
Friday, March 7, 2014

Happy 3rd Blogoversary - TO ME!

That's right. It's my 3rd Blogoversary today! I can't believe I've been blogging for three years. It's been a great ride--so much more than I ever thought it would be. Thank you to everyone who has made this a great experience. Thank you to my husband who first suggested that I blog. Thank you to my friends and family who first signed up to follow me. Thank you to all of my fellow bloggers who have offered advice, inspiration, and support over the last three years. Thank you to every single person who has followed Somewhere Only We Know in any format. Thank you to every person who has every read a blog post, commented, or shared a post. Thank you to the publishers and authors who take a chance on letting me review their books. Thank you to my SNL and fellow blogger, Holly @ Words Fueled by Love for doing this whole thing with me. Thanks to my friends and family and share their books with me. I could keep going. This experience just wouldn't be what it is without every single one of you. And so, to share the love in the best way I know how....I'm giving back!

These are my favorite reads so far of the year and that ones I'm most excited to get my hands on. The winner gets the choice of one (1) of the following options. Please see my giveaway policy for full contest rules.

Reason to Breath (Breathing, # 1) by Rebecca Donovan
Believe (True Believers, # 3) by Erin McCarthy
Cress (Lunar Chronicles, # 3) by Marissa Meyer
Saving Quinton (Nova, # 2) by Jessica Sorensen
Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassins, # 2) by Robin LaFevers (review coming soon)
Undeclared (Woodlands, # 1) by Jen Frederick (review coming soon)
Shatter Me (Shatter Me, # 1) by Tahereh Mafi (review coming soon)
The Evolution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, # 2) by Michelle Hodkin (still reading)
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover (can't wait!)
Ruins (Partials, # 3) by Dan Wells (can't wait!)
The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, # 1) by Marie Rutkoski (heard good things)
Half Bad (Half Life Trilogy, # 1) by Sally Green

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations Sandy! I love reading your reviews! Happy Blog Birthday!

  2. Happy blogloversary and congratulations! =_

  3. Congrats Sister! I'm so proud of you! Happy Blogoversary!

  4. Happy Blogoversary! <3

  5. alibrarianslibraryMarch 7, 2014 at 9:44 PM

    Happy Blogoversary! It's so crazy to think about! I have been blogging for 2.5 years! That's insane! Congrats!

  6. Happy Blogoversary!!!!!!!! Three years is an awesome blogging mark. Hope you have many more great blogging years.:)

    Sarah @Vampire (and Other Paranormal Things) Queen

  7. Happy 3rd Blogoversary!

  8. Happy Blogoversary! :)

  9. Happy 3rd Blogoversary! That is so wonderful. I have always wanted to have a book blog but I lacked the talent to do so. I appreciate everything you share and do. Sharing new books we might not have found otherwise. I hope you have at least another 3 years of blogging ahead of you.

  10. Congratulations on your successes for a third year in a row! Very exciting! Looking forward to your 4th year! :)

  11. Thanks Jennifer! Looking forward to your 3rd blogoversary!

  12. Happy Blogoversary. Hope you have many more years to come

  13. Happy 3rd Blogoversary!!! I hope the coming year(s) are even better for you! :)
