
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday Post - 82 & Stacking the Shelves - 52

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Oh my goodness you guys! This week....CRAZY! The weather forecasters (aka meteorologists) were freaking out here in central Alabama. On Monday we had the dreaded "it's going to freeze" freak outs. But did the business I work for plan to close? Absolutely not! Meteorologists are wrong about the weather all the time, right? And here in central Alabama we've had times where they just knew it was going to snow and it didn't. So I truck it into work Tuesday morning. After getting to work, it starts to freeze and it's raining/sleeting. And everyone starts to freak out because roads are closing. So work sends us home. It took us twice as long as normal to get home. Our tires grew icicles while we were driving. It snowed for most of the day. And so EVERYTHING shut down. And Wednesday it was still frozen. No work! YAY! Thursday I luckily got to work remote, but it was back to it. By Friday we still had snow on the ground at my house--granted not much and only in the shady areas. But then today we have temperatures in the 70s. Can you believe that? That is the craziness that is the weather of central Alabama. The reason we freak out when it snows or freezes is because we don't know hot to drive in that mess. There were so many car accidents. But being stuck at home for two days without working did allow me to finish 3 books during that time span and two more before the week was out. So...I'd say that's a productive week.

Also, I've already bought my tickets to go see Vampire Acadamy (I guess they decided to drop that Blood Sisters part of the title?). I'm excited about this one because I love the book series so much. But I don't expect it to get much turn out from other viewers based off the showing times listed for my local theater. What about you guys? Will you be going to see it?


Monday: Review of Into the Still Blue (Under the Never Sky, # 4) by Veronica Rossi (4 Stars)
Tuesday: Top Ten Worlds I'd Never Want to Live in Or Characters I'd Never Trade Places With
Wednesday: Review of Forever (Temptation, # 3) by Karen Ann Hopkins (3.4 Stars)
Thursday: Review of Uninvited (Uninvited, # 1) by Sophie Jordan (3 Stars)
Friday: January 2014 EOM Wrap Up - Which is actually wrong on the # of books read as I finished two more books last night.


Monday: Review of Alienated (Alienated, # 1) by Melissa Landers
Tuesday: Top Ten Books That Will Make You Cry
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: Review of Song of the Fireflies by JA Redmerski
Friday: Review of Sweet (True Believers, # 2) by Erin McCarthy
Saturday: Possibly a movie review of Vampire Academy...we'll see.

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

The Kiss: An Anthology of Love and Other Close Encounters

By: CA Newsome, Jacques Antoine, Robert C Thomas, Kate Aaron, Sharon Delarose, Meghan Ciana Doidge, Suzy Stewart Dubot, Corrie Fischer, Brandon Hale, Traci Tyne Hilton, Colleen Hoover, Mona Ingram, J.L. Jarvis, Elizabeth Jasper, Anna J. McIntyre, Jess Mountifield, S. Patrick O'Connell, J.B. Raleigh, J.R.C. Salter, Molly Snow, Holli Marie Spaulding, Cleve Sylcox, Chris Ward, George Wier, Saxon Andrew, Alison Blake, E.B. Boggs, Shirley Bourget, Ben Cassidy, Jason Deas, Suzie O'Connell

Published: January 15th 2014 by Raptor Retreat Press

350 pages

Genre: Anthologies, Short Stories, Contemporary

Source: Personal Kindle Library

( Goodreads | Amazon currently free )

Goodreads description--A kiss is a simple communication. It can also be an exchange, a betrayal, an assault, a promise, a hope...or it could be a goodbye. The intimacy of a kiss cannot be denied. Whether shared, stolen or simply dreamed of, its recipient will be affected. Thirty-one stories by authors from around the world will tease your imagination as you anticipate ‘The Kiss’ in each weird or wonderful tale.

This cross-genre anthology contains stories by Kate Aaron, Saxon Andrew, Jacques Antoine, Alison Blake, E. B. Boggs, Shirley Bourget, Ben Cassidy, Jason Deas, Sharon Delarose, Meghan Ciana Doidge, Suzy Stewart Dubot, Corrie Fischer, Brandon Hale, Traci Tyne Hilton, Colleen Hoover, Mona Ingram, J. L. Jarvis, Elizabeth Jasper, Anna J. McIntyre, Jess Mountifield, C. A. Newsome, S. Patrick O'Connell, Suzie O'Connell, Jeanette Raleigh, J. R. C. Salter, Molly Snow, Holli Marie Spaulding, Cleve Sylcox, Robert Thomas, Chris Ward and George Wier.

Four Seconds to Lose (Ten Tiny Breaths, # 3)

By: KA Tucker

Published: November 4th 2013 by Atria Books

256 pages

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--When a gorgeous young dancer walks through his door, a strip club owner must decide whether to follow his rules or his heart in the third novel by the author of One Tiny Lie and Ten Tiny Breaths.

Owning a strip club isn’t the fantasy most guys expect it to be. With long hours, a staff with enough issues to keep a psych ward in business, and the police regularly on his case, twenty-nine-year-old Cain is starting to second guess his unspoken mission to save the women he employs. And then blond, brown-eyed Charlie Rourke walks through his door, and things get really complicated. Cain abides by a strict “no sleeping with the staff” rule. But being around Charlie challenges Cain’s self-control…and it’s been a long time since any woman has done that.

Twenty-two-year-old Charlie Rourke needs a lot of money, really fast, in order to vanish before it’s too late. Taking her clothes off for men makes her stomach curl but Charlie tells herself that at least she’s putting her acting and dancing skills to good use. And though her fellow dancers seem eager to nab their sexy, sophisticated, and genuinely caring boss, she’s not interested. After all, Charlie Rourke doesn’t really exist—and the girl pretending to be her can't get distracted by romance.

Unfortunately, Charlie soon discovers that developing feelings for Cain is inevitable, and that those feelings may not be unrequited—but losing him when he finds out what she’s involved with will be more painful than any other sentence awaiting her.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. Wow, I think I'd be traumatized by that kind of weather, since the worst thing we have is usually bad rains or soupy fogs (which are pretty scary). (Oh, and the occasional tornado or earthquake). Glad you got home safely.

    Enjoy your books...and I LOVE the cover on The Kiss. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. I've read 1 K..A. Tucker book, and I really enjoyed it. That was actually back before she caught her mainstream publishing deal, so I'm happy to see her succeeding.

    And our weather here in Louisiana, was unfortunately quite similar. Last Friday it actually took me 4 times longer than normal to get home! But at least things are now warming up and getting back to normal!

  3. Great books! I have been meaning to start Ten Tiny Breaths for quite some time! I will have to get to it someday! :)

  4. WAIT! Central Alabama! I live in central Alabama, at least a lot of the time! I got to UA! Yay for someone to sympathize with the weather! That's exactly what happened on campus. We had to go to class till 11 on Tuesday when they realized the weather was actually going to be bad, then cancelled class, and it took me an hour to get home--which normally takes me around 5 minutes. But hey! No school/work for a couple of days! And the snow was beautiful. :)

    I heard of The Kiss from Colleen Hoover, so I might have to pick it up to read the epilogue she has in there--especially since it's free. :) And I've not read any of K.A. Tucker's books, but I hear lots of good things about them. :)

    Happy reading!
    My STS

  5. We're supposed to get snow and ice (again) tomorrow. We've had so much snow this year. It's every few days. It's crazy. I live in southern IL and the meteorologists are normally freaking out every time they predict 3 inches of snow. Then about a month ago we got a foot, and ever since then every time it snows they say, "It won't be much, maybe 3-5 inches."

    Have fun at Vampire Academy! I'll be waiting until it's on DVD, but I'm looking forward to it.

  6. Yes, we definitely get a wide range of weather here. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. I loved Ten Tiny Breaths, and the other two in this series have been okay, but not up to the same level IMO. She's definitely on my list of authors to check out just about anything she's written. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Ten Tiny Breaths was a really great read! I gave it 5 Stars. The other two in the series have been fairly good, but not at the same level to me. I hope you enjoy it whenever you get around to checking it out! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Yes, we're all well. Thanks for asking. It's definitely a bit of a frenzy whenever it snows. Everything shuts down. My top ten books that will make you cry has been posted, I'd love for you to check it out! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

  10. Ten Tiny Breaths has been my favorite in the series so far. The other two have been good, but just not the same. Who knew the weather would be so extreme? HAHA...yes...dern that stinking job! :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  11. Yes ma'am! Montgomery area to be exact. :) I love finding a fellow Alabamian blogger! I'll make double sure I'm following you after I comment! :) Definitely not complaining about not working for two days. I used that time to read like crazy! I really loved Ten Tiny Breaths, but the other two haven't been AS good to me. Still good...just not up to the level of expectations I had since Ten Tiny Breaths was so good. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! Going to your blog now!

  12. Oh boy! I guess IL would get more snow than us though. But isn't it funny how 3-5 inches doesn't seem like much of a big deal anymore? :) Oh yes, Vampire Academy is one of my favorite YA series EVER! So I've got to see it opening weekend. I just hope it doesn't suck. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

  13. Hope you are ok, here in the UK everyone goes in a panic if snow falls, trains stop etc. This winter has been really mild, and we have not seen any snow at all so far. I'm definitely looking out for your 'top ten books that will make you cry'.

  14. I have One Tiny Lie and Ten Tiny Breaths still sitting in TBR piles. I need to get up to speed. Glad you made it safely through your freakish weather. Hope it doesn't return. Here is NYC we're expecting 2-4 inches of snow overnight after two days of 50 degree temps.

    And isn't it annoying how work interferes with reading...LOL! Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great week.
