
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Top Ten Books I Almost Put Down

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books I Almost Put Down.

These aren’t necessarily books that I almost put down but pushed through and realized I’m glad that I read them. These are just the ones I almost put down but pushed through—whether I ended up liking them or not.

  1. Awakened (House of Night, # 8) – PC & Kristin Cast – I think this was the last of this series I managed to finish. It was definitely a struggle for me to get through this one and even the last couple before this one. I won’t be completing this series.
  2. Shadowland (The Immortals, # 3) – Alyson Noel – I completed this one page by friggin page. Also not finishing this series.
  3. Misguided Angel (Blue Bloods, # 5) – Melissa de la Cruz – Another series DNF after completing this book.
  4. Fragile Eternity (Wicked Lovely, # 3) – Melissa Marr – I haven’t quite given up on this series yet, but since I wasn’t impressed with this book I’m not excited about finishing it either. Ugh.
  5. Resurrection (Wicked, # 5) – Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie - I wish I could get the hours back that I spent reading this one.
  6. Beautiful Darkness (Caster Chronicles, # 2) – Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl – Another page by page.
  7. Exiled (The Never Chronicles, # 1) – JR Wagner – My first ARC. Yeah….not the best quality there.
  8. Airel (The Airel Saga, # 1) by Aaron Patterson & Chris White - Such a pretty cover. Such a letdown.
  9. The Soulkeepers (The Soulkeepers, # 1) – GP Ching – This was before I learned that DNFing is okay.
  10. Incarceron (Incarceron, # 1) – Catherine Fisher – Concept was so much better than the execution.
  11. Entice (Need, # 3) – Carrie Jones – So much eyerolling you guys.
  12. Covet (The Clann, # 2) – Melissa Darnell – When I realized that requesting book 2 of a series when you haven’t read book 1 isn’t really the best idea. And just because the cover is pretty doesn’t mean the book will match.
  13. Undeadly (The Reaper Diaries, # 1) – Michele Vail – Eh.
  14. Magisterium – Jeff Hirsch – See # 13.
  15. Consume (The Clann, # 3) – Melissa Darnell – When I realized that I don’t HAVE to read every book in a series just because I started the series.

What books did you almost put down? Let me know!


  1. You have some series here that I started and never finished! I think I made it to the 7th book of the House of Night series, I only read the first two books of the Wicked Lovely series, only two books of the Immortal series and only Beautiful Creatures. It seems like we struggled with the same books!

  2. you have so much in your list O.O

    I actually can't believe I was able to get pass Shadowland and read the next book then drop the series... I also see a Blue Bloods series there in your list... well I just finished the first book then decided that it wasn't for me -__-

    czai @ the Blacksheep Project

  3. Haha...yeah I kind of intended to try to read the next book after Shadowland but just never got around to it. That was years ago. By now I'm completely uninterested. And what sucks about Blue Bloods was that I enjoyed it until book 4 or 5 and then it went downhill. Thanks for stopping by Czai!

  4. learned to DNF! I still have a hard time. I can DNF a series if I need to, but a book is harder for me. It definitely seems like we share a similar pattern with books we struggle with. Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth.

  5. Shadowland was a struggle for me. I put it down and picked it back up more times than I can remember. Incarceron,.one day I will try it again. The Poison Princess was a big let down for me.

  6. West Virginia RedMay 13, 2014 at 9:56 PM

    I haven't read most of these but they are almost all on my TBR list. I did think Incarceron was lovely though.

  7. I gave up on Consume. I just couldn't get into it which is a shame!

  8. Okay...I'm laughing now and realizing that we have some strong similarities in our reading choices. --#1 Awakened (House of Night, # 8) That was were I stopped reading this series too. I just couldn't do it anymore. #2--Same...#3...Same. #5...same...#15 I'm very concerned because this is one I have on my Clean Sweep ARC challenge list and I know I tried to read it before and wasn't interested. Thus the reason it is still on my not reviewed list on NetGalley. Now I'm even more worried about not being able to finish it. ---I kind of feel like a quitter now Sandy. Thanks a lot. :)

  9. Oh yes...Shadowland and Incarceron were both ones I just forced myself to get through. I wanted to like them. I really did, but neither worked for me. Thanks for stopping by Marni!

  10. I wanted to like Incarceron. Sadly it just didn't work for me. Maybe you'll enjoy the others on your TBR list that I mentioned too. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. I know, right? And I thought that was the last book until I just saw on Goodreads Monday that there's a book 4. Not even going to look at it! Thanks for stopping by Chrissi!

  12. Haha...I love when you find a kindred book spirit. :) And I'm glad we felt the same way about most of these. It's always kind of awkward when you love a book that someone else hates or you hate a book that someone else loved. I was able to push through Consume, but yeah...can't say I was excited about it. And surprisingly, I saw there's a 4th book in the series coming out too. AH!!!! I will not get sucked into just because I have a compulsion for finishing things. Thanks for stopping by Gin!
