
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Post - 70 & Stacking the Shelves - 43

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I decided to extend my reading break some. I did read some this week, but not nearly as much as normal. But it really did help me focus on the things that I needed to focus on in real life, which led to overall reduced stress. My niece turned 10 on Monday, and then my nephew turned 11 on Thursday. So we spent the weekend celebrating.


Monday: Review of The Edge of Always (The Edge of Never, # 2) by JA Redmerski (3.5 Stars)
Tuesday: Top Ten Sequels I Can't Wait to Get My Hands On
Wednesday: Waiting on The Immortal Crown (Age of X, # 2) by Richelle Mead
Thursday: Review of Countdown by Michelle Rowen (3.5 Stars)
Friday: Upon Further Review: Divergent (Divergent, # 1) by Veronica Roth


Monday: Review of Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths, # 1) by KA Tucker
Tuesday: Top Ten Covers I Wish I Could Re-Design
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: Review of One Tiny Lie (Ten Tiny Breaths, # 2) by KA Tucker
Friday: Review of Allegiant (Divergent, # 3) by Veronica Roth

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Rome (Marked Men, # 3)

By: Jay Crownover

Expected Publication: January 7th 2014 by William Morrow Paperbacks

400 pages

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary

Source: Publisher via Edelweiss (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Cora Lewis is a whole lot of fun, and she knows how to keep her tattooed bad boy friends in line. But all that flash and sass hide the fact that she’s never gotten over the way her first love broke her heart. Now she has a plan to make sure that never happens again: She’s only going to fall in love with someone perfect.

Rome Archer is as far from perfect as a man can be. He’s stubborn and rigid, he’s bossy and has come back from his final tour of duty fundamentally broken. Rome’s used to filling a role: big brother, doting son, super soldier; and now none of these fit anymore. Now he’s just a man trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his life while keeping the demons of war and loss at bay. He would have been glad to suffer it alone, until Cora comes sweeping into his life and becomes the only color on his bleak horizon.

Perfect isn’t in the cards for these two, but imperfect might just last forever . . .

Praying the Attributes of God

By: Ann Spangler

Published: September 20th 2013 by Tyndale House Publishers

336 pages

Genre: Spiritual, Self-Help, Inspirational, Christian

Source: Publisher via NetGalley

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--God Is Greater than You Think. Many people feel both drawn to God and afraid of him. How can they feel close to a perfect God whom their flawed self is incapable of pleasing? Fortunately, God has revealed truths about himself in Scripture that can untangle our confusion. In this daily guide to studying and praying according to the attributes of God, Ann Spangler resurrects old-fashioned words like holiness, omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. Far from boring us, these words, when excavated for their biblical meaning, paint a thrilling vision of God that can help us experience spiritual growth in a deeper way. They can also prevent us from making the colossal mistake of concluding God is too weak, distant, or uncaring to help us when we need him. In the tradition of her bestselling books "Praying the Names of God" and "Women of the Bible," this new daily devotional focuses on one particular attribute each week. "Praying the Attributes of God" will help you see that God is far bigger and far better than you could ever hope or suspect.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. Oh hello gorgeous man on the Rome cover hahaha His stare is so intense! Hope you enjoy your books. Hope you're having fun celebrating birthdays. I'm kind of on a reading break too. More just like I'm taking forever to get through books (and by forever I mean a week for one book). lol

  2. I haven't been reading as much either, so I hear ya there.

    I've heard great things about the Marked Men series, I should check it out! Have a good week!

    Weekly Wrap Up + STS

  3. Haha...I know right. It's really fitting because Rome has piercing blue eyes so the cover model has that down for sure! :) Girl I'm right there with you. I JUST finished my one book for this past week at like 11:00 pm last night! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Sometimes you just need a break! Yes, I've really enjoyed the Marked Men series so far. My review of Jet should be coming up soon too. I didn't get that one for review so it keeps getting push around to accommodate my review books on the blog! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Fabulous cover for Rome...enjoy! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. Bea @ Bea's Book NookNovember 10, 2013 at 11:18 AM

    Rome sounds really interesting; I hope it will be good.

  7. Great upcoming week- I'm dying to read Ten Tiny Breaths and Allegiant- I'll have to try and stop by to check out your reviews.
    Enjoy your new books!

  8. Your reviews coming up this week sound great. Enjoy you books you got. :)

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  9. Look at these lovelies. Happy reading!

  10. I lot of people got Rome this week, but I hadn't even heard of it before! Clearly I'm missing out and should look into it, eh? ;-) Happy reading!

    ~Marie @ Ramblings of a Daydreamer
    My Book Haul

  11. I like your Upon Further Review feature, that's a good idea to revisit like that. Hope you have fun doing it. It's always interesting to see if opinions change upon a re- read!

  12. ROME!! aaahhhh I want it so bad!! I hope it is absolutely fantastic! Man I wish I was this organized. I try to stay on top of when things need to be published and when I want them to but the wants always slip into weeks and weeks later. I still have books from the summer that I read and never put on my blog. Its terrible. Praying the Attributes of God sounds really good. Thanks for sharing!!

    My STS

  13. Rome! I got that one a few weeks ago. I haven't read Rule and Jet yet, but I plan to very very soon!

    Thanks for stopping by my STS!

  14. I have not read Rule or Jet yet but I see a lot people reading that series - maybe I should pick it up one of these days (hmmmm). I think it's b/c the covers really didn't do anything for me.

    And I'm liking the devotional you picked up! I haven't studied in a while (bad me!). I wouldn't even begin to know how to review one, though! You go girl!!!!!

    Have a great week!!!

  15. I'm about 40% in and liking it so far. Thanks for commenting!

  16. Loved Ten Tiny Breaths. My review posted today. Allegiant was more complicated. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  17. It's good stuff. I liked the first book, but liked book 2 even better. So far so good on Rome. I'm about 40% in at this point. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Thanks Greg! It's really worked for me and fit into my blog well I think. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I really appreciate it!

  19. 40% in and so far so good. I've got a couple that I'm past the window on, but I'll still try to get to them eventually. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  20. Oh've got to get caught up! Luckily they're quick reads. Thanks for stopping by!

  21. I liked Rule, but Jet was even better IMO. I would recommend these. The covers definitely aren't the best (except the one for Jet wasn't so bad). But the books themselves are much better than the cover art.

    Thanks girl! I try to read several of these types of books each year. I really enjoy them, but I go slower while reading them to soak up all the good info.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  22. I have Rome too, but I need to catch up on the series!
