
Monday, September 30, 2013

Crossing the Line - Review

Crossing the Line (Pushing the Limits, # 1.1)

By: Katie McGarry

Published: April 1st 2013 by Harlequin TEEN

67 pages

Genre: YA, Contemporary

Source: Personal Kindle Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

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Goodreads description--Katie McGarry captivated readers with her “riveting, emotional”* Young Adult debut, Pushing the Limits. In this gripping novella, she tells the story of Lila and Lincoln, who discover that sometimes it’s worth crossing the line for love…

Lila McCormick, Echo's best friend from Pushing the Limits, first met Lincoln Turner when tragedy struck both their lives. But she never expected their surprise encounter would lead to two years of exchanging letters—or that she’d fall for the boy she’s only seen once. Their relationship is a secret, but Lila feels closer to Lincoln than anyone else. Until she finds out that he lied to her about the one thing she depended on him for the most.

Hurting Lila is the last thing Lincoln wanted. For two years, her letters have been the only thing getting him through the day. Admitting his feelings would cross a line he’s never dared breach before. But Lincoln will do whatever it takes to fix his mistakes, earn Lila’s forgiveness—and finally win a chance to be with the girl he loves.

I just love Katie McGarry. She has this way of getting me hooked in the lives of her characters and making me truly and deeply care about them and about what happens to them. It took me no time to get hooked into the story of Lila and Lincoln. Having started the relationship with my own husband through correspondence (though almost exclusively through email), I can completely relate to both Lila and Lincoln and their relationship.

In such a short 67 pages, Katie McGarry not only develops this relationship between Lila and Lincoln, but she explores their backgrounds and struggles with their families and friends and outside forces, which is somewhat of a feat considering how short this novella is.

More than anything, I just wanted more. I wanted more of Lila and Lincoln--I wish they had gotten a full-length book. I would have been all over that. I enjoyed their story so much. But I just wanted more of it--I didn't want it to end.

Crossing the Line gets 4 Stars from me. Have you read Crossing the Line? What did you think? Let me know!

*Updated: September 19, 2014

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