
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Top 10 Books I'd Recommend

Top 10 Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week's topic is: Top 10 Books I'd Recommend. 
Apparently a lot of people are nervous about recommending books to other people. Me, not so much. I like what I like. I realize that others might not. It is what it is. Obviously, I hope they enjoy whatever book I recommend, but it's no big deal if they don't. It happens. Because of that, I had a hard time narrowing down my top recommendations. However, I only ended up getting it down to about 15ish. I broke them down into three categories.
Here are my top paranormal fiction books that I've recommended...


1) Harry Potter - One of the best series ever!
2) Twilight - Because I love it. Hate if you want.
3) The Mortal Instruments & The Infernal Devices - You have to recommend these together and that they are read in order of publication, even though that means criss-crossing the series.
4) Vampire Academy & Bloodlines - Again, these two series must be recommended together. Love Richelle Mead. Love Rose. Love Dimitri. Love Sydney...Ok must stop because I could keep going.
My top contemporary or emotional fiction...don't need to add anything to these...

5) Pushing the Limits
6) Slammed & Point of Retreat
7) Hopeless
8) The Sea of Tranquility
9) Back to You
10) The Fault in Our Stars

My top self-help recommendations....

11) The Power of a Praying Woman - Single-handedly changed my prayer life.
12) The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage - Who doesn't want a better marriage?
13) Made to Crave - Changed the way I think about food in relationship to God.
14) Crazy Love - Challenging
15) Boundaries - Changed the way I think about relationships with other people.
16) 48 Days to the Work You Love - Helped me get a job that fit more in line with what I want out of work.

That's the top 16 books I recommend to others. What are you top recommendations? Let me know!


  1. I am dying to start the Vampire Academy series - but I think I'll start them in the summer just so I can read all 6 in like a week lol
    Great picks :)

  2. I haven't read the Vampire Academy series yet, even though I keep telling myself that I should.
    As for The Sea of Tranquility, I have that on my to-read asap list, but it isn't coming out in paperback until July so. ):
    I love Pushing the Limits & I definitely can't wait until Dare You To to come out! :D
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! (:

  3. God, I REALLY need to read the Fault in Our Stars. I feel like I'm the only person in the world who hasn't read it.

    1. No, you're not -- I haven't read it yet, either. But it is on my TBR list!

  4. I've read the first two books of the Infernal Devices, and I haven't started TMI yet. Is it really important to read both series together in publication order?

    1. There are some crossovers and little things that I don't think would have the same impact if you weren't reading them in publication order. Obviously, it'll be fine if you choose not to read them that way, but that's the way I suggest reading them.

  5. I seriously want to start any of Colleen Hoover's books. They sound so good!! And I totally loved Pushing the Limits. I can't wait for Dare You To! :D
    Here's my TT:

  6. I'm a Dimitri Belikov fan as well ;) Can't wait to read Pushing the Limits.

    Here is my TTT

  7. What a great list! I also love HP, TMI/ID, and VA/Bloodlines! Slammed was amazing and I bought Hopeless a couple of weeks ago. I also have Sea of Tranquility, and PTL on my TBR list. Hopefully I'll get to them soon!

    My TTT

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  8. I really need to read City of Bones. I plan to before the movie comes out. I also replied back to your comment.

    My TTT:

  9. HP is also on my list! I've seen The Fault in Our Stars on so many blogger's lists of books they love/recommend that I'm going to have to bump it higher on my list of books to read. And Made to Crave piques my interest [she says, ruefully remembering what the scale said this morning.]

  10. I've been seeing a lot of Pushing the Limits and The Fault in Our Stars on these lists. And rightly so! Great books!

    <a href=">My Top Ten</a>

  11. Great picks! I loved Pushing the Limits and VA is definitely one of my favorite series! Anything by Colleen Hoover is amazing, too! Need to read The Fault In Our Stars!

    My TTT

    Eva @ All Books Considered

  12. That is a great list - I haven't read 'The Vampire Academy' or 'The Sea of Tranquility.' I really need to get on that.

    Happy Reading!

    Book 'Em's Top Ten

  13. Yayyyyy Harry Potter! How could the series not be mentioned!
    Thanks for stopping by :).

  14. I really need to read Vampire Academy. I bought the first two books for 3.99 a couple summers ago but for some reason put them off!

  15. Everyone I know has read The Fault in Our Stars, I really need to get that book!!! Great list and thanks for visiting.

  16. Had I participated in this week's TTT we would have shared three recs, Harry Potter series, Twilight series and The Fault In Our Stars.

  17. I like your attitude to recommendations!

    I've had The Mortal Instruments on my TBR list for a while now, others have recommended them to me as well. I should finally get to it! I've recently bought Pushing the Limits (so many people love this one) and Hoover, will hopefully get to the both of them soon :) And finally I'm a bit embarrassed that I haven't read the The Fault in Our Stars yet, I'm probably the last person on earth, haha!
