
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Post - 109 & Stacking the Shelves - 75

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This has been a REALLY long week for me. That's probably due to last week being a 4-day work week. Plus I didn't work from home on Thursday like I normally do. But it was also a pretty good week. My friend, Amanda, got engaged recently, and this past week she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. I'm pretty excited about that. I love weddings, and I'm just so happy and excited for her. Also, on Friday I got a promotion at work, which I'm definitely excited about too. Thursday I finished two research assignments I've been working on for a while (for work), and I'm so relieved to have those finished. And proud of myself too. Friday night Husband took a nap when we first got home from work. I cooked some dinner, plucked my eyebrows, did some computer stuff--essentially got a lot done during his nap. Well about the time he woke up, I passed out on the couch. And then proceed to sleep for 12 hours. Well minus the couple of times I woke to apologize for sleeping our Friday night away and to move from the couch to the bed. What can you do?


Monday: Review of Delilah: The Making of Red (Nova, # 2.5) by Jessica Sorensen (4 Stars)
Wednesday: Waiting on Black Dove, White Raven by Elizabeth Wein
Thursday: Review of Silver Shadows (Bloodlines, # 5) by Richelle Mead (4 Stars)
Friday: From the Ashes: City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments, # 2) by Cassandra Clare


Monday: Review of Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
Tuesday: Top Ten Books To Read or Not To Read
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: Review of Something Strange and Deadly (Something Strange and Deadly, # 1) by Susan Dennard
Friday: DNF Review of The Scorch Trials (The Maze Runner, # 2) by James Dashner

Don't forget to sign up for the 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge! Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with a BIG giveaway at the end of the year! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Ugly Love

By: Colleen Hoover

Published: August 5th 2014 by Atria Books

320 pages

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary

Source: Personal Kindle Library

( Amazon | Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--When Tate Collins meets airline pilot Miles Archer, she knows it isn’t love at first sight. They wouldn’t even go so far as to consider themselves friends. The only thing Tate and Miles have in common is an undeniable mutual attraction. Once their desires are out in the open, they realize they have the perfect set-up. He doesn’t want love, she doesn’t have time for love, so that just leaves the sex. Their arrangement could be surprisingly seamless, as long as Tate can stick to the only two rules Miles has for her.

Never ask about the past.
Don’t expect a future.

They think they can handle it, but realize almost immediately they can’t handle it at all.

Hearts get infiltrated.
Promises get broken.
Rules get shattered.
Love gets ugly.

Taking Control (Kerr Chronicles, # 2)

By: Jen Frederick

Expected Publication: September 16th 2014 by Pear Tree LLC

280 pages

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary

( Goodreads )

Goodreads description--A slip of a woman holds me in her hands. Every dream I had of revenge, the very juice that powered my engine from age fifteen to now, is swirling down the drain at our feet. I can deny her nothing. The only thing I fear is her flight. That she will wake up from her emotional fog and realize that I am a manipulative son of a [...] who is more trouble than he’s worth.

That I’ve bought my way into her heart and life.

That I’ll lie, steal, cheat, and kill anything that would take her from me.

If the very heart of you is threatened the only rational response is to strike back harder until your enemies quake at the very whisper of your name.

Every Ugly Word

By: Aimee L Salter

Published: July 29th 2014 by Alloy Entertainment

257 pages

Genre: YA, Contemporary, Paranormal, Fantasy

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate link. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--When seventeen-year-old Ashley Watson walks through the halls of her high school bullies taunt and shove her. She can’t go a day without fighting with her mother. And no matter how hard she tries, she can’t make her best friend, Matt, fall in love with her. But Ashley also has something no one else does: a literal glimpse into the future. When Ashley looks into the mirror, she can see her twenty-three-year-old self. Her older self has been through it all already—she endured the bullying, survived the heartbreak, and heard every ugly word her classmates threw at her. But her older self is also keeping a dark secret: Something terrible is about to happen to Ashley. Something that will change her life forever. Something even her older self is powerless to stop.

I got a few other freebies, but I'm feeling too lazy to hunt down all the information. Let's just say that I pretty much picked up any freebie by Jessica Sorensen on Amazon that I didn't already have. Because, why not?

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. Congratulations on your job promotion, Sandy! Celebrate by curling up with a good book today. :) My co-blogger absolutely adored Ugly Love, so I think you're in for a treat there. Enjoy your latest additions and thanks for visiting!

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review

  2. Jenny @ Reading on the FarmAugust 10, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    Yay, congrats on your promotion! I'm really looking forward to Ugly Love, hopefully you like it! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I read Every Ugly Word when it was called Breakable and didn't care for it,but I saw that it's been revised so I'm curious about the changes.

  4. Congrats on the promotion and that's great you get to be a bridesmaid! I haven't been to that many weddings yet, so I am not sure yet whether I like them or not. The two I've been to where both of my mom and those were mostly busy, although it was nice to see everyone dressed up. I hope you enjoy your new books! I saw Ugly Love around the blogosphere a lot this week.

  5. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveAugust 10, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    NO WAY?! You DNF'd The Scorch Trials?! I really enjoyed books one and two. Three was a lesser rating but still a good series. Looking forward to reading Ugly Love myself - there's a LOT of hype about it though. Enjoy your books!

  6. Ugly Love sounds so good. I requested Every Ugly Word but got denied (boo). Enjoy them! My STS.

  7. Congrats on the promotion and being a bridesmaid ! Have a great reading week ;)

  8. Wow! Sounds like a crazy, busy but good week! Congratulations on the promotion! Have a great week! I'll have to come back Friday to see why you DNF'ed The Scorch Trials. I've heard mixed things about the series.

  9. Yay! Congratulations on your promotion!! :D Sometimes you just need that rest, huh? :) I'm excited to see what you thought of Ugly Love, will be heading over right now to read your review! Have a great week Sandy!

  10. Thanks so much Marlene! I definitely enjoyed Ugly Love! Hope you get a chance to read it! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Thanks so much Jenny! I hope you get to read Ugly Love soon. Colleen Hoover is awesome!

  12. Huh...I didn't realize that it was revised. I kind of hate when I find that out because I feel a bit like I've been tricked. HAHA! Does that make any sense? Thanks for stopping by Jenna!

  13. Thanks Lola! I'm definitely excited to be a bridesmaid, but there's some pressure that comes with that too. Definitely makes the wedding more busy typically. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  14. Haha...yeah! I wanted to read it...but I just felt BLEH about it. I got like 20% in and wasn't connecting at all. Hope you get to read Ugly Love soon. :) I was scared I wasn't going to like it because of the description.

  15. Yep Ugly Love just released this past week so it's been everywhere. Colleen Hoover rocks. I hope you get to read her stuff soon. I'd definitely recommend starting with Slammed. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Cyn!

  16. I enjoyed Ugly Love for sure. Colleen Hoover is awesome. Sorry you didn't get Every Ugly Word. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Jillyn!

  17. Thanks Katherine! Yeah, I'd love for you to come back to read my DNF review of The Scorch Trials. Definitely understand mixed reviews for the series as a whole. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Thanks Rachel! Haha...yeah my body just took over Friday night! :) HA! Thanks for stopping by and commenting and for checking out my Ugly Love review.
