
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Waiting on Minders

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


By: Michele Jaffe

Expected Publication: January 30th 2014 by Razorbill

400 pages

Genre: YA, Science Fiction

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository | )

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Goodreads description--A high concept, cinematic read with a surprising twist, MINDERS asks the question: who is really watching who?

Q: If the boy you love commits a crime, would you turn him in?

Sadie Ames is a type-A teenager from the wealthy suburbs. She's been accepted to the prestigious Mind Corps Fellowship program, where she'll spend six weeks as an observer inside the head of Ford, a troubled boy with a passion for the crumbling architecture of the inner city. There's just one problem: Sadie's fallen in love with him.

Q: What if the crime is murder?

Ford Winters is haunted by the murder of his older brother, James. As Sadie falls deeper into his world, dazzled by the shimmering pinpricks of color that form images in his mind, she begins to think she knows him. Then Ford does something unthinkable.

Q: What if you saw it happen from inside his mind?

Back in her own body, Sadie is faced with the ultimate dilemma. With Ford's life in her hands, she must decide what is right and what is wrong. And how well she can really ever know someone, even someone she loves.

How awesome is that cover? What are you waiting on this week? Let me know!


  1. Wow! That description ask some hard questions. I love this cover too. Looks like this could be very good:)
    Happy reading!

  2. Oh goodness! There's a whole pile of interesting books today! Minders sounds stunning! Thanks for sharing!

    I'm a new GFC and bloglovin' follower. Could you return the follow? Thanks! :)

    My WOW

  3. First off, that cover is SO COOL! I love it!

    I think I have this on my TBR pile. It sounds super good!

  4. oooooooh intriguing! Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW

  5. Ooh, love the sound of this! Thanks...and here's


  6. This one sounds really intriguing and the cover is so awesome. Thansk for sharing!

    href="">My Wow @ So Bookalicious

  7. Looks like a good one! Here's my WoW:

  8. kirstymariejonesstudioreadsOctober 16, 2013 at 10:51 AM

    I picked Minders a few weeks ago, can't wait for it, and the cover is just amazing! Great pick. :)

    Heres mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  9. I agree...the cover is awesome! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I know, right! Awesome cover! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. I agree. Love the cover! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. This one sounds good. Hope you get to read it soon.

  13. This cover really draws you in and the premise is not too shabby either. Happy reading ;-)

  14. I agree! Definitely love the cover! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Oh yes...never enough time to get to them all! Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Love the cover :) May have to check it out, thanks for stopping by my WoW

  17. Nice choice! I saw this one a couples weeks back and it sounds fantastic. So many great books to look forward to :)

    -Mari @ The Sirenic Codex
