
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Top Ten Books I Wish Had a Sequel

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books I Wish Had a Sequel.

Well I don't actually read too many stand-alone books. I'm a series reader...but there are series that I didn't want to end--at least give us a companion novel.

    1) Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, # 3) by Cassandra Clare - I'll admit, I'm one of the few people who probably didn't love how this one ended. I definitely want to know more about what's going on with Tessa and Jem after it ended. Maybe we'll get more info in the last Mortal Instruments or in the new series The Dark Artifices.
    2) Love and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo - So this one was a coming of age story, but I wanted her to "win"...I'd like to see Amelia end up happy and in an successful relationship.
    3) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Tell me you wouldn't want to know the happenings of Lizzie and Darcy's married life and the romantic adventures of their children. AND actually written by Jane Austen, not fan fiction.
    4) Bitterblue (Graceling Realm, # 3) by Kristin Cashore - I want Bitterblue to have a successful relationship, plus I'd just like more of this world.

    5) Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley - I don't really want to mess with Ed and Lucy's story, but maybe a companion for this one too. Or shoot, I'd just be happy with more work from Cath Crowley.
    6) The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater - Again, don't want to mess with Sean and Puck, but I'd take a companion. Want more water horses.
    7) The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - What I'm thinking is prequel. I'm totally interested in how some of the other games went. I'm sure that would be pretty depressing to read though.
    8) Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, # 3) by Maggie Stiefvater - I need to know what's going on with Cole St. Claire.

    9) Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, # 7) by JK Rowling - So again, I'm fine with where Harry's story ended, but lets get a companion--read about Harry's kids or something. Or even some random other Hogwarts students. I just don't want to leave this world.
    10) Twilight by Stephenie Meyer - I want to know more about some of the other characters: Renesme and Jacob. Leah...I want to know Leah has a happy ending. Or shoot...just Midnight Sun finished would be good.

Which books would you like to have sequels? Let me know!


  1. I actually struggled to find standalone books because it seems most books released nowadays are part of a series.

    I'm loving the cover and title to Love and Other Perishable Things…I think I'll add that to my Goodreads.

    I'm quite sure there's a sequel to Maggie Stiefvater's The Scorpio Races ;)

    My TTT

  2. Candice @ The Grown-Up YAAugust 6, 2013 at 7:11 AM

    I had a hard time with this one. But now that you mention it, another book with The Scorpio Races would be wonderful - I'd love to read more about the setting and world she built! Also, I would totally read ANYTHING set in the Graceling series - that is one of my favorite series ever! Great choices!

  3. Great list! I have Clockwork Princess & HP on my list too, I want more of those! A sequel of P&P would be awesome too:) And a finished version of Midnight Sun, please Stephanie Meyer, give me that!

    TTT @ Eveline's Books

  4. The Scorpio Races is a standalone, there is no sequel to my knowledge:)

  5. I didn't think about that, but a prequel to The Hunger Games would be really interesting! I would love that! Great list! :)

    My TTT:

  6. Scorpio Races was a good read, so yes it could've supported an interesting sequel with those amazing water horses. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Oh I would love a companion to Scorpio Races, those water horses were amazing. I'll always be open to more books in the Harry Potter world, anything...Marauder era or Harry's kids.

  8. Sarah @ Girl!ReporterAugust 6, 2013 at 1:47 PM

    Ooh, I love the idea of a prequel to The Hunger Games, maybe something set just before the Games came about.

    Here's my TTT.

  9. Lauren @ Books, Tea & MeAugust 6, 2013 at 4:14 PM

    Ugh to Pride and Prejudice "sequels" by non-Austens. They should just stop. But I would love sequels to Harry Potter and The Hunger Games!

  10. Kate -Too Read or Not Too ReadAugust 6, 2013 at 4:16 PM

    Prequel to the Hunger Games is a great idea! How everything really came to be. And I agree, just more from Harry Potter.

  11. Yes, it is a little more difficult to find standalone books these days.

    I have to warn you, I didn't love the way Love and Other Perishable Items ended...which is partly why I want a sequel. :) But it's a good read.

    Hmm...I looked on Goodreads and didn't see anything about a sequel to The Scorpio Races, you'll have to send me a link if you find something.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I think you're right. I haven't seen anything on Goodreads about a sequel.

  13. Yes, this wasn't the easiest topic for me either since most of what I read is series. Oh yes, anything in the Graceling seems like the possibilities there are endless! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Hehe...I'll come visit to see what else made your list in just a second. I'm so glad I've found another person who wants to see Midnight Sun finished. What's out there ended right before the good stuff! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Let's have some other race stories, right? Though Sean made that story for me. And yes, anything in the Harry Potter world. Harry parents as students, Harry's kids, any random kid. Maybe even a story focusing on one of the other houses, like Ravenclaw. IJS! Anything would work!

  16. Exactly. How they decided to start doing the games. Maybe the story about the very first one when no one knew what to expect. Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Haha...yeah, I've only read one P&P story not by Jane Austen. It was okay, but it wasn't even close to the read deal, you know? Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Hehe...thanks! That seems to be the one I'm getting the biggest response about. I'd love to see how the first Hunger Games went when no one really knew what to expect. And yes, anything more from HP would be just dandy!

  19. A prequel to The Hunger Games...genius! Perhaps it could focus on Haymitch when he participated. Or it could be from the viewpoint of someone in the Capitol. I'd read anything from this world.

    Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia

  20. Yes Haymitch's games would be a good choice. Thanks for stopping by.

  21. I've seen Harry Potter on a lot of lists today. I'm torn -- love the characters, love the world, love Rowling's writing, but I'm worried a sequel or prequel(s) would never live up to the first 7.

    Stop by my TTT list if you get a chance!

  22. Midnight Sun!! She should finish that for sure!!

  23. I agree with Graffiti Moon! I didn't add that to my TTT, because honestly, I don't see a sequel coming out of it. But I'd be really interested in reading it! I heard she has another book coming out, yaaaay!! And yes to Pride and Prejudice! I don't like reading ones written by other authors. It's just not the same.

    Here's my TTT:

  24. Oh man, I would love more books in the Graceling universe. The Scorpio Races was on my list as well, I need it. And I don't know one person who doesn't want more HP. And I wouldn't mind more of the other Twilight characters. Jake was actually a favorite character of mine so I'd like to read about him and Renesme.

  25. Well...yeah, all good things must come to an end. And I'd rather it end with me wanting more than it end with me wishing she'd ended it earlier. End on a high note, right?

  26. Oh yeah, I don't see her doing a sequel. But I'll definitely be checking out her other work. Admittedly I've only read one P&P "sequel" and while I enjoyed it, it's not the same as Jane Austen. Obvs.

  27. Yes...the possibilities are endless with the Graceling world. Yeah Jake would be an obvious choice for follow up Twilight universe books, but I'm definitely intrigued by Leah. I'd like to see her have a happy ending.

  28. I love the idea of a Prequel to The Hunger Games as well as your ideas for Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, and Twilight. I LOVED Leah and wished we got more closure with what happened to her (I secretly was hoping she would end up with Jacob). Loved your list!! :)

    Morgan @Remembered Deservedly

  29. Haha...I had moments of wanting Jacob and Leah together too. Especially before the imprinting with Renesme thing. That probably would have been "too pretty" though. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  30. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveAugust 11, 2013 at 9:36 AM

    I couldn't agree more with your #8 and #10 picks. And #9 - one can never get enough of the Wizarding world!!! I randomly heard a week or so ago that there was rumored to be another series coming out, but a prequel. Who knows!

  31. Oooo....that would be AWESOME! Seems like JK Rowling hasn't had the best luck with her writing since HP. I know there were mixed feelings about The Casual Vacancy. And then she wrote under that pseudonym, but I don't know how much press that one is getting. Maybe another Wizarding World book/series is just what she needs.

  32. Me too. She definitely got the short end.

  33. Sandy, apologies I think I was thinking about Maggie's other series' The Raven Boys…sorry :(

  34. Eveline, your right, I was thinking about The Raven Boys, I think.

  35. Oh yes, I'm reading book 2 in that series now. No worries!

  36. Bless her...she definitely did! Maybe we'll get a happy ending out of her eventually.
