
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Top Ten Books About Friendship

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books About Friendship.

  1. Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein - Elizabeth Wein writes some of the best friendship stories I've ever read.
  2. Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein - This group of girls is a family.
  3. Reason to Breathe (Breathing, # 1) by Rebecca Donovan - Sara is my favorite book best friend EVER!
  4. The Marked Men series by Jay Crownover - Since I'm female, my first response to this topic was female friendship, but I love reading about this group of guys and their friendships/family.
  5. Emma by Jane Austen - However misguided, the driving force behind Emma's matchmaking was to see her friends happily settled.
  6. The Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead - Rose and Lissa are practically sisters.
  7. The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater - Another group of friends that mostly include boys with Blue thrown in.
  8. Back to You by Priscilla Glenn - Best friends, but so much more. Time separates them, but they find themselves back together again.
  9. Torn by Stephanie Guerra - Becoming friends with someone with "issues".
  10. The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich - Stephanie and Lula are pretty much best friends even though they're coworkers. I love their relationship.
  11. One Moment by Kristina McBride - What happens when tragedy strikes a group of friends.
  12. The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling - Do I really need to say anything here?
  13. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson - My first experience with a friendship loss. Heartbreaking.
  14. The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkein - Frodo and Sam. Sam's one of the most dedicated friends I've ever read about.
  15. Where the Red Fern Grows – Wilson Rawls - Best friends don't have to be human.

What are your favorite books about friendship? Let me know!


  1. I completely agree with you about Code Name Verity. Such beautiful friendship. I also think Harry Potter would be nothing without his friendships!

  2. Loved Bridge to Terabithia. I also chose Emma. :)

  3. Yay, Code Name Verity & Rose! And The Dream Thieves! Great list. :)

  4. Ah Where the Red Fern Grows! Great list!

  5. I agree. Harry wouldn't haven't made it without his friends to back him up! Thanks for stopping by Chrissi!

  6. Oh yes. Bridge to Terabithia was such a good book. And yay for having one in common! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Oh my gosh...Bride to Terabithia and Where the Red Fern Grows... I cried for days after reading both of those and you are absolutely right no explanation is needed for Harry Potter! Terrific list!

  8. Oh yes...both very emotional reads for sure! Thanks so much for stopping by Gin! Hope you're having a great week!

  9. I agree with; the Stephanie Plum series Lula and Stephanie are best friends. Other than steph's grandma Lula is the only the one I think that actually understands Stephanie.

  10. i read 3 of the books you mentioned here. i soooo agree with you about code name verity. OMG!!! that thing that happened to julie. that stayed with me for days. i couldn't believe it. i thought she'd get out somehow. thinking about it now is making me sad.

    thanks for stopping by my StS post this weekend :)

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  11. I really want to read Rose under Fire. And I forgot about the Lord of the Rings! Sam is the best friend anyone could ever have, so true.

  12. You know those memories that are bittersweet?
    Red Fern takes me back as does Terabithia. So many life lessons,many tears were spilled.


  13. Omg, Where the Red Fern Grows! I forgot all about that book. I used to be OBSESSED with the movie when I was younger. I watched it like every single day, my sister hated me for it. LoL.

  14. You had to bring up Bridge to Terabithia and Where the Red Fern Grows?! Those books are so heartbreaking! But they do have amazing friendships, so I won't fault you on that.

    Now I want to go home and hug my dog :(

  15. I SO need to read all the Elizabeth Wein books! What a great list! Thanks for stopping by our TTT. :)

  16. Love Stephanie's grandmother! She's a hoot! Thanks for stopping by Carissa!

  17. Yep Rose and Lissa are one of my favorite friendship duos! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Lucy!

  18. Oh yes! I wasn't expecting it either. It was a real surprise. And poor Maddie having to be the one! So sad. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Michelle!

  19. Oh please do! Rose Under Fire is just a magnificent book all around. And I couldn't agree more. If I ever needed to go into the fires of Mordor I would want Sam trekking with me by my side! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Wendi!

  20. Oh I completely agree about Where the Red Fern Grows and Bridge to Terabithia being bittersweet memories. Such good stories but so sad at the same time. Thanks for stopping by Ashley!

  21. Haha...I went through a phase when I was obsessed with Clueless the movie. And my sister hid the VHS from me! HA! Not quite as sad as Where the Red Fern Grows though. Thanks for stopping by!

  22. I know, I know! Sorry! I couldn't help including them. Friendship tragedies! Give your dog a hug for me though! :) And thanks for stopping by and commenting Andrea!

  23. Oh yes! Code Name Verity and Rose Under Fire were both 5 Star books for me. And I don't hand out 5 stars easily. I hope you get a chance to read them both one day. Thanks for stopping by Sabrina!

  24. I love Rose & Lissa's friendship! So many fab friendship books I need to catch up on! Thanks for the recs :)
