warning - this book is intended for mature audience. Excessive language and sexual situations may not be suitable for younger teens.

Best Friends until the end huh?

Flynn McAllister, bad to the bone, at least that’s what the girls say about him, is heading out of town for the weekend. He’s meeting up with a girl he met last summer. She and her sister will keep him and his best friend busy for the weekend. At least that’s what he thought, until a girl and other things get out of hand.

Luke Bishop isn’t an angel like everyone thinks. Okay, technically, maybe. But when it comes down to it, actions speak louder than words. And his shout that he’s more than what meets the eye. Getting out of town is a welcome idea. He just didn’t plan on meeting her and all the hell came with her

So I've been getting kind of frustrated with this series. Mercy bounces back and forth between like 4 main guys but there are several additional guys. This novella takes place before Beg for Mercy (book 1) and does not really include Mercy at all, though it does mention her.

Told from alternating POVs between Flynn and Luke, we delve deeper into their friendship and the crazy situations they get themselves into. I think this novella really helped me with this series. I feel like I understand Flynn much more having read it. Although, I'm not sure the novella did anything to improve my opinion of Luke and possibly just the opposite.

The fact that Flynn "saw Mercy first" is mentioned more than once throughout Beg for Mercy and Waiting for Mercy, and the reader is left to believe that Flynn first spots Mercy at the senior party they attend during the first scene of Beg for Mercy and this is where he lays claim to seeing her first. However, we find in No Mercy that Flynn spotted Mercy much sooner than the party--like at least a year before that party--but also he and Luke have discussed her in length before that party which makes the argument they have about driving her home make more sense.

All in all, I enjoyed the additional information included in this novella and thought it helped round out some of the characters, specifically Flynn. No Mercy gets 4 stars. Have you read No Mercy? What did you think? Let me know!

My review of Beg for Mercy (Cambion, # 1) and my review of Waiting for Mercy (Cambion, # 2).

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