
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Armchair BEA 2013 - Day 6 - Wrap Up

Day 6 of Armchair BEA is about Wrapping it Up.

On this final day, we encourage you to wrap-up the week with your favorites and highlights of the week. Did you learn something new? Did you connect with a new-to-you blogger? What was your favorite discussion topic? Do you have ideas for future years?

Truthfully, I've been a bit overwhelmed with this year's Armchair BEA due to the fact that I signed up to be an Armchair BEA cheerleader. Thoughtful commenting on such a large number of posts is extremely time-consuming--like "I should have taken this week off of work" time consuming. But for me that's also been the highlight. Because I had a specific block of posts that I was supposed to comment on, it really forced me out there to read and comment on many more posts than I would have done originally. But I've found that the more content I'm exposed to, the better off I am. Plus I got to meet some really cool people. Now...whether we'll develop lasting friendships or not is yet to be seen, but either way I can say I'm better off as a person and as a blogger for having participated in this way.

Part of my favorite experience in Armchair BEA is always the tips and tricks I find from other bloggers. I cannot say this enough: Thank you to each of you who took the time to type up a post about blogger development. Some of the things I read I already knew, some of the things I don't think fit in with my blog and what I'm shooting for, but some of you gave me some great ideas and if nothing else I came away with a lot to think about and ponder about how to grow my blog. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that.

At first I wasn't loving the genre posts. While I read a large variety of genres in my own life, I found I didn't have a lot to say about the classics or literary fiction--especially not in any way that would really encourage someone else to read these genres. But as I really began to check out what other people had to say that, as always, made these topics better. I did, however, enjoy discussing general fiction, my love for YA, and even how much I enjoy the non-fiction that I do read.

I always love the introduction posts because I think it's a great way to really get to know people quickly, but I do hope that the Armchair BEA crew comes up with some slightly different questions for next year--if I'm still unable to make BEA.

But all in all, I'm still completely overwhelmed by this community of bloggers that we have and that I'm lucky to be a part of. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and visited my page, read my posts, commented, and/or followed me. I look forward to getting to know you all better.

What was your favorite part? I'm curious! Let me know!


  1. Obviously, I've been living under a rock lately. I had no idea what Armchair BEA was. Of course, I just found out what BEA was like... a month ago... LoL So this is great! It amazes me how much of a community there is out there revolving around books & book bloggers! I'm constantly learning something new!!! :)

  2. I can imagine being a cheerleader would be a lot of work -- there were a lot of participants this year! That said, all the comments I got this week were great and I really appreciated them. I'm hoping to get out and leave some more comments today too.

    I learned a lot from the blogger development posts too. Like you said, some stuff I knew, some stuff isn't for me, but a lot gave me ideas to ponder about ways to make blogging better or easier. It was a fun week!

  3. It's funny that you mentioned being overwhelmed in a should of taken the week off work way. I had that some thought on Friday. I did't make it through nearly as many posts as I have in years past. It was crazy at work with vsitors coming in and working on a tour that kicks off on Monday. Thanks for being a cheerleader.

  4. That's how it was last year for me. I signed up to participate in Armchair BEA last minute then. Hopefully next year you'll be able to participate in one or the other. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. It was a lot of work, but it was also one of my favorite parts. I just needed more time to dedicate to it. I know I definitely appreciate the meaningful comments I've received this year.

    Definitely a fun week! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

  6. It was good work--I just needed more time. It wouldn't have been as bad if I had had my posts prepared beforehand, if I had taken off of work, and if I hadn't scheduled regular posts for the week as well. BUT...lesson learned. I was definitely that blogger development was a topic too. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. Oh would have helped out so much. I enjoyed it though. Just wish I had more time to get to more posts. Thanks for your comment and for stopping by!

  8. Hi! Thank you so much for everything! I had a lot of fun and I agree that I'm better of as a person & blogger as I learned loads of stuff from everyone and again many thanks I hope you have a wonderful day!

  9. Thanks for being a cheerleader this year. This has been a busy week. I'm still trying to catch up on visiting all the blogs. Great discussions this year, too.

  10. It's a mutually beneficial event! I love it! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a wonderful day too!

  11. No problem. It was fun! I'm still trying to catch up on commenting on some of the posts too! Definitely great discussion! Thanks!

  12. I bet being a cheerleader was hard work! I wasn't one and still felt like there wasn't enough time in the day to go visit blogs, reply to comments left on my posts, and write the posts for the next day. I imagine that this is sort of how hectic it is at the real convention. Everyone always seems so exhausted afterwards! I didn't post anything on blogger development. I didn't feel like I knew enough or have been around long enough to warrant a post. I learned a lot from other bloggers, too, though. Glad that was a topic!
