
Friday, October 11, 2013

Contamination Prequel - Guest Review

When TW Piperbrook contacted me about reviewing the prequel to his Contamination series, I found myself completely overwhelmed with the books already on my TBR list that I had in my possession needing to be read. But seeing that it was a zombie series (and a short read), I knew just the person to ask to read it and do a guest review.

My friend Amanda and I met at work. At the time neither of us were readers. After being exposed to Twilight, I went to work and begged Amanda to read it--she was the only one who got to work as early as I did at the time. Sure enough, she read it and loved it. She then entered my circle of friends who read. She was usually 2nd in line after I finished a book to pass it off to next (after Paula because Paula reads faster--or more). Well Amanda and I share a love of all things zombie and so this was the perfect read for her--I thought. Without further ado, here's Amanda and her review.

Contamination Prequel (Contamination 0)

By: TW Piperbrook

Published: November 25th 2012 by Post Script Publishing

93 pages

Genre: Horror, Zombie

Source: Amanda's personal library (currently free on Amazon)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate link. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--St. Matthews, Arizona

The infection starts with Frank, one of the locals at the town bar. In just a few hours, it has consumed the entire town.

Dan Lowery, one of only four police officers in St. Matthews, soon realizes he is no match for the impending destruction. Violence and bloodshed litter the streets, and the infected roam freely. No one is safe here—not even his family.

Somewhere, someone knows what is happening, and about the horrors to come…but is it too late?

I enjoyed this book for the realistic way the story is told. The main character, Dan lowery, is just your average police offerer with a wife and daughter. Like all of us, he's thinking about what he will do when he gets home at the end of his shift and expects all to be the same...But he walks in to absolute terror. From then on, he's fighting to survive and find his daughter.

When we get the perspective of his daughter, it takes us to a darker, creepier place. Quinn Lowery is running alone and scared. This poor girl is trying to save herself but she is flooded with awful visions and memories. I couldn't stop reading until she got somewhere semi-safe. But I quickly found out people once trusted had evil ties.

The only thing I would have changed is the length of the book. I would have liked some more background and that kind of thing. But to me that's just how a good book is.

The book was short but so much happens. Just about every chapter has a twist and left me wanting to know more. At the same time, I liked getting some answers along the way. I am glad there is more to come! If you enjoy zombie stories, this one is a good quick read!

I would give Contamination Prequel an overall rating of 4 out of 5. But only because I wanted to read more.

Sandy here again. I saved an email from Amanda telling me that she stayed up until she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore reading this one. She actually said that she didn't want to read it on breaks at work because she'd get frustrated when she had to put it down. She also told me that the way TW Piperbrook uses his descriptions made her feel like she was "right beside him in this little adventure."

Have you read Contamination Prequel? What did you think? Let me know!

This review is part of my "All Things Halloween" October review event.

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