
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Waiting on Red at Night

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Red at Night

By: Katie McGarry

Expected Publication: April 1st 2014 by Harlequin Special Releases

Genre: YA, Contemporary

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiate link. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--In Red at Night, Stella and Jonah are total opposites. She's the girl with purple hair from the wrong part of town. He's a high school senior who hangs with the cool crowd. Until a car accident leaves him haunted by guilt, and Jonah starts spending time at Stella's favorite refuge…the local cemetery.

Stella knows she should keep her distance—after all, she spent her girlhood being bullied by Jonah's friends. Once he's sorted out his tangled emotions, Jonah won't have time for her anymore. Too bad she's already fallen for him….

I just love Katie McGarry...novella or not. What are you waiting on this week? Let me know!

P.S. Don't forget to enter my Happy 3rd Blogoversary - To Me Giveaway before you leave!


  1. Great pick! This one sounds so good and I love the cover! The colours are so pretty! I heard it was free to pre-order on amazon, but I couldn't pre-order it as I don't have a credit card, I mean how weird is that? Guess I'll grab it when it's released :).

  2. Yayy another Katie McGarry title! So excited for this as well, she's one of my fave YA authors now.
    Awesome pick :D

    My WoW

  3. Oh i didnt now about this! Will add. thanks for sharing!

    Check out our WOW.

    Leydy @OUaT & RCE

  4. Oh my goodness, I can't believe I haven't heard about this book yet! Adding to my TBR pile immediately! Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW

  5. I haven't heard of this book before! This sounds really good. Thanks for sharing. My WoW

  6. Huh....that is odd. Do you have any gift cards you could use as substitute for the credit card? Seems like you wouldn't need one either way. Weird. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I know! I love Katie McGarry! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Excellent! Glad to be of service! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Yeah weird huh? You would expect you don't need a credit card to pre-order a free book.
    lol, I just went to Kobo and found I could already download the book. I think that's a mistake on Kobo's part, but at least I have it now :).

  10. Thanks for stopping by my WoW! I'm also very excited for this book! It's almost here! Can't wait!

  11. Katie McGarry anything and I'm in... adding to the TBR!

  12. Um, HELLO Katie McGarry, how did I not know about this one?! Thank the skies for your WoW and bringing this to my attention, LOVING the pick!;)

  13. I'm so glad I could get the word out to you for this one! It's free on Amazon for preorder right now. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  14. It's definitely almost here! YAY! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarah.
