
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Waiting on Take a Chance

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Take a Chance (Rosemary Beach, # 6; Chance, # 1)

By: Abbi Glines

Expected Publication: February 25th 2014 by Atria Books

256 pages

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary

( Amazon | Book Depository | )

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Goodreads description--From #1 New York Times bestselling author Abbi Glines comes the story of Grant, the sexy playboy who first captured readers' hearts in Fallen Too Far.

When Harlow Manning's rocker father goes on tour, he sends her to Rosemary Beach, Florida, to live with her half-sister, Nan. The problem: Nan despises her. Harlow has to keep her head down if she wants to get through the next nine months, which seems easy enough. Until gorgeous Grant Carter walks out of Nan's room in nothing but his boxer briefs.

Grant made a huge mistake getting involved with a girl with venom in her veins. He'd known about Nan's reputation, but still he couldn't resist her. Nothing makes him regret the fling more than meeting Harlow, who sends his pulse racing. Yet Harlow wants nothing to do with a guy who could fall for her wicked half-sister, even if there are no strings between Grant and Nan. Grant is desperate to redeem himself in Harlow's eyes, but did he ruin his chances before he even met her?

What are you waiting on this week? Let me know!


  1. Sounds like a great read. I want to know why Nan adn Harlow don't get along. Nice pick!

    My WoW @ So Bookalicious

  2. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveJanuary 15, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    Yep, me too! Love this series and I'm sure I'll enjoy this one as well. Can't STAND Nan - so I hope the book doesn't dwell on her character too much.

  3. Ooh, love the sound of this one! Thanks for sharing...and here's


  4. Nan is angry at the world. Harlow just happens to be in her way. They share their dad in common. Harlow's known him all her life and her father hasn't acknowledged Nan until recently. So Nan's a bit upset about this and takes it out on Harlow (and everyone else) as if Harlow (or anyone else besides her dad) had any control over that. :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Yeah, I can't stand Nan either. I bet she'll have more of a role than we'd like. :( Unfortunately.

  6. I haven't heard of this one, but I'm not a major contemporary fan. I hope you like it once you get the chance to read it!

    Thanks for visiting my WoW.

  7. This sounds like it will be really good!

  8. Ooh! Sounds steamy! I'll add to my list!

  9. Yeah, if you're not a contemporary fan then you probably wouldn't enjoy this one! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
