
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sunday Post - 99 & Stacking the Shelves - 65

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

It was so nice to have a day off on Monday. Spent some time in the pool. It was my first time getting in this year. Cool but not too cold. Got too much sun, but not too crispy. Of course that helped the week go by pretty quickly. There are a lot of changes coming at work and no one really seems to know what's going to happen, but I'm not worried too much. It will all work out. Obviously ArmchairBEA was this week. I had a good time, but I wish I had more time to interact with others. This just hasn't been a week full of any extra time for me. Yesterday I mega cleaned house. I didn't make it to as many rooms as I wanted, but I did things in each room that weren't things I do every week--like vacuuming the ceiling and ceiling fans. Oh and this coming weekend I'm headed to Mobile to visit with some family and hit up the beach with my sister and SNL. We'll probably try to go see The Fault in Our Stars while we're in Mobile. Any of you planning on seeing it this weekend?


Sunday: 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge - May Wrap Up
Monday: ArmchairBEA Day 1 - Introduction & Literature
Tuesday: ArmchairBEA Day 2 - Author Interactions & More Than Just Words
Wednesday: ArmchairBEA Day 3 - Expanding Blogging Horizons & Novellas/Short Stories
Thursday: ArmchairBEA Day 4 Part 1 - Beyond Borders & ArmchairBEA Day 4 Part 2 - Giveaway (Ends June 2nd)
Friday: ArmchairBEA Day 5 - Middle Grade/Young Adult
Saturday: May 2014 EOM Wrap Up


Monday: Review of Losing Control (Kerr Chronicles, # 1) by Jen Frederick including a Giveaway (Ends June 7th)
Tuesday: Top Ten Books in my Beach Bag
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: Review of Jane's Melody (Jane's Melody, # 1) by Ryan Winfield

Don't forget to sign up for the 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge! Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with a BIG giveaway at the end of the year! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments, # 6)

By: Cassandra Clare

Published: May 27th 2014 by Margaret K. McElderry

725 pages

Genre: YA, Fantasy, Paranormal

Source: Own/Personal Library

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--ΕRCHOMAI, SEBASTIAN HAD SAID.

I am coming.

Darkness returns to the Shadowhunter world. As their society falls apart around them, Clary, Jace, Simon and their friends must band together to fight the greatest evil the Nephilim have ever faced: Clary’s own brother. Nothing in the world can defeat him — must they journey to another world to find the chance? Lives will be lost, love sacrificed, and the whole world changed in the sixth and last installment of the Mortal Instruments series!

Anatomy of a Misfit

By: Andrea Portes

Expected Publication: September 2nd 2014 by Harper Children’s

336 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

Source: Publisher via Edelweiss (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--This emotional, hilarious, devastating, and ultimately triumphant YA debut, based on actual events, recounts one girl’s rejection of her high school’s hierarchy—and her discovery of her true self in the face of tragedy.

Fall’s buzzed-about, in-house favorite. Outside, Anika Dragomir is all lip gloss and blond hair—the third most popular girl in school. Inside, she’s a freak: a mix of dark thoughts, diabolical plots, and, if local chatter is to be believed, vampire DNA (after all, her father is Romanian). But she keeps it under wraps to maintain her social position. One step out of line and Becky Vilhauer, first most popular girl in school, will make her life hell. So when former loner Logan McDonough shows up one September hotter, smarter, and more mysterious than ever, Anika knows she can’t get involved. It would be insane to throw away her social safety for a nerd. So what if that nerd is now a black-leather-jacket-wearing dreamboat, and his loner status is clearly the result of his troubled home life? Who cares if the right girl could help him with all that, maybe even save him from it? Who needs him when Jared Kline, the bad boy every girl dreams of, is asking her on dates? Who?

Anatomy of a Misfit is Mean Girls meets The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Anika’s hilariously deadpan delivery will appeal to readers for its honesty and depth. The so-sad-it’s-funny high school setting will pull readers in, but when the story’s dark foreboding gradually takes over, the devastating penultimate tragedy hits like a punch to the gut. Readers will ride the highs and lows alongside funny, flawed Anika—from laughter to tears, and everything in between.

Confessions of a Murder Suspect (Confessions, # 1)

By: James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

Published: September 24th 2012 by Little, Brown and Company

372 pages

Genre: YA, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Crime

Source: Free Audiobook Sync Download

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--James Patterson returns to the genre that made him famous with a thrilling teen detective series about the mysterious and magnificently wealthy Angel family... and the dark secrets they're keeping from one another.

On the night Malcolm and Maud Angel are murdered, Tandy Angel knows just three things: She was the last person to see her parents alive. The police have no suspects besides Tandy and her three siblings. She can't trust anyone -— maybe not even herself.

Having grown up under Malcolm and Maud's intense perfectionist demands, no child comes away undamaged. Tandy decides that she will have to clear the family name, but digging deeper into her powerful parents' affairs is a dangerous -- and revealing -- game. Who knows what the Angels are truly capable of?

The Murder at the Vicarage

By: Agatha Christie

Publication: first published 1930

288 pages

Genre: Mystery, Crime, Classic

Source: Free Audiobook Sync Download

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--"At my time of life, one knows that the worst is usually true" sighs old Miss Jane Marple in her first full novel. St Mary's Mead vicar Len Clement narrates. When hated wealthy Colonel Protheroe is shot in Len's office, Jane alibis both heir, wife Anne, and Anne's lover Lawrence. Curate admits guilt for embezzlement and murder by his suicide -- until he survives.

Deliverance (Courier's Daughter, # 3)

By: CJ Redwine

Expected Publication: August 26th 2014 by Balzer + Bray


Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Dystopian, Fantasy

Source: Publisher via Edelweiss (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Everything hangs in the balance, and nothing is certain: Rachel has been kidnapped by enemy forces and is being taken to Rowansmark while Logan, imprisoned and awaiting trial, is unable to leave Lankenshire. Separated from each other and their Baalboden comrades, each must find a way to achieve what they desperately want: to rid their world once and for all of the Commander and the tech that controls the deadly Cursed One.

Fighting through her pain and embracing the warrior she’s become, Rachel will do whatever it takes to escape her enemies’ clutches and join Logan in his fight. But when she learns a secret that changes everything, she realizes that escaping Ian and his tracker friends is no longer an option if she wants to save the people she loves. Instead, she’ll have to destroy Rowansmark from the inside out—if she can survive the journey through the Wasteland.

Logan needs allies if he wants to thwart Rowansmark’s power grab and rescue Rachel. But securing allies will mean betraying his beliefs and enlisting the help of the man he hates more than anyone: Commander Jason Chase. Driven by his fierce love for Rachel and his determination to make their world safe, Logan may be just the weapon the city-states need to defeat the Cursed One.

But as Rowansmark bears down and uneasy alliances are tested, will Rachel and Logan’s love for each other be enough to surmount the unbelievable odds against them?

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. Sounds like you had a good week. I need to stay away from Edelweiss for a while. My September blogging calendar is already full. Hope this week is as good for you. Happy reading!

  2. Jenea WhittingtonJune 1, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    Great book haul! I hope you have a nice week ahead. :)

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  3. I haven't been to the pool yet this year, but I actually don't go to the poll that often. I hope those changes on your work will work out well.
    I also wish I could've interacted a bit more with other bloggers during ArmchairBea, i felt a bit overwhelmed most of the time.
    I hope you enjoy your new books :)

  4. I havent been in my pool yet this year, the water is still too cold. But I hope that it's warmer next weak. And I hope all the changes at your work will work out fine :)

    Looks like you got some great books this weak :) I hope you enjoy them all!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  5. I have only read City of Bones from TMI - I feel so left behind. :D I probably need to catch up with the series as the last book was published. :) Have a lovely Sunday!

  6. Glad you had a good week, a dip in the pool, a day off and armchair BEA. I would like to see The Fault in our Stars, but don't have plans yet. Have a good week-- you have some good books there.

  7. Confessions of a Murder Suspect looks good....and I'm also curious about Anatomy of a Misfit.

    I had planned to do more during Armchair BEA, but only participated the one day. Still, it was fun visiting blogs and learning more about the bloggers.

    Enjoy your week....



  8. I've seen City of Heavenly Fire everywhere this week! I have only read the first book in the series so far, I really need to catch up. Hope you love it! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, have a great week. :)

    My STS & SP

  9. These books look good, especially Deliverance, I just added the first settlement to my to-read list. Have a great week !

  10. Great haul! I've heard really great things about C.J. Redwine's series though I have yet to read any of the books. Once the last book comes out, I may just binge read the entire series. I hope you enjoy your books. :)

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  11. I have Deliverance too, and cant wait to read. hope that you enjoy.

  12. Oooh, Anatomy of a Misfit sounds really interesting! I like the cover as well. I'd be very interested to hear what you make of it! (: Enjoy COHF! I personally liked the series at first but then got bored of it after all, but it's nice to see so many bloggers getting so excited about COHF. Happy reading and have a great week! (:

  13. Drools at City of Heavenly Fire! Considering I didn't buy the previous books in the series, I'll probably have to wait for my public library to get one and I'll rush to get it. Thanks for stopping by my post. :)

  14. it must have been really nice than to be able to go in the pool, wow :)
    James Patterson for me, and also Deliverance.
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  15. wow all books look interesting, enjoy reading

    please visit my Stacking the Shelves

  16. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the extra day off last week! Those lagniappe days are the best. :) Ooh, Mobile! Have fun! Oh, do you ever go to Fairhope when you're around Mobile? They have the best bookstore, Page & Palette! It's my favorite indie. :)

    I hope you enjoy all of your books--especially City of Heavenly Fire! :D

  17. too! I keep getting sucked in but I'm starting to feel overwhelmed again! Thanks for stopping by Kathy!

  18. I got in again today and it was still rather chilly. Of course it didn't take long for my body to adjust. Thanks Lola! Work was better this week, but I think there are more stressful weeks to come. I didn't get to interact as much with Armchair BEA as I wanted this year either, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Thanks for stopping by! Sorry I'm so late responding!

  19. I got in today and it was still a bit chilly. I acclimated pretty quickly though. Thanks El! And thanks for stopping by and commenting! Sorry I'm so late responding!

  20. Thanks! I highly recommend The Fault in our Stars! The movie was SO good! Thanks for stopping by!

  21. Thanks for stopping by! Sorry you didn't get to participate with ArmchairBEA as much as you wanted. I didn't get to visit other blogs as much as I wanted either. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

  22. I really enjoyed City of Heavenly Fire. It was a great end to the series. I highly recommend The Mortal Instruments series as well as the spinoff The Infernal Devices. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Alma!

  23. CoHF was SO GOOD! I hope you're able to read it soon (if you haven't already)! Thanks for stopping by Paulina!

  24. Thanks Catherine! I'm glad you were able to take some time off after BEA! I'm glad you had so much fun too! I can't wait to be able to go some day! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  25. I haven't started the series yet! AH!!!! I feel so behind already, but I couldn't turn down the opportunity to read the third one for review! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  26. I actually haven't started the series, but I've heard great things about it too! I hope it's really good since I essentially have all three books to read! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Krystianna!

  27. I need to start book 1 actually! I've had it in my possession for what seems like FOREVER! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Brandileigh!

  28. Oh CoHF was a GREAT series ender! That's really the right way to wrap a series up. I'm sorry you got bored with the series though. I'm excited to see how Anatomy of a Misfit turns out! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Cynthia!

  29. Oh yeah! I don't blame you for waiting because I always have to own all the books in a series if I own one of them. But sheesh I hope they don't take too long to get it in for you. Thanks for stopping by Michelle!

  30. The pool was great. I was able to get in again this afternoon too. It was still chilly, but it didn't take me too long to get used to it! Thanks for stopping by Peggy!

  31. Thanks Rachel! I definitely needed it. I actually have a lot of PTO (paid time off) that I need to use before I lose it, so I MIGHT take this Friday off work too! I haven't asked yet though. Oh yes...Page and Palette is actually where Holly (my SNL) and I met Richelle Mead. It's such a great store and they're so good about doing events there. I wish I was able to get down there more often. My cousin actually got married in Fairhope too. Such a small world.

  32. Ah I can't wait to get my hands on City of Heavenly Fire! I hope you will enjoy your Monday off and spend your time reading :)

    Paulina @ TangledInPages

  33. These all look like fabulous reads, Sandy! I'm taking time today to regroup after four days this week at pre-BEA events and BEA. So much fun; so many books, authors, celebrities, and giveaways. I'm still on cloud nine.

    My Sunday post:
