
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Top 10 Spring 2013 TBR List

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week's topic is Top Ten Books on my Spring 2013 TBR List.
First off are the books being released before Summer 2013 that are on my TBR list and will be read as soon as possible.
1) Fragments by Dan Wells
2) Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
3) Dare You To by Katie McGarry
4) Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead

The others are already in my possession and need to be read ASAP...


  1. Thanks for checking out my TTT @ Jorie's Reads. I've seen a lot of press for Cassandra Clare and I'm reading the Gemma Doyle Trilogy right now. Are Clare and Libba Bray much alike?

  2. Thank you for following my blog! I'm now following you as well. I've seen Clockwork Princess on quite a few lists today. I've added the series to my TBR list.

  3. ooh we have a ton of similar interests!! this is a great list!

  4. Great list! I want to read Under the Never Sky too. Also, that Dare You To cover makes me REALLY want to read it. lol

  5. Thanks for checking out my TTT! I am new to TTT but I'm excited to find new book bloggers (like you!) through the link-up.

  6. Awesome list... Fragments, Clockwork Princess & Dare You To are all on my TBR. Under the next sky is so good and so is Jenny Pox :) Actually I just realized... every book besides those two are on my TBR too, haha. Great list!!!!

    Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

  7. Under the Never Sky is so great! =) I jsut re-read it last month! And I need to read Fragments ASAP! =)

    Thanks for stoppin' by! Have a good week!

  8. You must read The Iron Queen! I think that was my favourite of the series :)

    My TTT

  9. Ah I really want to read Julie Kagawa's books. I don't know half of the books on this list, thanks to you now I discover more books to read :)

  10. Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten post and following my blog. :) You have a great list, too! I also want to read Clockwork Princess. Forgot to put that in my list. Meh. ^_^ I've been wanting to get Dare You To but I haven't read Pushing the Limit yet.

    Happy reading!

    Julie @ Books and Insomnia

  11. Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten post and following my blog. :) I want to read Clockwork Princess, too! Great list.

    Happy reading!

    Julie @ Books and Insomnia

  12. I can't believe I own Under the Never Sky and have yet to read it! But thats besides the point, your list is really cool. I've only read Hex Hall and I hope you enjoy it. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my list!
    -Octavia of Read. Sleep. Repeat.

  13. I need to read so many of these! Great list!!! Thanks for stopping by!
