
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Top 10 Favorite Covers of Books that I've Read

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Favorite Covers of Books that I've Read.

I did Top 10 Favorite Book Covers here. Some of these are similar, but that post had a few that I haven't read as well. And of course, I've read more book since the original post. I'm such a cover snob that I figured this topic deserved a second post.

1) The Mortal Instruments & The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

2) The Secret of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen

3) Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

4) Beg for Mercy (Cambion) by Shannon Dermott

5) Cinder by Marissa Meyer

6) Firelight & Vanish by Sophie Jordan

7) The Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon

8) The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater

9) The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

10) Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

11) Need by Carrie Jones

12) Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

13) Fallen by Lauren Kate

Those are my favorite covers of the books I've read. I didn't include any books in the series that I haven't finished so as to not cheat more than I already have. What are your favorite book covers that you've read? Let me know!


  1. I really debated the Twilight books and the Fallen series! I love how they're not really part of the book, but somehow go with the book's theme. Great picks!

  2. I really like the TMI covers and the Need ones. CINDER is a weird one from me -- the cover actually kept me from reading this awesome book for a long time because it just looked too sci-fi for me. It says a lot about the book, though, so I'm torn ...

  3. I had a hard time with this topic, so I did something different. Check out my TTT here:

  4. I am in love with the covers for the Mercy Falls series. Their just so pretty :D
    old follower
    my TTT

  5. LOVED ALL your choices!! I forgot about Firelight's covers.

    OUaT's TTT

  6. I love the cover of the Infernal Devices series. I love the Raven Boys, too. It was hard not to cheat this week! Great list!
    Natflix&Books' TTT

  7. The cover of The Secret of Ella and Micha is beutiful, I love the contrast of the black and red.

    My TTT

  8. Nice cheat! I mainly really dig Clare's covers but Glass is my favorite, book and cover :D

    My TTT

  9. Cinder made my TTT list (and a bunch of other peoples' lists, too. I think it's one of the most original covers of the last year.) That's actually the only book on your list I've read yet (well, except for Twilight), but some of the others are on my to-read list.

  10. I definitely agree about these two series having covers that don't have anything to do with the book and everything to do with the book at the same time. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. I wasn't sure about the Cinder cover either at first, but after having read the book, I think it's brilliant. I love the contrast of the red shoe to the black cover too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  12. The Mercy Falls books are so different from anything else I've seen. That's one of the reasons why I like them too. Plus I think it's obvious that I'm a huge fan of contrast. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  13. Yeah, I've recently read the Firelight books and love the covers. Mostly I just love dragons. :) Thanks for commenting!

  14. Yes, the Infernal Devices have some of my all-time favorite covers ever! But screw the not cheating part. :) I've grown accustom to it! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  15. That's exactly what I love about the cover too! I'm a sucker for contrast! Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Hehe...I can't help but cheat sometimes. City of Glass is really good. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

  17. Yes, Cinder did have a really original cover. I wasn't sure about it before I read the book, but loved it afterward. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Interesting choices. I just finished City of Bones and can't wait to read more of Cassandra Clare. I also love the Unearthly covers although I haven't read the books. Cinder is also on my list. The twilight covers didn't make it on my list, but will always have a place in my heart.

    My TTT:

  19. TID and Cinder both have GORGEOUS covers. I almost included Clockwork Princess on my list. Raven Boys has a beautiful cover, as well.
