
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Top 10 Books I'm Dying to Read

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Words that Make Me Pick Up a Book, but here's the thing, I don't think there are ten specific words that make me pick one up. Maybe there used to be ten words that did that, but not anymore. There are probably ten words that will immediately make me put one down though. HA! I should have done that topic.'s my Top 10ish Books I'm Dying to Read... .

1) The Fiery Heart (Bloodlines, # 4) - Richelle Mead (expected release date November 19, 2013)

2) City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments, # 6) - Cassandra Clare (expected release date March 1, 2014)

3) Cress (Lunar Chronciles, # 3) - Marissa Meyer (expected release date sometime 2014 )

4) Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky, # 2) - Veronica Rossi

5) This Girl (Slammed, # 3) - Colleen Hoover

6) Lady Mightnight (The Dark Artifices, # 1) - Cassandra Clare (expected release date March 2015)

7) Losing Hope (Hopeless, # 2) - Colleen Hoover (expected release date July 9, 2013)

8) Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassin, # 2) - Robin LaFevers

9) The Dream Thieves (The Raven Boys, # 2) - Maggies Stiefvater (expected release date September 17, 2013)

10) Crash Into You (Pushing the Limits, # 3) - Katie McGarry (expected release date November 26, 2013)

11) Half-Blood (Covenant, # 1) - Jennifer L Armentrout

12) Origin (Lux, # 4) - Jennifer L Armentrout (expected release date August 27, 2013)

I could keep going people....but I'll make myself stop. What are you dying to read? Or what words make you pick up a book? Let me know!


  1. Forgot there is a Slammed 3.... hum, interesting,

    Here is <a href="" rel="nofollow:>my TTT</a>

  2. Yes, I think This Girl released today. Going to Amazon now to see.

  3. I too am dying to read Half-Blood. I have not yet read anything by that author yet.

  4. I've read the Lux series and really enjoyed it. JLA has definitely moved up on my favorite author list. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  5. I think I'm adding all of these to my to-read list. So many good books here!

  6. Lots on this list that I want to read, too! If I were to look at my TBR list, I would have a hard time narrowing my list down to just ten. :)

  7. Through the Ever Night is awesome! Love this series so much!

  8. Hey! Lots of series going on there (which I generally avoid), but kudos fighting the system. As I grow into myself the world becomes more complicated and so does my taste, so my key words become more vague as well. This was a tough week. I would be interested in hearing the ten words that will immediately make you put down a book.

  9. I can't wait to read The Dream Theives! I'd say your list has a bit of a supernatural theme, so that may be one of your blurbs!

  10. Thanks Kayla! There are definitely some good books coming out soon. And some of course that are already out and I just haven't gotten to yet! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  11. It was definitely hard to narrow down. But these are the ones I'm "dying" to read! Thanks for commenting!

  12. I've got this one in my possession, but I've had to put it on hold for some of my review books that I NEED to read first. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Haha...maybe I'll do the top 10 words that will immediately make me put down a book for the next freebie topic! I do love series, but I love stand alones too. I'm "equal opportunity." HA! Thanks for commenting!

  14. Yes, I do read a lot of supernatural, but it's not necessarily what makes me pick up a book anymore. I don't know how to explain it. Once upon a time vampire, werewolf, faerie, mermaid, witch, ghost, zombie, succubus, nephilim, or angel would have been my top 10 words, but that's not so much as it used to be. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
