
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Top Ten Fictional Crushes

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Most Intimidating Books.

Well...see...I've already done this one. You can see that post here. So I decided to choose Top Ten Fictional Book Crushes! I thought I'd done this one before too, but I couldn't find it, and hey...why not do it a second time even if I have????

1) My all time favorite and top book boyfriend is Dimitri Belikov from Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead! First off, I tend to go for older men--especially wise ones. Not to mention that Dimitri's fighting skills are uber hot!

2) Gotta pick my classic next. Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Anyone who can internalize criticism and come out a better person because of love is a character worthy of my love.

3) Because love isn't always broken by time, Captain Wentworth from Persuasion by Jane Austen.

4) Because I can't help but fall for a guy with talent in the arts. Will Cooper from Colleen Hoover's Slammed blows all of my requirements for a book boyfriend out of the water. He's older...check. He's talented...check. He's wise...check check. Love him!!!

5) A new addition to the fictional crushes is Perry from Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi. Along with having a talent he didn't actually choose, Perry knows how to survive in the wild. This is definitely a must have for my fictional boyfriend.

6) Oh Will...Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. Will has the attitude and the snark that I love. He's self-sacrificing in the right kind of way. And he makes me laugh and cry all at the same time. Love me some Will H!

7) Ryan from Dare You To and/or Noah from Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry. Both of these guys make the list for completely different reasons. Ryan is just an all-around good guy trying to do the right thing. Noah is a bit of a bad boy who's also trying to do right by the people he loves. I heart them both.

8) Another one with talent...Sam from The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater. Sam's heart is so big. Plus the singing, guitar playing, and poetry combination pricks my heart strings.

9) Guys I'm noticing a trend for real...adding another artist to the list, but a different kind, add Ed from Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley.

10) Not quite an artist, but talented nonetheless, Sean Kendrick from The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater has to make the list. Any character with as much love for his horse as Sean fills my heart with gooey goodness.

You guys know I can't follow the rules and stick to ten...

11) Another character that is self-sacrificing in the best of ways--Peeta from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. You guys...any time a guy literally tries to save the life of the female MC, I'm all over that. Plus he's so patient with Katniss.

12) Because this is literally the kind of guy you want to marry, Michael Hosea from Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is the perfect fictional crush for serious women and serious relationships. We all know that I love a good bad boy, but Michael Hosea is as good as they come, and nothing is hotter than that.

Since we just specified fictional and not specifically book related...I've got two more...

Damon Salvatore from the TV version of Vampire Diaries based off the book series by LJ Smith and Dean Winchester from Supernatural.

That's it for me and my fictional character crushes...What do you think? Who are your character crushes? Let me know!


  1. I love your picks, especially shiver. love!
    Yasmine xx

  2. I'm kinda surprised Michael Hosea is so far down the list.

  3. Great list! I love Mr. Darcy! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  4. Nice drool worthy list, lol. Peeta and Sam are such sweethearts. Thanks for stopping by my TTT

  5. Yay! Team Damon all the way!!

  6. I know, right? He's just...*contented sigh*...

  7. Haha! I wholeheartedly agree. :)

  8. Of all the books you list I've only read Shiver, and I didn't really enjoy it. But I totally get the "crushing on a fictional character" thing — sometimes you run into a character and find yourself desperately wishing he or she was real so you could be together all the time. I feel this way about Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) and Katsa (Graceling), as well as Miles Dorrington (The Masque of the Black Tulip).

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  9. Aw...I hate you didn't like Shiver. I really enjoyed Maggie Stiefvater's lyrical writing in that series. But we can't all like the same ones, right? Definitely some good characters--Eliza Bennet and Katsa. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. aragorn for me!and william turner from pirates!
