
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Top Ten Favorite TV Shows

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Favorite TV Shows.

You guys know that keeping this to ten is impossible for me. So here's my top 13.

  1. Game of Thrones
  2. Walking Dead
  3. Breaking Bad
  4. Sherlock
  5. Prison Break
  6. Dexter (Seasons 1–5)
  7. Downton Abbey
  8. Dawson’s Creek
  9. Gilmore Girls
  10. Smallville
  11. Everwood
  12. 24 (Seasons 1-5)
  13. Buffy: The Vampire Slayer

What about you? What have been your all-time favorite TV shows? Let me know!


  1. The Walking Dead made my list too! And I've heard great things about Sherlock, maybe I need to check it out! Great list!

    Here's My TTT

  2. <3 <3 <3 Gilmore Girls <3 <3 <3

  3. I love The Walking Dead & Buffy! I've been meaning to watch smallville and gilmore girls but haven't yet! Great list! :)

  4. The Walking Dead, Buffy and Downton Abbey are some of my favourites too :) great picks!

  5. The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad and Gilmore Girls are some of my favourite TV shows too - have you seen Orphan Black? LOVE it!

  6. Audrey @ The Book AnalystJuly 15, 2014 at 5:17 PM

    I watched Dexter and Breaking Bad, but they weren't always my absolute favorites. Buffy and GoT though? I could watch those all day!

  7. We have three in common! Sherlock, Downton, and Gilmore Girls! I love these shows! Walking Dead was too much for me---I made it an episode and a half in before my hubby turned it off because I was hiding behind my hands in terror! :D

  8. Fun list of shows! I wish Gilmore Girls was on Netflix; I still have never seen it :(

  9. Great list! Loved Smallville, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and The Gilmore Girls. My current favorites are The Originals, Sleepy Hollow, Person of Interest, and The Arrow.

  10. Oh yes! I HATE that Sherlock is only 3 episodes per season, even if they are an hour and a half long each time. But I love that show. I was a huge Elementary fan until we stumbled upon Sherlock. Thanks for stopping by Nikki!

  11. Oh yes CW is pretty good about having some great shows over the years. Thanks for stopping by Jen!

  12. Oh yes, please do! LOVE Gilmore Girls. And Smallville the last season I was a bit ready for it to be over, but we own both series on DVD and have rewatched both multiple times. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I haven't seen that one. Husband and I will have to check that one out. Husband said he's heard good things about it though. Thanks for stopping by Kat!

  14. Yeah, that's how it is on other people's lists I've visited. I had a hard time narrowing my list down. It's about time that I give Buffy a re-watch. Thanks for stopping by Audrey!

  15. Haha...yeah Walking Dead is a lot to handle. I used to watch through my fingers with my hands covering my face too, but the walkers aren't as much of the focus as they used to be. Maybe I'm desensitized. I don't know. It's definitely not as traumatic as it was in the beginning. Thanks for stopping by Becky!

  16. Oh've GOT to jump on that show if it ever comes on instant-watch. I own the DVDs, but that's not doing you a lot of good. :) I hope you get to see it eventually. And thanks for stopping by!

  17. Husband and I watch Vampire Diaries, but we never got into The Originals. We started Sleepy Hollow but the DVR was full of other shows recording at the same time and so it got bumped. But we do still watch Arrow, but I just wouldn't say that's one of my all-time favorites. Thanks for stopping by Gin!

  18. Putting it out on the facebook world!!
