
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday Post - 91 & Stacking the Shelves - 58

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This week...I went to the eye doctor Friday to get some new glasses and renew my prescription for my contacts. YAY for new glasses. BOO for my eyes getting worse (they're really not that bad compared to most people though). Which leads me to...You guys...! Husband and I have been watching Dexter on Netflix. And it's good and all, but Friday night we watched the Season 4 finale..................................... I'm still having heart palpitations. I was literally physically affected. There have only been a handful of TV shows that can elicit this kind of reaction from me. And thank goodness we didn't have to wait until we could start Season 5. We had been planning to just finish Season 4 and then catch up on some shows on the DVR, but Husband turned and looked at me questioningly. And I said "We can't leave it like that." So we watched Season 5 Episode 1--which was only slightly better emotionally. Speaking of TV shows, I'll miss The Walking Dead until October, but Game of Thrones starts back to help me with my coping.


Monday: March 2014 EOM Wrap Up
Wednesday: Waiting on The Retribution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, # 3) by Michelle Hodkin
Thursday: Review of Derailed (Clayton Falls, # 1) by Alyssa Rose Ivy (3.5 Stars)
Friday: Review of Breathe (Sea Breeze, # 1) by Abbi Glines (4 Stars)


Monday: Review of Because of Low (See Breeze, # 2) by Abbi Glines
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday (Either Gateway Books/Authors that I was supposed to do last week or Most Unique Books I've Ever Read)
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: Review of Requiem (Delirium, # 3) by Lauren Oliver
Friday: Review of The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian

Don't forget to sign up for the 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge! Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with a BIG giveaway at the end of the year! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!

Take Control of Your TBR Pile 2014

I participated in Kimba's March 2014 Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge which is now over, but I wanted to recap my results.

    1) The Evolution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, # 2) by Michelle Hodkin
    2) Pivot Point (Pivot Point, # 1) by Kasie West
    3) Shatter Me (Shatter Me, # 1) by Tahereh Mafi
    4) Touch of Frost (Mythos Academy, # 1) by Jennifer Estep
    5) Emma by Jane Austen
    6) Matched (Matched, # 1) by Ally Condie
    7) Passion (Fallen, # 3) by Lauren Kate
    8) The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest (Millennium, # 3) by Stieg Larsson (Started, but haven't finished)
    9) A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, # 5) by George R R Martin (Started, but only barely)

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Red at Night

By: Katie McGarry

Published: April 1st 2014 by Harlequin Special Releases

Genre: YA, Contemporary

Source: Kindle Freebie

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiate link. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--In Red at Night, Stella and Jonah are total opposites. She's the girl with purple hair from the wrong part of town. He's a high school senior who hangs with the cool crowd. Until a car accident leaves him haunted by guilt, and Jonah starts spending time at Stella's favorite refuge…the local cemetery.

Stella knows she should keep her distance—after all, she spent her girlhood being bullied by Jonah's friends. Once he's sorted out his tangled emotions, Jonah won't have time for her anymore. Too bad she's already fallen for him….

The Immortal Rules (Age of X, # 2)

By: Richelle Mead

Expected Publication: May 29th 2014 by Dutton Adult

432 pages

Genre: Adult, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Dystopian, Paranormal

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon,, and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--The #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Vampire Academy and Bloodline series returns with the second installment in her acclaimed Age of X series.

Gameboard of the Gods introduced religious investigator Justin March and Mae Koskinen, the beautiful supersoldier assigned to protect him. Together they have been charged with investigating reports of the supernatural and the return of the gods, both inside the Republic of United North America and out. With this highly classified knowledge comes a shocking revelation: Not only are the gods vying for human control, but the elect—special humans marked by the divine—are turning against one another in bloody fashion.

Their mission takes a new twist when they are assigned to a diplomatic delegation headed by Lucian Darling, Justin’s old friend and rival, going into Arcadia, the RUNA’s dangerous neighboring country. Here, in a society where women are commodities and religion is intertwined with government, Justin discovers powerful forces at work, even as he struggles to come to terms with his own reluctantly acquired deity.

Meanwhile, Mae—grudgingly posing as Justin’s concubine—has a secret mission of her own: finding the illegitimate niece her family smuggled away years ago. But with Justin and Mae resisting the resurgence of the gods in Arcadia, a reporter’s connection with someone close to Justin back home threatens to expose their mission—and with it the divine forces the government is determined to keep secret.

Crossed (Matched, # 2)

By: Ally Condie

Published: November 1st 2011 by Dutton Children's

367 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian, Science Fiction

Source: Borrowed from my local library

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--The Society chooses everything.

The books you read.
The music you listen to.
The person you love.

Yet for Cassia the rules have changed. Ky has been taken and she will sacrifice everything to find him.

And when Cassia discovers Ky has escaped to the wild frontiers beyond the Society there is hope.

But on the edge of society nothing is as it seems...

A rebellion is rising.

And a tangled web of lies and double-crosses could destroy everything.

Freak of Nature (IFICS, # 1)

By: Julia Crane

Published: January 9th 2013 by Valknut Press

284 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction

Source: Kindle Freebie Deal

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Donate Body to Science. Check.

When seventeen-year-old Kaitlyn checked the box, she never suspected she’d have her life–and her body–stolen from her. She awakens one day in a secret laboratory to discover that her body is now half-robot and is forced to hide her own secret: that she still has human emotions and a human mind. If the scientists who made her find out, they’ll erase what remains of who she was.

Kaitlyn finds an unlikely ally in Lucas, a handsome, brilliant scientist who can’t get over the guilt he feels knowing she was once a vibrant, beautiful young woman. He never expected a science project to affect him the way she does. As he tries to help her rediscover her past, he finds himself falling for the brave girl struggling to find her place and acceptance between the human and computer worlds.

*For mature teens due to some sexual content.

Barely Breathing (The Breathing Series, # 2)

By: Rebecca Donovan

Published: first published April 30th 2012

421 pages

Genre: YA/NA, Contemporary

Source: Borrowed from my sister

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Emma’s struggle with an abusive home life came to a heart pounding conclusion in the final chapters of Reason to Breathe. Now everyone in Weslyn knows Emma’s secret, but Carol can’t hurt Emma anymore. Some are still haunted by the horror of that night, and some must face the repercussions of their choices. Fans of Rebecca Donovan’s debut novel will discover there’s still much to learn about Emma’s life.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. Happy Reading! Here's my WoW if you'd like to stop by.

  2. I don't watch much TV and have never seen any of the shows you mentioned. I spend too much time reading. I admire your goal of taking control of your TBR pile. Mine is seriously out of control. I added Red at Night last week too and just added Freak of Nature after reading about it here. Come see what I got at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

  3. I've been interested to read Rebecca Donovan's series for a while now. I should probably add the first book to the top of my wishlist so I'll get to it soon :)

  4. I have yet to read the Matched series! Enjoy your new reads!

  5. Oh, I am addicted to Netflix, too! I haven't watched Dexter yet, since the series I chose had many seasons. My first to watch was Damages, a show from awhile ago, and it had eight seasons!

    Now I'm watching One Tree Hill, which I didn't know I would enjoy as much as I did. Also eight seasons.

    Enjoy your new haul...I'm curious about Barely Breathing.



  6. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveApril 6, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    YES! GOT starts TODAY! EEEK!!! Congrats on finishing 7 books toward the challenge!

  7. I get addicted to Netflix and binge watch at the expense of (nearly) everything else in life lol. I tried to watch Dexter and didn't really enjoy it, but I'll have to try again one day.

    Have an awesome week!

  8. I don't watch that many tv shows, although I do recognize all the names of the series you mentioned because I heard other people talk about them. I also got Red At Night, although I think it's supposed to take place after Crash Into You, so I should read that one first. I still have to start the Age of X series, Richelle Mead is one of my favourite authors and I don't get why i still haven't read the first book in that series.
    I hope you have a great sunday :)

  9. You got some amazing books this week! I got Red at Night too and I can't wait to hear what you think about the Immortal Crown.

    My STS @ So Bookalicious

  10. You did awesome on Take Control and yeah Dexter is down right addicting. We watched it live, so imagine how we felt having to wait till the next season began after watching that ending!!

  11. AAAAA! I want all of your books. :D
    I got Red at Night this morning - I hope it will be good.
    Great job with reading challenge!

    Glass @ Ja čitam, a ti?

  12. Good week and book haul for you! I haven't read your books, but I have certainly heard of them and know many people enjoyed them.
    As for tv, I was never much of a nighttime tv watcher until I got a kindle fire and now I binge-watch tv shows! I started with Lost and watched all six seasons while I was on hiatus from my blog. I watch the Blacklist, new to NBC this year, but for some reason I just love James Spader in it--he's so suave, even for a criminal!. My daughter wants me to watch Modern Family like her (maybe) or the Walking Dead (don't think so). My two daughters loved Dexter; it's just not for me :) I am thinking of watching the old show Gilmore Girls next.
    Anyway, thanks for starting this chat, and enjoy your week reading!

  13. We recently watched the entire Dexter series on Netflix. We went through it so fast. It's one of my favorite shows now and I wish it were still on the air, but I am enjoying the audio books. The Walking Dead is very good too. I can't believe we already had a season finale and now have to wait for the next season.

    Have a great week!

  14. Freak of Nature sounds good, hope you enjoy!

  15. Nice list of books. I grabbed a free copy of Red At Night as well.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

  16. Boo for eyes getting worse! I went a couple of weeks ago and one eye had worsened a lot, while the other only a little bit. Slowing getting more and more blind... Woo! :) BUT GOT STARTED TODAYYYYY. Nothing can be sad when GoT is on! Except when everyone dies, of course. :)

    Ooh, yay for Crossed! I really like Ally Condie's series, though I've still not read Reached. I think I have a fear of finishing series...

    Have a great week!!!

  17. Thanks for stopping by Molly! I really enjoyed Matched. Ally Condie's writing style surprised me, but it was very similar to Delirium by Lauren Oliver which I liked just a little better. Thanks again!

  18. TV is more of something I can do with my husband--not that I don't enjoy it because there are some seriously great shows out there. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  19. Thanks Kristin! It was nice to have a little extra incentive to knock some of my "for fun" books out. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  20. Oh yes. We're well into Season 5 now, but I'm still reeling from that finale. Sheesh! I will say that I was impressed with Matched. It's very similar to Delirium by Lauren Oliver, but I have to say that I liked Delirium just a little bit more. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  21. Oh I LOVED book 1, Reason to Breathe. I gave it 5 Stars. As a matter of fact, I think that's the only book I've given 5 Stars to so far this year. Definitely check it out when you can. I hope you like it. And thanks for stopping by Milka!

  22. I was surprised with how much I enjoyed Matched. I have heard that others have been disappointed with how the rest of the series goes, so I'm a little wary at this point, but so far so good. Thanks for stopping by Melissa!

  23. Well I definitely suggest adding Dexter to your list. I haven't finished One Tree Hill myself, but I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it. I think I got to season 5 before I had to stop. I was borrowing those from my sister, but it might be a good one for me to start on Netflix from the beginning.

    I loved book 1, Reason to Breathe. I'm not that far into Barely Breathing, but so far so good. Thanks for stopping by!

  24. It was an okay season opener. Nothing shocking or anything, but big things to come. Thanks!

  25. Oh yes, Husband and I do too! I definitely suggest trying to push through the beginning of Dexter. It just gets better and better. Thanks so much for stopping by Kat!

  26. I can't say I blame you because Husband and I do tend to spend TOO much time watching TV when we could be doing some other, more productive things. But there are some really great stories out there. And while I love books, I'm really just a lover of great stories. Glad you got Red at Night. I didn't think it was really part of the Pushing the Limits series. As far as I can tell there aren't any cross overs. Richelle Mead is one of my favorite authors too. I didn't LOVE Gameboard of the Gods, but I have faith that the series will get better so I'm pushing through. Thanks for stopping by Lola!

  27. Thanks El! I'll definitely post my review of The Immortal Crown close to the publication date as long as I'm finished with it before then. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  28. Thanks Kimba! Oh yes, Husband and I are well into Season 5 of Dexter now. We really didn't start the series that long ago and we've been blowing through the episodes. I definitely can't imagine having to wait several months in between that Season 4 finale and the start of Season 5. Must have been torture. Thanks for stopping by!

  29. Haha! Thanks Glass! I hope you enjoy Red at Night. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  30. Thanks for stopping by! I completely agree. Binge watching is the best! We LOVED Lost. We moved into Prison Break after Lost, so if you haven't seen that one then I highly recommend it. And only 4 seasons. Husband watched The Blacklist more than I do. I usually read while it's one so I stay up to date, but not completely invested. The last couple of episodes have been really good though. I definitely recommend The Walking Dead. I know zombies aren't everyone's favorite, but I love the story. The human emotion. How the rules of the world are different. It's just a really great story. I also highly recommend Gilmore Girls. I own all of those seasons and have watched them multiple times. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  31. Oh yes, we're blowing through Dexter. We're halfway through Season 5 already and we just started Season 5 Friday night. I definitely will miss The Walking Dead until October. LOVE that show. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting Yvonne!

  32. Seems like everyone's grabbed that one up. It was a good, short read. Thanks for stopping by Kristin!

  33. Haha...yep. Slowly going blind. :) Ironically enough Husband's eyes were better with this exam. So maybe there's hope for us after all. Love GOT! Of course it wasn't a mind blowing episode, but we always know it's coming. I need to push further into A Dance With Dragons. I don't want the show to spoil anything in the books for me.

    Oh good. I'm glad to hear good things about Crossed. I've seen that many didn't love the way the series ended, so I've been a bit wary, but I have to say that I enjoyed Matched better than I was expecting. Seems that many share your fear of series enders--and not without reasons. Some of the best series just seem to have some crappy enders unfortunately.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting Rachel!

  34. Sorry to hear about your eyes, Sandy. I feel for you, as I've been dealing with the same for many years -- but thank goodness we can get glasses and contacts, at least! And yay for having a TV series you can watch with your honey. My husband and I are currently (re)watching West Wing. We've finished Season 5. It's amazing how many of the political and geopolitical issues from the show have hardly changed in over a decade. But I also want to get him started on Dr Who.

    Oh, and awesome job on the Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge!

  35. LOVED Red at Night! Some great books there! Sorry to hear bout your eyes. Enjoy your haul. My STS

  36. I had to wear glasses since I was about 8 years old, I'm so shortsighted, I'm virtually blind without my glasses. Never really got on with contacts. But I've grown fond of my glasses over the years, they are 'me' :) Well done you on your Take Control of your TBR pile challenged, I think you've done excellent on that one! I've got book 1 + 2 of the Trilogy here, but haven't even started due to too many review books. Have a great week and Happy Reading.

    My Sunday Post is here

  37. I can understand her wanting to be like her big sister and mom. :) We definitely binge watch. Hope you're able to start Dexter soon. Thanks for stopping by!

  38. Thanks Lark! They're really not that bad (my eyes). Up until this visit I actually only had a contact for my left eye. But apparently my right eye needs one now. Not a huge deal. Part of getting older, right? We need to add West Wing to the list. I think Husband watched that live when it first came out but then dropped out before the show was over because he had too many going on. I've heard wonderful things about Dr. Who (I know Kimba's a huge fan), so I need to look into that one! Thanks for stopping by as always!

  39. Yeah, I can see where if you've been wearing glasses since you were 8 that they would just feel like part of you. Thanks so much. I really enjoyed the Take Control Challenge because it gave me an extra push to read more of my "for fun" books--they're all for fun, but you know what I mean. Thanks so much for stopping by Peggy!

  40. My eyes aren't too bad but I had to pick up my first ever drug store bifocals at the end of last year. Ugh...made me feel old. :) I love Netflix. We binge watched LOST, Ugly Betty, and several other shows but I haven't made it to Dexter yet. I will have to check that one out. Great job on your challenge. One of my favorite movies is Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow. I've watched it about 20 times. I grabbed Freak of Nature and Red at Night too. Hope your week is going good and wishing you a great weekend!

  41. Getting older can be heck on the eyes. I started out with only one contact, then two... then my eyes got too dry for contacts and I had to switch to glasses. And about 8 years ago, I had to go to full-time bifocals -- in my forties. I just pray I never lose my ability to read and do close work, like knitting and jewelry-making.

  42. Oh yes girl! We binged Lost too! Haven't watched Ugly Betty yet, but I do remember commercials for it back when it was on. I like that version of Emma too. Good movie! Thanks for stopping by!

  43. Good job with the TBR challenge - I should have signed pile is out of control!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - hope you have a great week!
    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  44. I love Dexter! THe ending of Season 4 still gets me really upset! I have Crossed from when I went to Ally's signing, but haven't had a chance to read that series yet.

  45. My daughter is kinda excited about her new glasses, I think it is just because her older sister and I both wear them and she says it's a girl thing in our family. :) I love Netflix because I can binge watch tv programs. lol I have Dexter on my List and will watch it here soon. Love the haul. Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post.
