
Friday, April 12, 2013

High Five for Friday - 1 (04/12/2013)

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High Five for Friday is hosted by Lauren @ From My Grey Desk.

I'm participating in a new feature/meme this week called High Five for Friday. Because I already do a weekly recap (Sunday Post), I'm using High Five for Friday as more of a way to highlight my week, book related and not. And here's to hoping that I can meet some new people that I might not have met if sticking to only the book blogging community.

1. My number 1 is that this is my first High Five for Friday post. How exciting!

2. I finished Day 100 in my daily Bible reading schedule on Wednesday. Obviously today I've finished Day 102. This is my 2nd year in a row where one of my goals is to read through the entire Bible in a year. I'm 27% through.

3. I started re-reading The Mortal Instruments book 1, City of Bones, by Cassandra Clare this week in preparation for the movie that's set to release August 23rd. Here's the newest and longest trailer available. EEE!!! It's looks so good!

4. The weather has been so nice this week and I've been in the spring kind of mood so I painted my fingernails and toenails some extremely bright colors. The hot pink is on my fingers, and the brand is Sinful Colors number 920. The neon green is on my toes, and the brand is Salon Perfect named Loopy Lime. These were my first bottles from either ones of these brands (purchased at Walmart). They were both extremely fast drying which I LOVED. And once covered with a top clear coat, they shine quite nicely.

5. Jim Madaris came and shared his testimony with our church Wednesday night. He's recently found out that he has cancer, mesothelioma to be exact, and his testimony is really about continuing to worship and praise God despite his circumstances. I really admire that. Here's a video of his testimony.

On a related note, check out A Wordy Woman's blog. Another person who has taken praising God through unbearable times to a new level.

That's it for my High Five for Friday. What's great things have you experienced this week? Let me know!


  1. I haven't read or heard of City of Bones, but I am super excited for the next Hunger Games movie...I read that the whole trilogy in 5 days. I haven't read much fiction lately though. Good for you for sticking to your Bible reading plan!! Especially in a year, that's a lot of Scripture! Cancer, boo that. My dad passed away from cancer a year and half ago, but he too rejoiced in the midst of his suffering knowing that Jesus was in control, and even though I miss him oh so much, I know I will see him again and he is finally home! Thanks for stopping by, glad you like your creamer with a dash of coffee! ;)
    Eva @ Snappee Turtle

  2. I love that Loopy Lime color! I'm going to get some now!

  3. Thanks for visiting me over at As you can tell, I'm a newbie to blogging (writing them, not reading them)! I love your first High Five...especially the nail colors! Perfect for this time of year!

  4. Oh, it's been ages since I read City of Bones, and I barely remember what happened, but the trailer looks amazing.

  5. I'll have to try out the two brands of nail polish, I've been hesitant because the nail art polish I bought (Salon Perfect) was a bit lumpy. I'm not sure if I'll see City of Bones in theaters or not, I'll have to wait and see what others think first.
