
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being a Blogger/Reader

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Reasons I Love Being a Blogger/Reader.

    1) Reading takes me away from real life for a bit—not that I particularly feel the need to escape my life because I happen to love my life, but it’s nice to have an escape too.
    2) I meet so many characters that I fall in love with. I’m surrounded by friends and family that I love, but I don’t always understand how they think. That’s one of the reasons why I love reading—being completely immersed into someone else’s mind and experiencing their thoughts and feelings.
    3) I get to visit a variety of places and worlds. I’ve never been to Paris, but I kind of feel like I have been. I’ve never been in outer space, but I kind of feel like I have been. I’ve never seen any dragons, but I kind of feel like I have.
    4) Studies show that the “cloud nine” feelings you get from falling in love do go away over time. It’s really scientific and involves chemicals, hormones, pheromones, etc in the body. But reading allows me to in some small part experience those cloud nine feelings over and over again.
    5) It bonds people. I love being able to discuss the books I’ve read with people—whether they are people in my real life or people on the blog. It’s really why I started blogging to begin with which leads me to the next point.
    6) Books change people. My dad always says (and he may be quoting someone I don’t know) that you’d be exactly the same 5 years from now as you are today except for the people you surround yourself with and the books you read. I think the books I’ve read—all of them—have made me a deeper person (not that all the books I’ve read are deep). They help me to relate to a larger portion of people over a larger variety of situations.

    7) The book blogging community is really special. I’ve never “met” anyone I wish I hadn’t. It’s full of supportive people who share a common love. There's really nothing I've experienced quite like it.
    8) I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I love blogging because of the access I have to a wider variety of books. I am exposed to a large selection, and it’s really awesome. I appreciate the opportunity to read and review all kinds of books.
    9) Blogging also gives me an excuse to read. While blogging isn’t my fulltime job, I always have that excuse of “but I need to read this for my blog…now.”
    10) I already mentioned the book blogging community, but I’ve “met” so many great people (not book characters) through this medium.

What are your top favorite things about reading and/or blogging? Let me know!


  1. Love your list. I definitely agree with many of your points. I haven't met any bloggers in person yet, but I hope to soon! :)

  2. I also love having access to a wider variety of books. And blogging gives me an excuse to read - although honest, it also distracts me from reading more.

  3. I agree....books do change people. That is the power of reading. And I love to be apart of that, and learn from them, and grow from them. It is such a powerful hobby!

    Jennifer @ A Librarian's Library--My TTT!

  4. Karolina'sBookshelfReflectionsFebruary 18, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    I love how you feel like you are falling in love over and over again when reading a book. I couldn't agree more and this little but oh so mighty point has crept itself onto my list as well.

  5. I love the excuse to read because of the blog! Great list!

    ­ MY TTT
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  6. Its always nice to use the "i need to read" excuse.
    Lovely list.

